Thomas ( British Cadaan) married Sowda ( 13-year-old) in Jilib, Somalia. Hilarious documentary!

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Thomas' mom while not taking into an account that people speak different languages. :damn::damn::damn:

You guys need to watch this documentary. It won the Bafta!

Was that you @Zuleikha, the interpreter? :drakelaugh::chrisfreshhah::russ::russ:

After Thomas was killed his mother calls Sowda to just talk to her and ask her how she feels abt the death of Thomas and Sowda goes " I am happy, he is in paradise " and Thomas mom is like " wtf" and then Sowda says " are you an old lady" :russ::lolbron::damn:. She is clueless that her mother-in-law is Gaal
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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot

She asks her for money. Somalis have no shame

I was rolling on the ground when she called her out of the blue, soon after she was married to him. She called and called but each time Cadaan mother picked up the girl would speak Somali to her as if eedo Cadaan speaks Somali. Her uneducated 13-year-old mind didn't take into account that the whole world does not speak Somali.

I don't blame her tho cause up to the age of 8 ( didn't go to school) I thought Somalia was the world :chrisfreshhah::mjlol:
I was rolling on the ground when she called her out of the blue, soon after she was married to him. She called and called but each time Cadaan mother picked up the girl would speak Somali to her as if eedo Cadaan speaks Somali. Her uneducated 13-year-old mind didn't take into account that the whole world does not speak Somali.

I don't blame her tho cause up to the age of 8 ( didn't go to school) I thought Somalia was the world :chrisfreshhah::mjlol:

But she's 14

Where does she say are you gaalo?

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
You can look at them and tell who the al kebab types are and who they represent :bell: ..Bunch of savage bantu slaves bootyclappin for their NiggArab(yemeni) handlers who then turn around and bootyclap for their Arab master in Saudi Arabia. The bootyclappin is strong with this breed of bantus. :susp:
I can't get over the fact that his wife is 13 years old... Who let's a 13 year old marry a grown man. Sick f*ck I'm glad he's dead
This entire documentary is a fine example of white privilege. Are we supposed to feel sorry for Thomas and his family? Why does his brother speak as though his terrorist pedophile brother was forced to join Al-Shabaab lmao bye!!! Alhamdulillah he's dead.

And the mother doesn't know what she's talking about "their culture" lmao WHAT?


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
This is sickening.

The mother doesn't owe anything to that terrorist wife. She should hang up on her.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
This is sickening.

The mother doesn't owe anything to that terrorist wife. She should hang up on her.

oh gosh! Have some shame you little midget! she is as innocent as the mother of Thomas. She's 13 years of age you little dimwit! What were you up to at the age of 13? Just starting your leakage? Did you even know how to put it on:drakelaugh::russ::russ::russ:


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
oh gosh! Have some shame you little midget! she is as innocent as the mother of Thomas. She's 13 years of age you little dimwit! What were you up to at the age of 13? Just starting your leakage? Did you even know how to put it on:drakelaugh::russ::russ::russ:
I don't care what age she is. She slept with a terrorist therefore she's also a terrorist.

The mother in law don't owe anything to her. She should hang up on each time she calls.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I can't get over the fact that his wife is 13 years old... Who let's a 13 year old marry a grown man. Sick f*ck I'm glad he's dead

I think they took her daughter at Gun point she would get shot if she interfered

These people go around kill small babies they dont give a shit

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
@Reiko where's your conscious, your ounce of dignity? Shame on you for blaming a 13-year-old abducted little girl. Did you even watch the whole video? She was abducted from her mom sometime during the civil war as a baby and she literally grew up as an orphan. Then unfortunate for her she came across these marauding rebels and she was taken as a sex slave. Little girl is so oblivious that she didnt even know that people speak other languages. Do you know that she called the cadaan mother several times while speaking Somali till the cadaan lady got @Zuleikha as an interpreter (this took place in Birmingham and I put 2 and 2 together, had to have been Zuleikha)


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
If you watch the entire video, you would know the girls' mum (sawda) lives in Sweden, and her daughter was forcefully married as you can't refuse al shabab because they'll kill you. The mother of Sawda was upset that her daughter was forced to marry Thomas. These terrorist scum have no shame, brainwashing little kids into believing their nonsense and then convincing them that marrying them is a good thing. This is no different from paedophilia and grooming little kids.
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