Tik Tok Wisdom or delusions?


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I saw a reer waqooyi sus farax who claimed in his video that Men or Farax's life in in three stages:

Stage 1: Age 16 -25 Age of Shacwaah as he puts it. Days of Sperms. The Farax needs a place to dump his sperms.

Stage 2: Age 26-35 Age of having a family and children especially getting rid of the itch of having children of your DNA

Stage 3: Age 36- and older Age of needing to be cuddled and nursed, getting ready for death.

Then i sat there watching and wondering what are the stages of women?

Sperm dump? Children Oven machine? And A hospice nurse?



LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
The value of woman in Somalia is zero yet there's no feminism there. I wish I could help you @Basra.

You can help by fighting your cause. The Bantu Liberation movement

I Love You GIF by Sesame Street
I saw a reer waqooyi sus farax who claimed in his video that Men or Farax's life in in three stages:

Stage 1: Age 16 -25 Age of Shacwaah as he puts it. Days of Sperms. The Farax needs a place to dump his sperms.

Stage 2: Age 26-35 Age of having a family and children especially getting rid of the itch of having children of your DNA

Stage 3: Age 36- and older Age of needing to be cuddled and nursed, getting ready for death.

Then i sat there watching and wondering what are the stages of women?

Sperm dump? Children Oven machine? And A hospice nurse?


I saw a reer waqooyi sus farax who claimed in his video that Men or Farax's life in in three stages:

Stage 1: Age 16 -25 Age of Shacwaah as he puts it. Days of Sperms. The Farax needs a place to dump his sperms.

Stage 2: Age 26-35 Age of having a family and children especially getting rid of the itch of having children of your DNA

Stage 3: Age 36- and older Age of needing to be cuddled and nursed, getting ready for death.

Then i sat there watching and wondering what are the stages of women?

Sperm dump? Children Oven machine? And A hospice nurse?

Are you sure this wasn't afshir :diddyass:that wants to open Brazilian :hova: wax studio in Mogadishu? :ohreally:. Reer waqooyi are fighters while reer koonfur seem limp wristed :drakelaugh:

