This is where we are all heading!

Bro, just take a step back for a second. Everything we’re chasing—money, status, comfort, whatever—at the end of the day, is it really worth it? We act like we have unlimited time, but the reality is, every single one of us is heading to the same destination: the grave. All the things we stress over, the things we prioritize over our deen, will any of it matter when we’re six feet under? Will it help us when the angels come to question us?

It’s crazy how we get caught up in chasing the dunya, always thinking, "Just a little more, then I’ll focus on my deen." But the dunya is a trap—it never gives you enough. Meanwhile, the things that actually matter—our salah, our connection with Allah, our akhirah—those are the things we push to the side. But when death comes, the only thing that will matter is what we sent ahead.

So ask yourself: is what you're prioritizing right now actually worth it? Will it benefit you when you’re alone in the grave, when your wealth, status, and possessions are all left behind? Or are you neglecting the one thing that truly matters—your deen, your akhirah, your relationship with Allah? Because at the end of the day, that’s all that will count.



LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Bro, just take a step back for a second. Everything we’re chasing—money, status, comfort, whatever—at the end of the day, is it really worth it? We act like we have unlimited time, but the reality is, every single one of us is heading to the same destination: the grave. All the things we stress over, the things we prioritize over our deen, will any of it matter when we’re six feet under? Will it help us when the angels come to question us?

It’s crazy how we get caught up in chasing the dunya, always thinking, "Just a little more, then I’ll focus on my deen." But the dunya is a trap—it never gives you enough. Meanwhile, the things that actually matter—our salah, our connection with Allah, our akhirah—those are the things we push to the side. But when death comes, the only thing that will matter is what we sent ahead.

So ask yourself: is what you're prioritizing right now actually worth it? Will it benefit you when you’re alone in the grave, when your wealth, status, and possessions are all left behind? Or are you neglecting the one thing that truly matters—your deen, your akhirah, your relationship with Allah? Because at the end of the day, that’s all that will count.

I have been ready for a long time. May Allaah swt forgive my sins and make me worthy of Saqaratul mout
I have been ready for a long time. May Allaah swt forgive my sins and make me worthy of Saqaratul mout
Btw saqaraatul Mawt means a painful death. I think you mean Husnul Khatimah which means a good ending. If that's what you mean Ameen. May allah give all of us a good ending and a grave which is filled with Noor from Jannah.

