This video claims greater Somalia is impossible. Do you agree?

They will never leave. I will even offer you 100 pounds through PayPal if they leave. In fact I'm going to post my face on this forum of they do. That's how confident I am in Awdal never leaving.
Don't worry I won't hold you to it when they leave. And you are welcome to the dabaaldeg we have no problem with our neighbouring relatives only the hopeless junta that sits in Hargeisa


i believe in bottom up approach, let us tackle the issues in front of us right now simply by improving ourselves as individuals and miracles will happen :)


The most misunderstood man in here.
A fucking foreigner talk nonsense.
Its Going Down GIF by Philips Norelco
So I watched the Somalia/Ethiopia portion of the video and I gotta say that I'm genuinely surprised to see someone actually call Ethiopia out for its constant meddling and interventions of Somalia. He said Ethiopia views a united Somalia as a existential threat hence why they try to keep Somalia weakened at all times. He also mentions the Zenawi made constitution and how Somalia's new government is meant to be pro-Ethiopia.

Its far from perfect, it glosses over a lot of details such as the ICU, Ethiopia's treatment of Somalis, and the various ethnic conflicts and rebels but overall it does a far better job than most ajnabi channels would do. Also, it mentions nothing about why Greater Somalia is imposible, he just explains the context of why Somalia's and Ethiopia's borders are the way they are.

