Things are heating up in Tigray region


🌊🐫𐒅𐒔𐒖𐒂 𐒅𐒘𐒐𐒐𐒗𐒇🇸🇴🪽
Imagine the chess we could play if we had a credible intelligence agency. Dominoes are falling on their own and we didn’t even so much as blow on it.


Resident Eritrean | Ye's strongest soldier
When and why sxb?

I remember he was the negotiationer meeting with Abiy?
Did Abiy offer him a deal personally to backstab the TPLF and make him the lead of a new admin?
He was expelled a couple months back due to discontent within the party.

Getachew's faction is the one that currently administers the region as part of the Tigrayan Interim Admin. They are generally allied with/lean towards Abiy's federal govt. Meanwhile the faction that leads the TPLF as a party and is made up of the old guard is looking to depose the current admin and eventually Abiy. This faction looks to have a lot more support and controls most of Tigray's financial assets. And more importantly is the one that has the support and control of TDF's generals and soldiers (the militia/army that went to war with Abiy and Eritrea)

About 40% of Tigray (the fertile western portion) is currently occupied by the Amhara wing of Abiy's Prosperity Party with the Tigrayans who once lived there now living as internal refugees. And it doesn't look like Abiy is going to let them back in anytime soon as he's still trying to placate Amharas (who have ignited their own conflict against the federal govt).

It looks like the bigger faction (led by Debretsion Gebremichael) wants their lickback and is allying with Isaias/Eritrea to do so. Abiy spoke a lot of crazy shi and Isaias is miffed. There was news that a load of TDF generals met with him personally in Asmara two months back and Eritrean agents roam Tigray freely working alongside TPLF. It seems know that a coup is slowly taking place and Getachew is going to be deposed or just run away.


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