Yeah I remember that self-promoting liar. Nigga told BBcSomali back in 05 that he is training with the Indiana Pacers when in actuality nigga didn't even got an invitation.

Yeah I remember that self-promoting liar. Nigga told BBcSomali back in 05 that he is training with the Indiana Pacers when in actuality nigga didn't even got an invitation.
Yeah I remember that self-promoting liar. Nigga told BBcSomali back in 05 that he is training with the Indiana Pacers when in actuality nigga didn't even got an invitation.
If anyone was close to entering the NBA ( he was way way way away from entering) it was Faisal of Wash State
Now kid is not even in the Euro league, instead he is working a 9/5 at Phx
Lol yeah this dude murked us tho, I remember one possession I got a steal and was on a break and this dude casually runs behind me and pins me off the glass, then the next possession picks me clean at mid court
Still was the highlight of my career. I was too tall to ignore basketball tho (6'3).
Lol yo your other thread has me feel like you beast on niggaz easily on the court.
Every Somali thinks they're Kobe playing pick up tho, mad annoying lmao
Itl take a kid born and bread here who is not cursed by his parents with that somali genetics of small limbs. Certain qabiil have a negroid type of height and body structure and they are certain lineage in the MJ and OGs
Bro if you ever come down to Ottawa or Toronto during winter break or summer in the future lemme know. If I'm around I'll organize a nice ball session with my niggas and we'll have some proper runs. If @SuldaanMethylamine isn't a pussy he can come too, when Im in ottawa I actually run ball at this masjid near his base...idk why he never shows up tho![]()
Bro please tell me u can slam. If i was ur height id be slamming easily. Back in summer 2011 I trained HARD with my madow nigga, we bought this jump training routine that was highly acclaimed online. Wallahi it worked. After 13 weeks i could squeeze it in the net, which is damn good for my height. Nothing fancy just a squeeze in, takes me like 2-3 tries. But thats after working out my hardest, doing plyometrics, staying really lean (important for jumping high). obviously i didn't sustain that lol but inshallah with kickboxing coming up I'm looking to get back into shape. If i can do it again, ill post a vid on here to prove to u guys cuz i know i sound like I'm lying. Any young ballers out there looking to improve their vertical shoot me a PM ill link u the program, its very solid
haha wallahi i know those ones. This program was actually legit af tho.wallahi you just took me back to the days when I used to sign up for random sites that promised to increase my vertical. I had a huge height advantage in early high school before niggas started to catch up but some of these 5'8 madow niggas were already slamming smh
back when internet was hard to come by, I would print out like 40 pages lmao. I studied that shit more than my actual studies![]()
It's a mixture between training and genes... It's not just one or the other.