Tomorrow is Election Day. VOTE

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The Forum Research survey puts Justin Trudeau's Liberals at 40 percent — the highest result they've achieved thus far in the 78-day campaign — meaning the third-place party could be in a position to sweep into power with a majority government

The polling company's projections — which are estimates of how many seats the parties could win, given their regional support — put the Liberals in majority territory, with 171 seats, the Conservatives well behind, with 109 seats, and the NDP in a distant third place, with just 46 seats.

Lying leftist pollsters :hemad:
Polls are pretty precise, give or take a margin error of a couple percentage. The issue that causes thr disparity between campaign polls and election results is the actual voting. People barely vote. I think it was a 38% turnout last election and likr most of those were old ass people. If everyone voted the election results would correlate with the campaign polls.

That's a good point. People are actually voting this time around, record numbers in advance polling. We'll see.


Yeah bro. Record numbers at the polls is a bad sign for the conservatives. If more people are voting than before, that means more people want change. Idk we'll see tomorow night.


Scheming from Salaxley

Polls are looking good for the Liberals, but there's still the possibility of a Conservative upset. Shy Tory voters (people who vote Conservative, but don't reveal it out publicly) could have an impact on tomorrow's results. As well, long lineups could drive away voters which can be problematic for the Liberals (Tory voters always have a high turnout and will likely have an even higher turnout this election).
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