This is why socialism is bad

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Venezuela is No 1 Oil producing country, I don't get how the country is suffering. Acknowledging the price drop value of oil.
Venezuela isn't even top 10.

Poorly managed country but all socialist countries are poorly managed.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
tfw Somalia will one day top the list


tfw you abandoned your principles for the money

The U.S. put Venezuela on global economic lockout so all they have left to trade with are fellow outcasts like North Korea and Russia. The current Venezuelan government is also just plain incompetent. Socialism is not to blame.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I want Somalia to be like Denmark. Low crime rate, safe, extremely low gun ownership, high rate of Atheism, top of the happiness index. Canada and USA is riddled with crime and gangs and shootings.
I want Somalia to be like Denmark. Low crime rate, safe, extremely low gun ownership, high rate of Atheism, top of the happiness index. Canada and USA is riddled with crime and gangs and shootings.
Boring country with really introverted people, you won't fit in if you are not a Dane


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Boring country with really introverted people, you won't fit in if you are not a Dane

I fit in perfectly here . I'll take Somalia being introvert if it means low crime rate, highly educated, top of the happiness index etc.

This is more of a result of depending too much on one commodity oil in this case and at he same time having large scale social programs depending on revenue from it. It's might work fine when price is high but when it falls it's unsustainable.

Socialism works in the Scandinavians because they have diversified economies and that's how it should be. All these Oil producing countries didn't think in the long term which is coming to bite them in the back now, it's not going to be long before a coup takes place there.
I want Somalia to be like Denmark. Low crime rate, safe, extremely low gun ownership, high rate of Atheism, top of the happiness index. Canada and USA is riddled with crime and gangs and shootings.
Somalia? High rate of atheism? :ftw9nwa: Btw, those happy atheists use the most antidepressants in this world. The last thing Somalia needs is more drugs.
Somalia? High rate of atheism? :ftw9nwa: Btw, those happy atheists use the most antidepressants in this world. The last thing Somalia needs is more drugs.

The last thing Somalis needs is poverty, FGM, corruption and more guns. You third world Western gaalo aid dependent beggar

You would cease to exist if it weren't for the Western atheists you hate so be quiet you ungrateful believer. These believers bite the hand that feeds them. The fellow believers they beg don't even donate an iota of what the Westerns they hate give them.

I want to know how many passports their fellow Muslims gave them. It doesn't number more than 100 but Westerners have given them hundreds of thousands.

Lol. Stop accepting these vermin into the West.


Socialism only works in developed western countries like the Nordic countries for example.

Third world countries cannot successfully implement socialism.


Suicidal men adore me.
Venezuelans problem is Oil and nationalizing important sectors, control of the currency and price control on food and other important sectors.

You can't call the Scandinavian countries socialist. They're somewhere in between of socialism and capitalism. They have an open market, private and public sectors an no price control like Venezuela. I rather call them welfare states. Many European nations have somewhat implemented their policies like France and Germany.

And Capitalism just like Socialism has pros and cons. Look at US one of the wealthiest countries in the world but with numerous problems including poverty.



You Scando's are getting scammed with free university education. In actuality you pay it all back in taxes if you stay in Scandinavia for the rest of your working life. What do you think of that?


Suicidal men adore me.

You Scando's are getting scammed with free university education. In actuality you pay it all back in taxes if you stay in Scandinavia for the rest of your working life. What do you think of that?

Yeah taxes are higher here. 30%. Not for me tho I'm "youth" and therefor only pay 16% in taxes.

But look at it this way. Free health care, free education, guaranteed state pension and overal higher living standards. It's cheaper to live in Sweden. No gentrification based on capitalism and so on. We do have a ton of problems tho with integration. IMO Americans live to work.
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