AMISOM is no longer needed. HSM is chilling without any need for them for more than a week straight. Welcome to the new Somalia
New Somalia my ass, it's the same old Culusow.

AMISOM is no longer needed. HSM is chilling without any need for them for more than a week straight. Welcome to the new Somalia
He was Isaaq specially Habar jeclo, but I know you are bitter SSC has bright future while you are protected by Burundians and UgandansThe likelihood of shabab regaining any sort of capabilties to continiously shell muqdisho is 0 but I wouldn't be suprised if they laughed and supported the khawaarij. Do you know the first and last federal MP to blow himself up is from SSC? Mr. Salah Badbaado![]()
xaa xoo amisom kufsi ku nool of all people talking yaap, SSC got the dir hiding in holes while u need US/Turkish/Amisom, SNA,other qabils to free you empthy tuulos u fucking langaab, amisom woman protect u tuulo haflbreed xaa xooo madow, no somali are as coward as reer 48h kkkkk worry about u new amisom sub clans and doing niikoYou don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
Political commentator turned freedom fighter
This man posted this himself waa isla ficanyahay kaaga daran and his friend is on his period looool. doing up Iman on the battlefield
as expected this pic is all over socials and they're getting cooked![]()
shush boy u getting fed and freed by another man u don't have the right to speak, nobody has bread crumb for uMost unintentionally funny and gay picture I’ve seen
Ceeldheer, Galgaduud last night. Doesn’t look empty to me. I see you’re eating up Sahal’s taling points which is bad because it can easily be debunked. I can even show you who liberated this town amongst every other ones we live in but no need. no amisom was involved and they pretty much left our land June and the rest remaining leaving September. I already told you guys you need new fkd materialxaa xoo amisom kufsi ku nool of all people talking yaap, SSC got the dir hiding in holes while u need US/Turkish/Amisom, SNA,other qabils to free you empthy tuulos u fucking langaab, amisom woman protect u tuulo haflbreed xaa xooo madow, no somali are as coward as reer 48h kkkkk worry about u new amisom sub clans and doing niiko
madow act like the US in u tuulos
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I bet u 30 bands the middle one is MJ
Unfortunately most hawiye people look up to isaaqs, they don’t speak good Somali thus whenever they hear an Isaaq speak they quickly think, “Arey, areey eebow caaqilsanaa wiilka” also remember they hardly ever use the word caaqil so I assume there’s another word for it in their lingo. What I’m trying to say here is, OP is Abgaal lolBe careful you never know who is hiding behind this online antonymous profiles for all we know it could be an Idoor writing this non sense
All the Abgaal I know in real life are pro SSC no reason to insult a great Somali clan for some drug addict online who gods know could be an Idoor, you guys need to use your brains instead of being mad attack dogs the insults are not even making sense in this thread you are getting angry because some wierdo is insuling men standing up for themself