Thst's why im with integration with Ethiopia, Future roads that will chage the direction of Somali trade

They are cowards who do hit and runs on innocent civilians and then flee to the border once real men come out with their qori. Mx and Muse gumcadle clashed many times in Garasle but we fight head to head and don’t do the sneak b*tch attacks like some people are well known for.

our fights are between caleen and fahdigaraadle the land inbetween those towns. is where mx and ogadeen fight.
The inferiority Legacy left behind by Galaal
He died with Ciil and raised his daughters the same way

Cooning for Iidoors because of the Darood Boogeyman

Here’s Galaals daughter saying that Mahad salad killed my father

AUN General Galaal and reer galaal igu soo bood maahan they’re well known. I’d be damned if the likes of MX pretended to be the daughter of general galaal to slander Mahad Salaad:susp:
kkkkk save me the calaacal brev I am xooging you everything between Garasle to Buulo coloow is mine and Im sure your uncs and awooweyaal a generation age are buried there

kees waryaa. i recognise the craziness of kees anywhere. how many nicks do you have?
AUN General Galaal and reer galaal igu soo bood maahan they’re well known. I’d be damned if the likes of MX pretended to be the daughter of general galaal to slander Mahad Salaad:susp:

She is confirmed Galaal’s daughter. If you know her on Twitter then you know. She post anti Darood and anti Farmaajo content kkkk she is crazy like the Khouloud girl on Twitter with dyslexia
Off topic which I will return to but XLow you are not ones to talk about horumar when your biggest achievement/town is half of beledweyne while HG have 5 big towns
Gaalkacyo GM




Do not ever compete where you do not compare.

every single big magaalo you live in you share from Beledweyne to Jowhar whilst HG is actively growing their own magaalos. Nigga do not talk about horumar when you are in the trenches.
I just realized why some folks here are claiming garasle. Ileen these folks are naming new huts after our towns then claiming the real ones. :dead::dead:

There's mx garasle next fadhigaraadle and caleen. And there's another garasle near the hiraan shilaabo border near ismadhaqo/barar.

WOW, pure crazinesss. The folks are naming new garasle under lababar town. I will shortly post some examples from their facebook pages.
@Gaban I now understand why you believed what you did kkk. Naming your hurts after our deegaans what a stupid strat. Funny thing is that even those you named after ours we are taking them from you. :damn:

(Claiming mx and og settling their huts)
MX lands in mudug/galgaduud to ethiopia is vast distance between garasle to saaxo is 133 miles or 215km. some whole clans dont have that land. and it is not even our biggest real estate.



Correction for @SPMLegend Saleebaan isn’t fighting mx in cadaado. The fighting a few months ago was in Cabuduwaq after they opened a well in the district. Ayaanle already are deep inside anyway tho. Saleebaan are approaching from the north


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