Today I fucked up so hard :(

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Spent all last week studying for this database sql mid-term exam. I work 6 days a week, 8 hours and on only time I can study is after work for a couple hours. I don't really go to class, I teach myself. I'm doing really fucking well in class (proof, killed all the work leading up to the exam). Walk into the exam room mise wa empty. I'm like :wtf: Then it dawned onto me that it was actullay last week. Gonna email the prof and try to fabicrate a sob story, hopefully he'll let me rewrite it. If not then im fucked i gotta drop it, despite me working hard on all those labs :snoop: Such a shame if i have to drop this course, i enjoyed it and was succeeding in it. Never work full time and go to school full time guys :(

edit: Reason im forced to drop if i can't rewrite is cuz its worth 40%. NO way im gnna let that hurt my GPA and chances of getting into grad school


Fam why don't you use Evernote ? so you can keep track and not miss anything, you make alarm for all your dead lines and stuff to remind your self you can't go wrong with it.


Fam why don't you use Evernote ? so you can keep track and not miss anything, you make alarm for all your dead lines and stuff to remind your self you can't go wrong with it.

I'm going to start doing something like that. I can't afford this happening to me again sxb. God damn man im so dissapointed, depressed and angry, I feel like beating the living shit outta someone right now
Don't beat yourself too hard, you're only human. And that is pretty admirable, the fact that you work full time and manage to teach yourself. Makes my spoiled parent handouts ass seem lazy :nvjpqts:


What course you studying? Hopefully you will be allowed to rewrite. Database SQL is one of the easiest languages alongside Python, it will give you easy grades.
What course you studying? Hopefully you will be allowed to rewrite. Database SQL is one of the easiest languages alongside Python, it will give you easy grades.

what are u studying? i am interested in doing coding on the side


What course you studying? Hopefully you will be allowed to rewrite. Database SQL is one of the easiest languages alongside Python, it will give you easy grades.

Yeah it's really easy and intuitive. I'm doing software engineering and was on track to graduate a semester early. Looks like the chances of that are gone now :(

@sanguinne Dude you don't even need to take programming/computer science at a post-secondary institution. There are literally so many fucking resources out there. I learned most of my programming knowledge from spending most my free time reading and practicing. Instead of hanging out with friends or doing shit kids my age do, I decided to work on my future career. That decision is up to you as well. It honestly depends on how much work you wanna put in and your passion for this shit. It's a solid career move too. Adding programming knowledge or experience to your resume will help a lot. Here's my site directory I have of books i read or want to read that are programming related. Your browser should be able to read the PDF, so you don't even have to download to read them. Unless you want to save them. I'll try to update the directory more often, but I think i covered all the basics. Have fun.
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Yeah it's really easy and intuitive. I'm doing software engineering and was on track to graduate a semester early. Looks like the chances of that are gone now :(

@sanguinne Dude you don't even need to take programming/computer science at a post-secondary institution. There are literally so many fucking resources out there. I learned most of my programming knowledge from spending most my free time reading and practicing. Instead of hanging out with friends or doing shit kids my age do, I decided to work on my future career. That decision is up to you as well. It honestly depends on how much work you wanna put in and your passion for this shit. It's a solid career move too. Adding programming knowledge or experience to your resume will help a lot. Here's my site directory I have of books i read or want to read that are programming related. Your browser should be able to read the PDF, so you don't even have to download to read them. Unless you want to save them. I'll try to update the directory more often, but I think i covered all the basics. Have fun.

thanks so much man, really appreciate the resource. i think i might start with python


No problem man. Start with any but I'd recommend also starting off with bash. Trust me it's going to be one of the most useful languages to learn looking down the line. Bash is the coding language used to navigate around Unix systems. Almost everything, besides consumer laptops/pcs, runs on Unix. Knowing this is key to having success in the programming world. Also if your pro at bash and linux, theres a good job market for that


Yeah it's really easy and intuitive. I'm doing software engineering and was on track to graduate a semester early. Looks like the chances of that are gone now :(

@sanguinne Dude you don't even need to take programming/computer science at a post-secondary institution. There are literally so many fucking resources out there. I learned most of my programming knowledge from spending most my free time reading and practicing. Instead of hanging out with friends or doing shit kids my age do, I decided to work on my future career. That decision is up to you as well. It honestly depends on how much work you wanna put in and your passion for this shit. It's a solid career move too. Adding programming knowledge or experience to your resume will help a lot. Here's my site directory I have of books i read or want to read that are programming related. Your browser should be able to read the PDF, so you don't even have to download to read them. Unless you want to save them. I'll try to update the directory more often, but I think i covered all the basics. Have fun.
I hate software engineering. Best of luck!


I hate software engineering. Best of luck!
Thank you. But why do u hate it? Do you not like the practicality of SE? I actually like CS a lot. I like the complex algorithms, recursion, and discrete mathematics. The theory you learn is interesting too. I just chose SE cuz it fits my future career goals more, even though CS and SE grads both get hired for the same type shit. Plus we get a engineering ring and a P Eng title


Thank you. But why do u hate it? Do you not like the practicality of SE? I actually like CS a lot. I like the complex algorithms, recursion, and discrete mathematics. The theory you learn is interesting too. I just chose SE cuz it fits my future career goals more, even though CS and SE grads both get hired for the same type shit. Plus we get a engineering ring and a P Eng title

I don't like designing software and then you have to construct it, then test it, then maybe go back to square one if the testing doesn't give desired results. It's all a headache really I prefer just writing codes you just have to implement and make the program run. I guess it's just what am used to even though in the end there's not much difference and we end up doing the same or similar stuff. I had really bad teachers for my software engineering modules and that partly put me off it.
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