Thicc Hijabi

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Naissur, saxib(friend), you with your Russian ethnicity hanging around Somalis is quite cool. I bet it was a Somali female that got you hooked.

PS: however YOU GOT CONNECTED TO US, welcome comrade Putin

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Your name brother. My uncle did engineering in Russia as well. He came back a communist.

Damn. I thought most people would see it as a bastardised spelling of Nasser/Naasir!

Communism is not really that bad. It's very appealing - well, at least theoretically.
Naissur, saixb(friend), you with your Russian ethnicity and hanging around Somalis is quite cool. I bet it was a Somali female that got you hooked. PS: however YOU GOT CONNECTED TO US, welcome comrade Putin
I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm fully Somali. I will still the take the warm welcome, though. Thank you. :icon mrgreen:
Damn. I thought most people would see it as a bastardised spelling of Nasser/Naasir!

Communism is not really that bad. It's very appealing - well, at least theoretically.

Theoretically. With Islamic addition to it, It is not bad. Property ownership and freedom of expression are missing from it. With these two accepted, it is better than unleashed and uncontrolled capitalism that preys on the weak and enriches the rich.
I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm fully Somali. I will still the take the warm welcome, though. Thank you. :icon mrgreen:


We have a pack mentality and attack others for being different from us. You must know this and feared for your life? With that said, we welcome others once we are certain of their honest friendship. Somalis were always suspicious of outsiders. We inherited the paranoia but we are not unreasonable bro.

Trust me, Somalis respect people who are fond of them. We are looking for friends always since were isolated inbreeds forever.

I already feel right at home! :icon mrgreen:

A late Welcome brother. You have no reasons to fear. By you being around despite what you may have read of xenophobia and the in-fighting among Somalis, it means you are comfortable.

PS: How many Somali restaurants have you visited? What food do you like best? And do you maintain friendship outside the net with Somalis?

You should do the above if you haven't. You will like the food bro.
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@XXX @Yahya Liban-Lewis
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