To the historians of sspot where there somali jews?

Yibir are probably related to the Beta Israeli but we won't know until we get more genetic evidence.
No they are not, Yibir for the most part are autosomally 100% Somali and tend to be either be Ev32 carriers or have the same specific J1 clade that's found all throughout Somali lands but is mainly carried by Gabooyes. The same subclade is also carried by the Banu Jabr tribe in Arabia.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
BTW it’s another suugo science myth that waaq means God in proto-Somali. It means heaven. Oromo Waaqism was actually invented in the 1500’s, it’s not at all an ancient religion.

See Gunther Schlee’s the Social Belief system of the Rendille


This was lowkey cute. Niggas always knew they were related groups even with religious barrier @Khaemwaset check this out :salute:


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Wadad is a priest in Somali even in antiquity.
Rendille are our lost brothers. Glad to know they were treated as such.
From what I read the Rendillle separated from us 2,000 years ago.

"Bernd Heine also shows that there is almost no difference in the camel terminology of Rendille and the main Somali who split up about 2300 BP [44]. What appears here is that the Proto-EC were familiar with the camel but it was widely adopted during the early first millennium BCE. The rock art also suggests that it was that time when camels replaced cattle for importance. After all, some of our economic lexemes should have been exchanged through ancient trade networks."

