They want the Red Sea so bad 😭😭😭

1000 years of sea access starvation and hunger for the red sea, its a tradition passed down through the ages. Down to their children their children childrens and so on. A timeless enduring struggle

Abyi Ahmed wakes up every morning to read the letters of various Ethiopian chiefs/kings of the past driven absolutely mad with blood in their eyes for being landlocked with no sea access and begging Europeans to give them access.
Those people were inviting all types of Europeans to take over all Muslim coastal lands under the Christian pretense, and here are the quotes from horses' mouths:


Mv country is far distant from your country. My road to the coast, to Zeila, Tajura and Aden is at present closed by the Muslims. They prevent my receiving into my country provisions, arms, agricultural implements, artisans or even messengers of the Gospel. Will you kindly raise your powerful voice in order that I may have this way opened to me, for I desire to inaugurate in my country European civilisation, intelligence and arts.[2]

It is funny how similar to Israelis, today's Ethiopians talk a whole lot about the anti-colonial struggle when they actually went out of their way to invite colonialists if they could punish the Muslims or get their lands and resources.

Dejjazmach Sebagadis Weldu asking the British to colonize:

“We want you to take Massawa from the Turks and either hold it (yourself) or hand it over to us as our country is lost by it ... and the Muslim on the Red Sea coast.”

Notice the hold it yourself. Meaning, at least take it, even if we don't get to have it. These are the true faces of Ethiopians, yet somehow they flipped the historical narrative as if Ethiopia were always against colonialism in Africa.

Yohannes, a Tigray chieftain, asked an envoy general by the name of Gordon for territorial access to the sea:

“territorial, and not only functional, access to the sea.”

Again, using colonial channels to push their expansion toward the seas by letting colonialist give away land and resources to Ethiopians from the natives of the coast.

When the Europeans colonized Eritrea, Djibouti, Somaliland, and Somalia, Menelik was furious he had not been given access by the Europeans he invited to colonize in the first place:

"I am about to die from anger because I have remained without bringing one (new) skill, imprisoned (as I am) .... I am a man who has been sentenced to imprisonment for life and prevented from bringing into this country rifles, cannon and workers."

As I said in my historical synthesis on the salient sentiment by the Habash they had an extreme inferiority, a complex of not having a sea access, as if they had phantom pain from having their limb decapitated, when they in true historical observation, never really dominated the sea once, neither when they did have access, as that was predominantly Beja in their vicinity and Somali in our region. Still, the entitlement existed ever since, to areas that they never even had controlled in the first place.

I could go on and on, for example, how Menelik wanted to give Harar to Europeans for sea access.

How a Tigray king, Yohannes said this:

“I do not wish (to open) a counsel in Massawa – I wish Massawa itself.”

Expressively, the Ethiopian project of all its angles always sought control of the coast for their own gain at the direct detriment of the people they would take those accesses from, with no diplomatic intentions.

Yohannes further sent messages to the queen of Britain spieling the same intentions, saying he would want them to control the region instead of Muslims and would want them to give access. The guy fell off in support by the Europeans, and Italians armed Menelik to take him out, with the rest of the Tigray territorial spoils shared between the two.

Ethiopia today is celebrated as an anti-colonialist un-spoiled beacon when it was the most colonialist-inviting country in Africa. It's ridiculous hearing this pan-Africanist saying "Ethiopia was never conquered" when Ethiopia sent letters to invite colonialization and even suggested places to give favors to those colonialist European actors.

Menelik wrote this later:

If I cannot take Tajura by sea, it is not difficult for me to seize the port from this side (overland). However, without coming to blows, I hope that civilised Europe will render me justice and give satisfaction...

we hope that our crown which honours Jesus Christ will never be trampled to the ground by the children of Mohammed.”

“If truly you are the protectors of Christians, it is today that you must give us proof.”

That man did get considerable inland Somali territory and favors by the Europeans but they did not give him what he wanted, coastal territory.

In 1891, Menelik wrote this to Tzar Russia, Britain, Italians, Germans, and the Frenc:h

“Ethiopia has been for four centuries a Christian island in a sea of pagans.” Then he started lying by saying: “Formerly, the boundary of Ethiopia was the sea ... our frontiers on the sea coast fell into the power of the Muslims.”

Here is the concluding text of his intentions, underscoring the pro-colonial, and ambition for expansion for coastal control that rings true as something that has always taken place for whatever Ethiopian people that is in power:

"At present, we do not intend to regain our sea frontiers by force but we trust that the Christian powers guided by our Saviour, will restore to us our sea coast-line . .. at any rate, certain parts of it."

Notice the sentiment that the colonialist invasion was viewed by the Habash as a positive religious allyship.

Menelik wrote this on his deathbed:

“If God gives me strength, I shall re-establish the ancient frontiers (tributaries) of Ethiopia up to Khartoum and as far as Lake Nyanza with all the Gallas included."

