Things Somali Men and Women Do/Say That Gets Them Cancelled in The Dating Phase.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
You too, huh? This girl was displaying more red flags than a Soviet parade, but I overlooked it cause she was a legit bombshell 10, a galbeed beauty. Thanks to her I was hospitalised, in my case it all came down to looks, I learned my lesson.

In my case it was that I'd honestly never clicked with anyone like I had her. Was surreal. That and the fact that she was simply gorgeous. But, looking back, it was sad how I went from a really fit, vibrant, happy dude with a set routine when we met to someone who no longer gymed and drowned himself in work and bad habits after for over a year. An absolute shell, wallahi. I don't resent her, though. She was clearly going through a lot and I wasn't perfect myself but I can't help but wish I'd never met her sometimes. All Allah's will in the end, I guess. I'm okay now, alhamdulillah.

Hodan from HR

Just smile and wave
Staff Member
It's amazing how we ignore stuff like this early on. I was with a girl once who low-key warned me about pretty much everything that would eventually go wrong between us but I somehow, through rose-tinted glasses, ignored that and hated myself much later for it when it all came true.

You too, huh? This girl was displaying more red flags than a Soviet parade, but I overlooked it cause she was a legit bombshell 10, a galbeed beauty. Thanks to her I was hospitalised, in my case it all came down to looks, I learned my lesson.

I don't know how it feels to lost your cool in the presence of an attractive woman but that sounds really tough 🙏

Hodan from HR

Just smile and wave
Staff Member
This reminded me of my little brother, he's a mashallah Faraax, very religious, upstanding son and brother, educated and handsome (he is my brother :mjswag:).

He's only 3 years younger then me, one day, I was visiting my parents' place to chill with them, he still lived there. I'm sitting with my hoyo and abo, we're bashaaling and chatting. My sisters joins us, and then my brother walks in the house. Nobody, I mean nobody said anything to him. Kid comes up and looks at my mom and he's like, I'm trying to get married soon :sass1: look around for me, then looks at my sister and says tell your friends too, and i want at least 2 :ufdup: and he walks away without waiting for reply :russ::dead:

For the longest time, I never believed that he was a virgin cause women gave him LOTS of attention and I've seen plenty be outwardly flirtatious with him and he'd hit them with the :ummhmm:and answer what was asked nothing more nothing less.

It was at that moment I knew, my brother REALLY was a virgin, niggas balls were swollen he couldn't take it anymore :lolbron:


Men like your brother are principled but that comes with some sort of madax adeeg. They are not flexible enough to try new ways if their way doesn't work.

I don't mean to encourage player tricks but trivia question: Which man gets the girl?
One who tells it like it is or one who flowers up his intentions.. :samwelcome:
I'll go first,

1. Talking bad about his ex. Like bad bad, calling her names. Yikes, I am not going to be your next victim psycho!

2. Proposing within 3 days of knowing each other. His reasoning, "can't let a Peng ting like you get away." Is that suppose to sound romantic? ARE YOU MAD FAM?!!!! I felt objectified walahi.

3. Same guy from 2) Sent snaps of his dirty dishes and clothes with caption "can't wait to get wifey". I am not sure if this one was just inexperienced or genuinely dumb.

4. Said all women are manipulative and evil. Then he casually out of nowhere calls himself "a prize". Man had to go. He drank too much red pill koolaid.

5. Breath. He was taking all the oxygen in the air (I am joking duh🤣)

I can't wait to hear blunders halimo do/say. This is a safe space yall. Speak your truth and make my thread trending..

Share away folks! :rejoice:

Hodan from HR, how about instead of writing a long list u recruit a husband


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
I'm a simple man and it takes a lot to have me "cancel" someone, but some memories of distasteful encounters with the female persuasion include

1. A female who kept agreeing + following up or disagreeing or questioning anything i said. The type to be over-engaging and responds to every sentence with a paragraph, just chill lol. I thought she just feared being seen "boring" so i paragraphed her back and she wrote up another two :gucciwhat:

2. Female who complained i don't use emojis but didn't like my Gifs. Not my fucking fault Whatsapp emojis are dry, i don't need to add a smiley face to lighten any mood, if you think there is a negative undertone to me saying "no problem" then that's 'your problem!'

Can't think of much else atm, i usually pick and choose females wisely.
2. Female who complained i don't use emojis but didn't like my Gifs. Not my fucking fault Whatsapp emojis are dry, i don't need to add a smiley face to lighten any mood, if you think there is a negative undertone to me saying "no problem" then that's 'your problem!'

Can't think of much else atm, i usually pick and choose females wisely.
This is so petty 😂


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I cancel girls like this

-girls who use sexy talk
-girls who use these emojis 😈👅🍆🍑
-girls who want to meet up in private
- girls that smoke cigarettes or shisha/hookah
-girls that play mindgames


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
This is so petty 😂

She was a dumb girl tbh, once you like someone enough, all the heart emojis, monkey emojis and funky shit soon gets dropped, call me petty too cos i told her overposting an emoji ruins the novelty of the emoji. She didn't agree and said 🤨😑😪🙄
Saw some guys share their experiences with troubled bombshells so I thought I would share mine

I been looking to get married for awhile here in somalia, and I happened to meet a billionaires daughter by chance. She was wearing a niqab at the time but when I saw her photo when we chatted latter, believe me she is the most beautiful Somali girl you have ever seen.

Like you would bite your hand off if you saw her. I showed my female cousin for her opinion and even she said wow she is literally a model. The perfect face, large eyes, 5-10, slim, golden skin, just the best of the best. Highly educated, intelligent and very religious and family that is considered royalty here in Somalia.

I stated my intentions from the beginning of marriage and it was very good in the beginning, but she dropped a hint she was working on herself mentally at a point but I ignored it as I was madly in love with rose tinted glasses. But what transpired over the next few months confused me to this day

It was like she was bi-polar or had split personalities, one day she would be so happy, interested, friendly and we would talk deeply about heaps of things and other times, she was completely cold, harsh and really rude.

Anyway she broke it off recently for like the 3th or 4th time (but this time for good I feel) citing she's dealing with some things and dosent need any other trouble nor trusts me and told me to let her go it's creepy now, like a full one 180 degree personality change if you would read how we were previously over the past months.

Suffice to say, I did finally let with no regrets as I had the best of intentions and made my best of efforts with her. But you can't help some people, she clearly had mental issues. She has younger siblings who were married off before her too, so it makes sense I guess.

Anyway tldr I was talking to a literally hoor el e'en and I got heartbroken

Edit: Also PSA to all the brothers, keep chaste and fear Allah, and believe me when I tell you Allah will send you the best of women for marriage. And vice versa, do zina and sleep around and just watch your punishment in this life first. When it comes time for marriage, you'll get the bottom of the barrel, you won't get 10/10s. Allah already said it in the quarn, chaste men are for chaste women. Make your choice now and change inshallah.
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Passive Aggressive is the new Aggressive
I had a farax once tell me,
"Listen, I'm handsome and you'd be lucky to be with me."
Then he continues and says we might as well get married.
He was really shocked when I blocked him.

Another one said:
"I am considering marrying 4 women"

That's when I did the Xalimoexit.

Wallahi Somali society has really inflated some of these guys ego.
I’m a partial Xalimoexiter meaning faraxs ain’t fully out of the equation. But it was definitely the best choice I made so far..

