This is why us Somali women should marry ajnabi men!

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Why is it that when a Somali man asks a somali Gal for her hand she starts talking money. But if a non Somali man comes asking for her hand money isnt even discussed. I've seen this happen many times to very good Somali guys. This is one of the main reasons why I married a non Somali.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I think ill always be a hopeless romantic

I like to send them a cute text, get them flowers, buy/cook their favourite meal, get them their favourite drink, mention that show/movie/book they love so much

You know just stuff that shows that you care and listen

It's not about the gifts it's the thought of buying the gifts. You Somali men lack that. I will pray for y'all.

What are you talking about? I know plenty of Somali brothers who buy tons of gifts for their girlfriends and wives. My own brother bought his girlfriend a gift that was over 1000 dollars with almost all the money he had and I was ripping on him for that, and this was just a few weeks ago.

Clearly you don't talk to the right kind of men.
Most of us aren't married and the way many guys see it, until she becomes his wife or emotions really get involved she's just another girl. She has to prove she's worth it.

I wanna translate sonnet 130 into somali and read it to my wife Inshallah. Can't get anymore romantic than Shakespeare (;
Wax walba ina la xayasiiyo miya? Showing off gifts makes me cringe.

Also I don't know about what goes on in every Somali household/relationship but a lot of ppl I know regularly receive gifts from their significant others.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
I once bought a bouquet for this xalimo and she replied uff ma gaalo nahay. It goes both ways :mjcry:

Land of Punt

Punt is an cushtic empire located in the horn
funny thing is, the ones running to ajanbis are the same people who proudly highlight the clan their father gave them...

lol, they cant have it two ways, being a qabilist and a "interacialist"

ive even seen ones who state that their half breed chldren are the same clan they are,

like wtf..:what1:
funny thing is, the ones running to ajanbis are the same people who proudly highlight the clan their father gave them...

lol, they cant have it two ways, being a qabilist and a "interacialist"

ive even seen ones who state that their half breed chldren are the same clan they are,

like wtf..:what1:

Saaxiib these people are nuttcases they get upset when i say its beneficial for majority of Somalis to mary eachother econimically & politically but end up being called me woman hater because of it (which make no sense), yet they go cheer and pay tribute to @Freebandz when he insults them and calls them ''cheap''. He even insulted his own mother yet that is acceptable.

They blame other members for insulting women then they go make threads & posts insulting men, calling them rapists, effimimate, bums, child ditchers etc. I could care less about the insults on any gender ,but how does that work?

They are like a walking book of hypocrisy.:pachah1:
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Since when did Muslims celebrate Valentine's Day? Muslims that imitate gaalo customs, make me nauseous

Men show their love and appreciation in different ways - and buying gifts is just one way. I believe you can't put a price on love and appreciation. Somali men are more than capable of showering their spouses with gifts but they're not flamboyant or the PDA types which I appreciate. 'Cause some things should stay private and not be for show. If you really want to know if a man cares about you, look at how he talks to you and the amount of time he allocates to you because that's a sure indication. What's more special than time spend together? It's priceless. .
No you're mad because it involves fob men! If I said fog women you would ass clap and agree.
It is not about gifts? Look at your first post again and make up your it the thought or the physical gift? Gifts are easy to do. Your husband could buy you all the gifts in the world but still fall short of other things. How do you know what this guy is behind doors? In men, you should look ambition, how responsible he is, loyalty, respect, balwad free, hard worker and etc...Men with those qualities are the men that females should be wanting to marry because they'll always provide for you, protect you and will never leave you for another woman. That is what it takes to make a marriage work..not gifts or flowers...any man can buy gifts but not all men have what I listed.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Interesting responses :ehh:

Everyone was raised differently and grew up in a mishmash of the culture of where they reside and 'somali' culture. Their expectation for a relationship will reflect that.
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