After him came Hallie Sellasie, the liar and historical revisionist who said this in the UN Memorandum:

"Prior to the race of European powers to divide up the continent of Africa, Ethiopia included an extensive coastline along the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. It was only the last 15 years of the 19th century that Ethiopia had been deprived of access to the sea by the loss of Somaliland and Eritrea. The first step in this direction was to seize Massawa by the Italians in 1885. This was followed by a similar seizure of the Benadir and the areas of Somaliland as well as a series of agreements concerning Ethiopia but in regard to which she had not been consulted. It was under these conditions that agreements were concluded in 1880, 1890,1891, 1894."

Here he is telling the world that colonialism was the thing that took away Ethiopians, in his assertion, rightful territory which now includes the entire sea coast of Horn of Africa, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somaliland, and Somalia -- all supposedly previous Ethiopian regions.

This Sellassie placed leaflets on the Royal Air Force of Britain and sent them down on the Italian colonies. It said:

"Eritrean people and the people of Benadir! You were separated from your mother Ethiopia and were put under the yoke of the enemy and under the yoke of the enemy, you still remain.

I have come to restore the independence of my country, including Eritrea and the Benadir whose people will henceforth dwell under the shade of the Ethiopian flag.

In this struggle, We are neither alone nor without arms. We have the help of Great Britain, therefore I summon you to strive to deliver yourselves from the alien slavery ...

Eritrean soldiers in the ranks of Italy, do not fire a single shot against the British who come to help us."

You can clearly see the revisionist attempts by Haille Sellassie and the propaganda he wanted to push. Pay attention to how again, the colonialists are used as an instrument to further the Ethiopanist's goal. To expand upon this, when the colonialists saw themselves exiting the region, Halie Sellassie told the Italians that Eritrea should be given to Ethiopia.

This was structured poorly, but I wanted to roughly write down the facts quickly.
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Medieval period letters begging Europeans to give them access to masawa and zeila sea ports

@The alchemist, we can go back further in time, and see the same mentality from Dawit II, who was turned into an IDP by Imam Ahmed during the Futuh;

While we were at the town of Dara, Prester John sent us a map of the world, which we had brought to him four years ago, and which Diogo Lopez de Sequeira had sent him, with a message that if the letters on the map said what the countries were that we should put his letters at the foot of them that he might know what these countries were. We at once set to work, the friar who is going to Portugal and I, he wrote and I read, and beneath our writing he placed theirs. And because our Portugal is mixed with Castile in a small space, and Seville is very near Lisbon and near to Gorunna, I put Seville for Spain,¹ and Lisbon for Portugal, and Corunna for Gralieia. When the whole of the map was finished and nothing remained they took it away. The following day he sent to call the ambassador and all of us that were with him, and immediately in the first conversation he sent to say that the King of Portugal and the King of Castile were sovereigns of few lands, and that the King of Portugal would not be strong enough to defend the Red Sea from the power of the Turks and Rumys; and that it would be well if he was to write to the King of Spain that he should order a fortress to be built in Zeila, and the King of Portugal should order one to be built in Masua, and the King of France order one to be made in Suaquem; and all three, with the forces of the Prester, would be able to guard the Red Sea and take Jiddah and Mekkah and Cairo, and the holy house, and go through all the countries they chose.

The ambassador replied to this that His Highness was deceived or ill informed, and if any one had told him so, that be had not told him the truth; and that if he judged of it by looking at the map of the world, that he would not acquire a right knowledge of the countries, because Portugal and Spain are in the map of the world as things that are well known, and not as things requiring to be known: and that he should look in the map how the cities and castles and monasteries were, and also how Venice, Jerusalem, and Rome were, like things well-known and in small spaces, and let him look at his Ethiopia, how it was an unknown thing, very large and much spread out, full of mountains, and lions and elephants and many other animals, and also many mountain ridges, without the map showing any city, town, or castle; His Highness should know that the King of Portugal, by means of his captains, was powerful enough to defend and guard the Red Sea against all the power of the great Sultan and of the great Turk, and to make war upon them even to the holy house; and that he had made greater conquests in the parts of Africa with the King of Fez and Morocco, and many other kings, subjugating all the Indies and making all their kings his tributary subjects…

Narrative of the Portuguese Embassy to Abyssinia During the Years 1520-1527, by Francisco Alvarez. Cap. CXIV.
:0 shocking

This part right here. We need come up with a name to describe it really. Landlocked syndrome or something.

