Thoughts on ataturk ?

The Turkish nationalism is a powerful drug, if we had something similar for Somalia we wouldn’t be a shithole.

I feel the same way, bro.

Patriotism is the most important ingredient in building a Strong Nation, so it's necessary to gradually remove the importance of tribal identification and politics.
According to the Ijmah he was Kafir(never muslim to begin with, more Alawi) or a murtad.

He saved his Nation from Western military powers, so that's got to count for something. I remember Turkish students in high school (even devout ones) singing his praises and crediting him for creating modern Turkey.
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Weeping for the Nation of 68
He saved his Nation from Western military powers, so that's got to count for something. I remember Turkish students (even devout ones) singing his praises and crediting him for creating modern Turkey.

Sure from Nationalistic point of view he did save Turkey from balkanisation. But in terms of religion he was disbeliever as no muslim would even attempt to change the adhan or forbid Hijab etc.