Top 5 ignoramuses on SSpot

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In fifth place...
5. @Damu: After reading my post on Salafism, concludes I'm a Salafi.
''Another idiot salafi, seriously do you take us for morons who don't know their religion. Go blow yourself up damm khawaariij.''
4. @Cognitivedissonance: Compares crime of treason to an individual's apostasy.
''Apostasy in the shariah is similar to treason''
3. @Realist: Made a thread apparently 'exposing' @AbdiJohnson use of multiple accounts citing this as evidence ''The question is, how does this individual know that she left the faith 'recently'? Because she has made a thread about it a while back. This 'new atheist' has certainly read this thread and is thus not a 'new member'.''
Ignoring the small fact that one can access 'old' threads without being as a guest on this forum.
2. @Al Dhoobe (close first): Calling for the enslavement of non-Muslim Ethiopian populations. ''If we build a real economy based on energy, agriculture, fishing etc, then we can easily arm the oromos under muslimnimo to karbash the tigrey and amxaar and enslave them.''
I can see he's been reading Muhammad's seerah.
1. @Kaafiye (Proper nacas): Believes thought crime should be dealt with capital punishment.
''His open apostasy alone is worthy of him being executed.''
I'm an ignoramus when I'm more knowledgeable than you in every subject? Ha. Ha. At least I only share what I know, whilst you shamelessly copy whatever you read from the Internet, sometimes verbatim. Prime example:

For the layman: 'In Islam, the prenuptial contract, Katb el-Kitab, has long been established as an integral part of the Islamic marriage, and is signed at the marriage ceremony. Similar to Judaism, it outlines the rights and responsibilities of the groom and bride or other parties involved in marriage proceedings.'

One of the rights for the groom is he can't be refused sex.

Lol! 'For the layman'... And then you proceed to copy and paste information from Wikipedia verbatim.

Oh yh and I never said that I've exposed a specific individual.

You're a laughing stock wallahi.
Hayee weey ku kaactey looking for beef again lol can't you just chill like

tbh i approve beef is good for your diet from time to time
I'm an ignoramus when I'm more knowledgeable than you in every subject? Ha. Ha. At least I only share what I know, whilst you shamelessly copy whatever you read from the Internet, sometimes verbatim. Prime example:

Lol! 'For the layman'... And then you proceed to copy and paste information from Wikipedia verbatim.

Oh yh and I never said that I've exposed a specific individual.

You're a laughing stock wallahi.

Because the layman uses Wikipedia you troglodyte.
You're calling others laymen whilst you copy and paste from an online source. You're a clown! Ha. Ha. Ha!

Why do you think I said 'For the Layman' and copied the text. Because it's for the layman!
You're just jel you didn't come first ;)
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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Hayee weey ku kaactey looking for beef again lol can't you just chill like

tbh i approve beef is good for your diet from time to time
That GIF and what you wrote went hand in hand.
Niggas got Top 5 lists, damn.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Apostasy in the shariah is akin to treason in the west. I mean which part don't you understand? Or do you need another millennia to evolve so you may grasp what I'm saying?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Hayee weey ku kaactey looking for beef again lol can't you just chill like

tbh i approve beef is good for your diet from time to time
Not if you're in India mr Darwinian, mess around out there with a cow & get put to death. It's the law of the land.
Apostasy in the shariah is akin to treason in the west. I mean which part don't you understand? Or do you need another millennia to evolve so you may grasp what I'm saying?

Muhammad was a simple man.
'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' (Al-Bukhari 4:52:260)
I haven't got the energy to go down this road again saaxib


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Muhammad was a simple man.
'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' (Al-Bukhari 4:52:260)
I haven't got the energy to go down this road again saaxib
If you don't like shariah law then don't go to Somalia.

I like my beef from time to time but if I was in India you can bet your last pretty penny that I won't be eating No beef burgers that's for sure but since you're an anarchist you have total disregard for sovereign nations & their law of the lands like shariah.
Muhammad was a simple man.
'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' (Al-Bukhari 4:52:260)
I haven't got the energy to go down this road again saaxib
Every narration has an explanation. You've merely stated the matn of the hadeeth but not the Sharh. The most reliable shuruuh are that of the early generation of Muslim scholars. Do you even know what the word 'riddah' means? Lmao. Apostasy is akin to treason, make no mistake about this. Horta ask yourself, why is treason punishable by death? It's because it puts the stability of the state at risk, does it not? Likewise we believe an apostate would have a similar effect on the Islamic state. You're soo ignorant wallahi, it's cringeworthy man...
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