This is how the world leaders and NATO will react if Russian forces dares to nuke NATO countries:

Have you per chance read the hadiths on us returning to fighting with swords as our primary weapons?
No such hadith just interpretation of hadiths cause the sahabah wouldn't understand descriptions of modern weaponry

Anyway there will be a war the likes of it humanity has never seen before. Insane how the rest of humanity is silent about whites threatening to set us back 1000s of years over fucking gaajo slavopoor Ukraine
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Cac propaganda!
If ish were to pop off & nukes start flying what makes u believe they'd allow themselves to be humiliated to that degree?


If they go, all their enemies will meet the same fate.

USA - ashes
Britain - sunk
Germany - neutered
France - not a croissant 🥐 would survive

Better get real & start paying attention.
If we're lucky cacs will simply exterminate themselves
If you were a Ukrainian living in 2010’s and I said: Russia would invade Ukraine in 2022 you’d think I was fear mongering. It’s highly possible because nearly most developing countries are waging war at each other. It’s Possible.

The largest militaries on earth are casually discussing nuclear ramifications in 2024 and dumb niggas think it's just fear mongering propaganda.

The wake up event gon be pressure!


No such hadith just interpretation of hadiths cause the sahabah wouldn't understand descriptions of modern weaponry

Anyway there will be a war the likes of it humanity has never seen before. Insane how the rest of humanity is silent about whites threatening to set us back 1000s of years over fucking gaajo slavopoor Ukraine
Interesting take brother. So do you believe that the prophet also referred to modern vehicles when he mentioned the horses they would ride into battle and their colours? surely he would have described them as metallic objects and left the interpretation to be more vague.


Staff Member
What about Russia retaliation, they should do equal reaction on graffics as well. Be careful not to enrage mother Russia. There is no turning back from a world war. Best to engage in diplomacy.
The thing you guys don’t understand is the United States has the ability to knock out nuclear weapons while still in transit never having the ability to hit the ground.
The thing you guys don’t understand is the United States has the ability to knock out nuclear weapons while still in transit never having the ability to hit the ground.

& superman is real..
Stop watching movies breh - no such tech exist.
If it did, Their bases would never get hit & no one would ever dare play leap frog with them.

Wishful thinking won't stop radiation poisoning.

Fobnimo Till I Dhimo

كَمَا دَخَلُوهُ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍۢ🕌☝🏾
The thing you guys don’t understand is the United States has the ability to knock out nuclear weapons while still in transit never having the ability to hit the ground.
There is currently no defense capable of stopping the Russian Avangard hypersonic missiles equipped with nuclear warheads. With speeds exceeding Mach 20, the Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle could theoretically circle the Earth in under two hours. You’re just spewing nonsense and hoping it will stick, this guy is fake news in human form.

trump fake news GIF

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