Somalia Cracks Down on Illegal Fishing: 36 foreign fishermen charged for operating without licenses
Somalia Cracks Down on Illegal Fishing: 36 foreign fishermen charged for operating without licenses
Mogadishu (HOL) - The Attorney General's Office in Somalia has charged 36 foreign individuals at the Banadir Regional Court for illegal fishing in Somali
Enabling Somalia to develop a legal framework to enhance maritime security
Banning of fishing trawlers happened this year to combat overexploitation & protect local artisanal fishermen. They have funded and extended Puntland Maritime Police it used to only have 4.800 and now they are expected to have 10.000 personnel.
The Puntland Maritime Police have done a lot anything from seizing illegal weapons and dismantled shipment smuggling network this year
Seizure of Weapon Shipment and Arrest of Weapon Smugglers with the help of IORIS - Crimario II
Seizure of Weapon Shipment and Arrest of Weapon Smugglers with the help of IORIS - Project News - Crimario
They have been purging the waters of illegal foreign fisherman and iranian operations this year as well.
In the past they have shown capability of intercepting weapons from Yemen intended to go to Alshabab
They have stopped a couple of Korean and Chinese vessels from dumping toxic waste on our shores.
There was a short resurface of pirate activity with indian hijack recently exploiting gaps in security when much of the security forces deviated to the red sea to guard their coast against houthis.
There are challenges persisting but Somalia is making progress in the right direction.
Throughout history, ocean piracy was common in different parts of the world, but it was rare in the Horn of Africa waters.
It's absolutely insanity the amount illegal trawlers steal from PL coastline, in the billions of dollars and their not even called pirates but the pirates are the one who say not on our watch to exact revenge. If this was in Europe they would be given titles of robin hood the pirates.
Anything western can be dismissed as fake news. I don't trust anything from them
Yeah they think they know Somalia GDP yet how can they when nothing is truly registered or falsified in terms of business output or sales, consumer buying, govt spending(taxes), exports(maybe this can be examined), but the rest of the gdp equation has no indisputable metric or measurement in Somalia. To assess a gdp you need to formalise the actual production(majority is imports to sales tho) and transport, consumption(buyers), govt spending, and exports if that isn't formalised everything u forecast is on a faulty premise.
GDP can never capture informal economies, they don't even have the framework or data to begin with.
After a rebasing exercise that changed the base year from 2006 to 2013, Ghana's GDP expanded by 25 per cent to $52 billion dollars, making the West African country the 6th largest economy in sub-Saharan Africa.
To calculate GDP in countries where data is sparse like Ghana or Nigeria, government agencies select a "base year" - a year when unusually good data on the economy is available. They then add on the extra data they collect each year to get a rough idea of economic growth.
In 2010 Ghana changed its base year from 1993 to 2006, and this led to a jump in GDP and the conclusion that, in previous estimates, about $13bn (£8bn) of economic activity had been missed. As a result, Ghana was upgraded from a low-income to a lower-middle-income country.
Somalia's GDP is many times higher than what it is currently is shown to be , the current 34 Billion GDP PP. Because they are using year 1991 as a base year but this is when the economy plummeted to less than 1 billion after a collapse of the govt.
Which is insane because there are many new industries and markets that didn’t exist in the past before 1991
But If you look at simply mobile money transfer in Somalia it's 34 billion which is equivalent to economies with 100 billion GDP like Kenya. Mind you Somalia has a way lower population.
This is not an aspect you can falsify and can idicate the size of the economy, so much money transitions is happening monthly but we are meant to believe that per capita it's less than 1000. A country with a GPD per capita of $500 could never have the same monthly mobile transactions ($2.7 billion in 2018) as Kenya or Ghana nor be the main trading partner of all of its neighbours.
When they do rebase as well that will factor in the new industries and markets it will suprise many. They have done a rebase in other African countries like Kenya or Ghana which showed an upgraded reality of their economy and GDP
How to boost GDP stats by 60%
In 2010, Ghana announced a 60% increase in GDP estimates and Nigeria may soon follow suit. How do such miraculous rises come about?
Understanding Ghana’s rebased GDP - CNBC Africa
After a rebasing exercise that changed the base year from 2006 to 2013, Ghana's GDP expanded by 25 per cent to $52 billion dollars, making the West African country the 6th largest economy in sub-Saharan
Might make a thread on this later.
I don't think there is 1st, 2nd, 3rd world but what appears is industrial and over developed markets(high production be it factories or business sales and high consumption or customers of various industries), higher govt budgets due to higher tax revenues due to market activities increasing by the volume, and exports and under developed markets and possibly emerging frontiers.
But then again bro that is nominal gdp or something right, because u gotta take into factor inflation and general cost of living(consumer price index) as money has no intricate value itself, just cause they may have more money, doesn't mean consumers are purchasing more quantities of products(Zimbabwe has alot of money notes) nor is that kicking up production and business sales or exports volume.
I mean u don't ever see undeveloped markets which is really anything outside far east, Western Europe, America, Australia, Canada, NZ fleeing to other countries of undeveloped markets unless due to war never economic reasons so I would lump them as all the same not create some heirachy inside undeveloped as if it truly exists.
Would love to see your article on this topic.
If i ever get around to writing an article i let you know. But the potential thread i was eluding to was going to be about the growth predictions from 2025 and onward.