Tigrayan 🇪🇹 attacks Somalis, claims Mogadishu was created and controlled by Arabs, claims Somalis invaded Mogadishu. And uses 12er religious sounds

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I dig this chant

Jamming Jay Z GIF
There is a reason why some Ethiopians try to diminish Somali history and attempt to ascribe our civilizations to foreigners. By painting Somalis as ignorant uncivilized nomads it allows them to justify their expansions into our lands by believing our lands are better off with them since according to them Somalis never built anything. Its a typical demoralization tactic and has been used in the past by previous Ethiopian rulers like Haile Selassie and Menelik II. What makes it particularly vile is the fact that colonists did the exact same thing in Africa, ascribing African cities and civilizations to Arabs thus denying Africans their heritage.

EthiopIa is a colonial, expansionist state, no other way about it. They aren't good neighbors, they view the non-Ethiopians with utter contempt. They see Eritreans as an uppity Ethiopian province that needs to be controlled, Djibouti as an extortionist state and Somalis as ignorant peasants that need to be conquered. They dream of total dominance over the Horn no matter how many deaths and chaos it will cause.


EritreanPost 🇪🇷🇩🇯🇸🇴🇸🇩🇪🇬 |Eritrean news blogger
The funny thing is this tigrayan guy claimed that the Somalis persecuted and wiped out the alleged native Arab population of Mogadishu. WTF

while in Axum, Tigray Muslims cannot even build a mosque. They cannot use Azan. They have to pray in the streets.

in 2018 tigrayan nationalists said they would die rather than allowing Muslims to have mosque in Axum.

their king, Tigrayan King Yohannes the has persecuted many Muslims in tigray and Ethiopia. Many Muslims in Ethiopia in Tigray, Amhara region and Oromia were forcefully converted to Christianity, or had to flee Ethiopia.

King Yohannes had fought and conquered their lands. The Muslims of Tigray, (Jebertis) had to flee to Eritrea in fear of their life. And the Oromos also converted and became orthodox Christians.

And tigrayan king Ras Alula wiped out 2/3 of the kunama and Nara population when he invaded Eritrea in 19th
I didn't realize some Ethiopians resent Somalis for not wanting to be a united country. And for going into war with them. They also continue to spread this idea that we are Arab wannabes because we are Muslim but half their country is too. Atleast Somalis are all Muslim while they accepted every religion from the M.E. Also why the shame over it when these religions have spread around the whole world? Indians feel the same betrayal with Pakistanis but they were in a brutal war and they were all Hindu. We never had a brutal war although I do think Siad was foolish and I don't know if the Arab nations pushed him to do it. I can see why they are mad over it.

Anyways I never knew Ethiopians (I never was around them) looked down on us. I do know that they have a better reputation worldwide. Since it has ties to all three religions and has fought powerful nations. This one Historian I met told me that ppl give Ethiopia credit but it was all of the Horn. Basically it's all of our history not Ethiopias history (including Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalis, Egypt etc.) All the areas ppl were Cushites. This one Sudanese girl just did her dna and was mostly Somali.

And for Ethiopians to say we are mixed with Arabs (Semities) isn't completely correct. Some of us are but some of their tribes are as well. Clearly Amharic people are Semitic or mixed with Semitic. And since we always lived near Semitic ppl, what's the big deal? Ppl mix. I'm sure a lot of us share dna with them too.

See I think some Ethiopians have embraced Black Supremacy and like to pretend they don't see themselves as different. They tend to hide their xenophobia better than us. They like to push this idea that they are pro black but they don't like intermarrying even with us.

I don't think there is anything wrong with some Pan Africans centering Ethiopia. Even though West Africa had major civilizations too. But all continents have this problem. In Europe it was always the British (Germans and French competiting for it too). In Asia it's the Japanese (not so much anymore), China and Korea. In Africa they like exclude North Africa and centre Ethiopia, Nigeria, South Africans (maybe add Kenya etc). But again Ethiopia is not even doing well so I'm not sure why. But OK.
The funny thing is this tigrayan guy claimed that the Somalis persecuted and wiped out the alleged native Arab population of Mogadishu. WTF

while in Axum, Tigray Muslims cannot even build a mosque. They cannot use Azan. They have to pray in the streets.

in 2018 tigrayan nationalists said they would die rather than allowing Muslims to have mosque in Axum.

their king, Tigrayan King Yohannes the has persecuted many Muslims in tigray and Ethiopia. Many Muslims in Ethiopia in Tigray, Amhara region and Oromia were forcefully converted to Christianity, or had to flee Ethiopia.

King Yohannes had fought and conquered their lands. The Muslims of Tigray, (Jebertis) had to flee to Eritrea in fear of their life. And the Oromos also converted and became orthodox Christians.

And tigrayan king Ras Alula wiped out 2/3 of the kunama and Nara population when he invaded Eritrea in 19th
Tigrayans are the scariest ethnicity in Africa along with Oromos. But tigrays are more sinister.

