Thousands of Jubbaland Residents Await To Welcome President Deni To Kismayo

They defend there people very well, people are supportive of blackie in kismayo and Deni in puntland lets be real, I think madoobe would win 1 man 1 vote in JL right now

of course he would with 14 million Ogadens in DDS, Absame on top, NFD has 4 million with 60% Ogaden and Jubaland with 2 million and 80% being Ogaden, since all somalis have no borders and and every somali can vote where they are, its a no Brianer,

if its a numbers game we are not worried, even if the b00ns bring all the b00ns on earth, lets see, even the ones in babile oromo region assimilated by them, use them,we will eat them for lunch,
of course he would with 14 million Ogadens in DDS, Absame on top, NFD has 4 million with 60% Ogaden and Jubaland with 2 million and 80% being Ogaden, since all somalis have no borders and and every somali can vote where they are, its a no Brianer,

if its a numbers game we are not worried, even if the b00ns bring all the b00ns on earth, lets see, even the ones in babile oromo region assimilated by them, use them,we will eat them for lunch,

80 percent


pulled that right out of your ass.

none of the clowns that went to kismaayo can help you when the tanks start rolling in and we take back what is rightfully ours. Lets see if fat dani will sent you an army to help you.

he might send you keyboard warriors from somalispot



True Puntlander
80 percent


pulled that right out of your ass.

none of the clowns that went to kismaayo can help you when the tanks start rolling in and we take back what is rightfully ours. Lets see if fat dani will sent you an army to help you.

he might send you keyboard warriors from somalispot


Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
80 percent


pulled that right out of your ass.

none of the clowns that went to kismaayo can help you when the tanks start rolling in and we take back what is rightfully ours. Lets see if fat dani will sent you an army to help you.

he might send you keyboard warriors from somalispot


I wonder how the situation would change if the Liyu police visits certain villages to "talk"
80 percent


pulled that right out of your ass.

none of the clowns that went to kismaayo can help you when the tanks start rolling in and we take back what is rightfully ours. Lets see if fat dani will sent you an army to help you.

he might send you keyboard warriors from somalispot


B00N, learn to spell first, :mjlol::chrisfreshhah::drakelaugh::russ::damn::damn::damn:

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
Honestly, the Farmaajo issue is very easily dealt with but Daarood are still playing nice with Farmaajo and his people.

They are playing way to nice. There is no reason for tribal cleansing or massacres. I think if farmaajo remove's himself from the situation that the MX would accept madoobe since the OG have more soldiers and weaponry. The only option the mx have is diplomatic isolation of the OG fam (but that would upset abiy since ONLF Like what farmaajo is doing with SL.
They are playing way to nice. There is no reason for tribal cleansing or massacres. I think if farmaajo remove's himself from the situation that the MX would accept madoobe since the OG have more soldiers and weaponry. The only option the mx have is diplomatic isolation of the OG fam (but that would upset abiy since ONLF Like what farmaajo is doing with SL.

ogadeen only control kismaayo with the help of kenya. kismaayo, the only ethnic cleansing they can do is in kismaayo. if they dare to do that we will march straight to saakow and afmadow.

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
ogadeen only control kismaayo with the help of kenya. kismaayo, the only ethnic cleansing they can do is in kismaayo. if they dare to do that we will march straight to saakow and afmadow.

To be honest i don't know the soldiers and firepower of the MX, are they united behind the MX banner or lose cannons that side with the opposition

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
i am on my phone, is that the best you can come up with? if you are relying on Majerteen to defend you. mark my words when it comes to it they will abandon you like they did dhulbahante.

Nah DL doesn't want MJ help who did you think were the SL soldiers isaaq? They were DL. The Dulbahante are split in two the ones who want to remain with somalia and the ones that accept cheques and government positions.
ogadeen only control kismaayo with the help of kenya. kismaayo, the only ethnic cleansing they can do is in kismaayo. if they dare to do that we will march straight to saakow and afmadow.

first march to dusa-mareeb and take it back from the domination of the HG on your land who you must seek permission before marehan is allowed to enter their central lands,
To be honest i don't know the soldiers and firepower of the MX, are they united behind the MX banner or lose cannons that side with the opposition

before the last election most marehan leaders in gedo where supporting madoobe. but things have changed the government is in a process of replacing them with pro government mayors and soldiers.

madoobe shot himself in the foot with the last fake elections. an army is being prepared as we speak to march to buaale the capital of jubbaland. A election will take place there and a new maamul will be created.

but to answer your question most marehan now are against madoobe he still has a few supporters. most ogadeen in jubbaland are also against madoobe. madoobe has the support of ogadeen from kenya and kilinka 5aad.
ogadeen only control kismaayo with the help of kenya. kismaayo, the only ethnic cleansing they can do is in kismaayo. if they dare to do that we will march straight to saakow and afmadow.
We already closing in on Saakow and its villages. It should be added to Gedo region.
before the last election most marehan leaders in gedo where supporting madoobe. but things have changed the government is in a process of replacing them with pro government mayors and soldiers.

madoobe shot himself in the foot with the last fake elections. an army is being prepared as we speak to march to buaale the capital of jubbaland. A election will take place there and a new maamul will be created.

but to answer your question most marehan now are against madoobe he still has a few supporters. most ogadeen in jubbaland are also against madoobe. madoobe has the support of ogadeen from Kenya and kilinka 5aad.

did you get that out of your ass? kulaha most OG are against Ahmed,

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
before the last election most marehan leaders in gedo where supporting madoobe. but things have changed the government is in a process of replacing them with pro government mayors and soldiers.

madoobe shot himself in the foot with the last fake elections. an army is being prepared as we speak to march to buaale the capital of jubbaland. A election will take place there and a new maamul will be created.

but to answer your question most marehan now are against madoobe he still has a few supporters. most ogadeen in jubbaland are also against madoobe. madoobe has the support of ogadeen from kenya and kilinka 5aad.

Correct me if I am wrong. Is JL headed towards a GM situation? Multiple administration zero respect towards the mamuul?
Correct me if I am wrong. Is JL headed towards a GM situation? Multiple administration zero respect towards the mamuul?

you have 3 presidents in kismaayo at this time.

another will be created but this one will have control of all of jubbaland minus kismaayo.

the truth is galmudug is more powerful then the current jubbaland admin, atleast galmudug controls a large sway of mudug and galgaduud, blackie just controls kismaayo.


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