This is humiliating


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Denial is a river in Egypt...... the Somali region has been apart of 'Ethiopia' going on 80 years now.
Why is there still surprise at seeing an Ethiopian flag in the area?
what can they do if they don’t corporate w them they’ll suffer and they’re better under them. what has somalia done for them somalia doesn’t do enough for somalis this is the outcome
An Idea dies when one becomes complacent.


🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
They were conquered and they accept it. They were lackluster in joining or supporting Somalia forces in the 70s.
Don’t let a couple fools make you believe they’re pro Ethiopia. This is exactly what abiy wants us to believe. And it’s clearly working since y’all are calling them oromos & whatnot.
Don’t let a couple fools make you believe they’re pro Ethiopia. This is exactly what abiy wants us to believe. And it’s clearly working since y’all are calling them oromos & whatnot.
none of them are actually pro Ethiopia ofc they’re just pro their region
What the hell are some of you even talking about. Why wouldn't they do this pr stunt. Hell it would be perfectly normal if they roled out the red carpet for him. The somali region belongs to ethiopia currently at the end of the day. Replacing cagjar and cutting funding for the region would be easy for abiy.
What the hell are some of you even talking about. Why wouldn't they do this pr stunt. Hell it would be perfectly normal if they roled out the red carpet for him. The somali region belongs to ethiopia currently at the end of the day. Replacing cagjar and cutting funding for the region would be easy for abiy.
Exactly. They’re doing whatever they have to do to advance their interests. Nothing wrong with that.
I feel as if this is just for show most Somalis there don't see themselves as Ethiopian. You saw Cagjar ask Somalis in Somali region if this at the JigJiga university recently.

I also don't see much of a problem with this, as long as the Somali region is developing and receives investments and peoples livelihood improved that is all that matters. That'ts the big thing Somalis fought for and to be able to self-govern. Not even NFD is awarded this might i add which remains non-self governed territory.

Denial is a river in Egypt...... the Somali region has been apart of 'Ethiopia' going on 80 years now.
Why is there still surprise at seeing an Ethiopian flag in the area?
Not even 80s years until 1960s it never had formal territorial control over Ogaden

They failed in conquering it , then went on a secret backdoor agreement with the British to hand it over, fought the local resistance with the help of Americans and from then on the Somali region operated disconnected from Ethiopia at large and they barely administrated it. Ogadenians throughout was attached to Somalia


The feudal kingdom part because Ethiopians operate much like this with their own people to this day , so it's funny to see that assessment be made back then it was outside of the norm for Somalis.

Today Somali region is the best tax performing region and the money goes directly into development now that there is self-governing while other regions in Ethiopia don't get much services from their taxation.

what can they do if they don’t corporate w them they’ll suffer and they’re better under them. what has somalia done for them somalia doesn’t do enough for somalis

It's all done by Somalis in Somali region. Better under them kulaha , the rest of Ethiopia is in shambles and what created the situation where they could peaceful develop their region is the peace agreement ONLF made with the government back in 2018 that allowed for economic freedom and freedom of movement and self-governance.
“When you transition from a position of war and conflict to democracy, it’s not an easy road. We will struggle and fight for our rights through peaceful means. We will be active participants in the politics of this country.”
“There is a freedom of speech now. People can talk freely without fearing any interference from the government. They can criticize the government itself or the opposition leaders or they can talk about different aspects of life, whether it is a social thing or a political thing. People have the freedom to express themselves and bring their ideas to the table.”
“Currently there’s a freedom of movement, there’s a freedom of economy, there’s a freedom of business. So the most important thing is peace first, and we can say the Somali region is the most peaceful region in the whole of Ethiopia. And that was brought by the agreement between ONLF and the government.”

Before that under the TPLF, Derg, Haile things were grim for Ogaden there was not much freedom economically and not much peace either because Somalis kept fighting them to liberate themselves.
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What the hell do you expect them to do. Whether we like it or not that region is a part of Ethiopia untill they get their freedom. They have to do what's in their best interest for now even if it means collaborating with Ethiopia.

Inshallah one day they can finally be liberated and join Somalia again, but untill then they have to survive and that means accepting they are ruled by Ethiopians.
This is just for face there’s no single Somali who’s Pro Ethiopia, as long as the Somali region gets funds and build the region I see no problem