Traditional Somali Child-Rearing Practices

What are some traditonal somali child-rearing practices? At what ages are children weaned? What foods are fed to them when they start weaning? When is potty training introduced?

One thing I have noticed is how much more independent somali children are back home. It surprised me how mature the children are at a very young age. Does our child rearing practices have something to do with this?
Raising them in baadiyo until they start dugsi quran
Giving them soor, caano geel while they're under 6 months to make them strong
Dugsi quran from age 5-7 to age 9-10
Rubbing subug on the chest when the child has a cold/flu
Circumcision (both boys and girls)

There's many more but these are just the ones I could come up with from the top of my head
What are some traditonal somali child-rearing practices? At what ages are children weaned? What foods are fed to them when they start weaning? When is potty training introduced?

One thing I have noticed is how much more independent somali children are back home. It surprised me how mature the children are at a very young age. Does our child rearing practices have something to do with this?
What surprised me: no diapers, not even a makeshift one.
When the toddlers are not yet potty trained, they walk around with just a shirt. (this was a tuulo)

There was a tool called Dandi, used by somalis so children could learn how to walk.