This is why socialism is bad

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Yeah, Socialism only exist until you have the power to raise taxes on other people's money and until you run out of there money too. The state doesn't produce anything. All it does is take money from others and spread it to others, so parties like the Democratic party in the U.S can buy votes from mostly minorities groups who use welfare at a 75%+ rate. The United States wasn't suppose be a big government country, until they flooded their country will 3rd world immigrants/refugees in 1965 and what happen that year....... LBJ signed the massive welfare programs that year.The funny thing is socialist or "democratic" socialist countries like Sweden and Germany have less regulations on businesses compare to the U.S.
The last thing Somalis needs is poverty, FGM, corruption and more guns. You third world Western gaalo aid dependent beggar

You would cease to exist if it weren't for the Western atheists you hate so be quiet you ungrateful believer. These believers bite the hand that feeds them. The fellow believers they beg don't even donate an iota of what the Westerns they hate give them.

I want to know how many passports their fellow Muslims gave them. It doesn't number more than 100 but Westerners have given them hundreds of thousands.

Lol. Stop accepting these vermin into the West.
1. I'm Canadian.
2. I don't hate the west...
3. How did you become a mod? Aren't mods supposed to not insult users? What kind of a forum is this?
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