As I said in my historical synthesis on the salient sentiment by the Habash they had an extreme inferiority, a complex of not having a sea access, as if they had phantom pain from having their limb decapitated, when they in true historical observation, never really dominated the sea once, neither when they did have access, as that was predominantly Beja in their vicinity and Somali in our region. Still, the entitlement existed ever since, to areas that they never even had controlled in the first place.
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This part right here. We need come up with a name to describe it really. Landlocked syndrome or something.
The have Eritrea, they are habesha and eventually they will conquer them. Eritrea has 4/3 million people and people leave that country a lot. They can access the Red Sea through there.
The have Eritrea, they are habesha and eventually they will conquer them. Eritrea has 4/3 million people and people leave that country a lot. They can access the Red Sea through there.
Never ever. Hanoo saadin. Hopefully they balkanize before that. Ethiopia is inherently imperialist, we will be next
No they don't want the red sea. They want Somalia. For instance Djibouti's president Geel told abyi "if you want sea access come to here and we will give you sea access". This sea access was gone be a region where Djibouti and Eritrea borders, but abyi refused. abyi wants Somslia oil. Somalia is estimated to have nearly to have 2 billion barrelsof oil and each barrel is 50 gallons and it nearly worth 20 plus Trillion dollars. In addition Somalia has the best fisheries all over the world and that worth a lot of money also. Ethiopia is nearly in 63 billion dollars in debt to China. The Arab oil nation are running out of access to access oil there oil reserve.this why msb want to make his country a tech hub. Now Somalia will become like next dubia/America in 5-10 years and will have mass workers from éthiopian and poor Arab and Indians. Ethiopia will be our Mexican. Ogden will be our Texas
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The have Eritrea, they are habesha and eventually they will conquer them. Eritrea has 4/3 million people and people leave that country a lot. They can access the Red Sea through there.

Eritrea has 200.000 active army personell and ethiopia has 138.000, they wont go through Eritrea, they will push forward through Somaliland

But even that will be difficult now because of Egypt's introduction, which will probablly conduct military strikes from water bodies. For instance, Egypt is ranked sixth in the world for the number of helicopter carriers.


Plotting world domination
The have Eritrea, they are habesha and eventually they will conquer them. Eritrea has 4/3 million people and people leave that country a lot. They can access the Red Sea through there.

Eritreans won't allow this to happen


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
No they don't want the red sea. They want Somalia. For instance Djibouti's president Geel told abyi "if you want sea access come to here and we will give you sea access". This sea access was gone be a region where Djibouti and Eritrea borders, but abyi refused. abyi wants Somslia oil. Somalia is estimated to have nearly to have 2 billion barrelsof oil and each barrel is 50 gallons and it nearly worth 20 plus Trillion dollars. In addition Somalia has the best fisheries all over the world and that worth a lot of money also. Ethiopia is nearly in 63 billion dollars in debt to China. The Arab oil nation are running out of access to access oil there oil reserve.this why msb want to make his country a tech hub. Now Somalia will become like next dubia/America in 5-10 years and will have mass workers from éthiopian and poor Arab and Indians. Ethiopia will be our Mexican. Ogden will be our Texas
Ethiopia can easily extract Oil from the Ogadeen region if he wants. He wants naval base. Its about cementing an Israeli partner in the region since Eritrea and Somalia refused. Did you know in 2019 Israel set up several listening posts in Oromia near Somalia to spy on our cellular towers? Its crazy..
The have Eritrea, they are habesha and eventually they will conquer them. Eritrea has 4/3 million people and people leave that country a lot. They can access the Red Sea through there.
Ethiopia tried and failed to take Assab port in the 1998-2000 war. The result: 150 000 dead Ethiopian soldiers, this moron Abiy is daydreaming and thinks Somalias sea is easier to rob😂
Ethiopia can easily extract Oil from the Ogadeen region if he wants. He wants naval base. Its about cementing an Israeli partner in the region since Eritrea and Somalia refused. Did you know in 2019 Israel set up several listening posts in Oromia near Somalia to spy on our cellular towers? Its crazy..
again you are dismissing the regions people are their comitment to stopping ethiopias exploitation. Do not lie, They cannot easily extract oil. They tried and the somali forces stopped them from drilling and touching our land. And all somali collectively will stop them. We just have to unite and disregard silly qabil. Its very well known the connection israel has with ethiopia and we must counter that. we must unite within the next 10 years.
I dont think they could invaded eritrea now. But I low-key wonder what's gonna happen when afwerki dies. The guy is 78 years old. I don't see him being around in 10 years. In a country like eritre where the guy who led the revolution becoming the leader of the country through his personal charisma . I can't see how they could have a peaceful transition of power. Or how his appointed successor can fight of the people who were likely waiting decades for afwerki to die
Ethiopia can easily extract Oil from the Ogadeen region if he wants. He wants naval base. Its about cementing an Israeli partner in the region since Eritrea and Somalia refused. Did you know in 2019 Israel set up several listening posts in Oromia near Somalia to spy on our cellular towers? Its crazy..

I dont think they could invaded eritrea now. But I low-key wonder what's gonna happen when afwerki dies. The guy is 78 years old. I don't see him being around in 10 years. In a country like eritre where the guy who led the revolution becoming the leader of the country through his personal charisma . I can't see how they could have a peaceful transition of power. Or how his appointed successor can fight of the people who were likely waiting decades for afwerki to die

You know he used to go under the alias Suleiman Ismael Hirsi and used a Somali diplomatic passport.

They don't even have vice president. So it will most likely result in a regime change, because Eritea has gone through mutiny from the military and from the governments ministers.
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