I sometimes wonder what the ramifications of taking a DNA-altering vaccine which was been forced on me from many angles. Who knows what the corrupted big pharma elite put in the vax since they control all information streams we will never know until decades later. I failed to use any sort of critical thinking and now I'm 3x vaxxed. I can't believe I listen to a government that openly allows itself to be influenced by lobbying (USA). Anyone with enough money can push any agenda they want in the west lmao. These mRNA vaccines were the first of their kind as well as being rushed the f*ck through.
"In cells, mRNA uses the information in genes to create a blueprint for making proteins"
The shit literally tells your genes what to do. How can anyone trust that shit? They try so hard to tell you it breaks down in the body yet regardless it still interacts with your genes. My prediction is that this vaccine's side effects are that it will make the person it inhabits immune system weaker as well as their offspring. This can be very profitable because we will have to rely on more drugs to offset this vulnerability. Keep in mind there is DNA-altering technology in existence now like CRISPR.
"Last year, clinicians at OHSU's Casey Eye Institute performed the CRISPR procedure on a patient, marking the first time CRISPR has been used in a human in vivo, or within the body, as opposed to removing the genetic material for editing. “It's groundbreaking,” Pennesi says"
And that's just what we're allowed to know.
"In cells, mRNA uses the information in genes to create a blueprint for making proteins"
The shit literally tells your genes what to do. How can anyone trust that shit? They try so hard to tell you it breaks down in the body yet regardless it still interacts with your genes. My prediction is that this vaccine's side effects are that it will make the person it inhabits immune system weaker as well as their offspring. This can be very profitable because we will have to rely on more drugs to offset this vulnerability. Keep in mind there is DNA-altering technology in existence now like CRISPR.
"Last year, clinicians at OHSU's Casey Eye Institute performed the CRISPR procedure on a patient, marking the first time CRISPR has been used in a human in vivo, or within the body, as opposed to removing the genetic material for editing. “It's groundbreaking,” Pennesi says"
And that's just what we're allowed to know.