Traitors and warlords in lower house

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This website wasn't the worst. somnet was, that place turns you into a proper animal. All you need is a few retards like @Boqor Geeljire252 to derail every single thread and fill it with qabiil bashing. It's disgusting because of the people there, however there are some golden threads on that site. This place is alright though. There is like no karbashing here.

The worst thing about somnet is how the owner bans specific people lol. They turned their forum into absolute shit.
I just want somebody to post updates from Galmudug/Gaalkacyo/Hobyo once in a while:francis: Why he gotta be a crazy like you entail :kanyehmm:

And this place has gotten better. Used to be some qabiil trolls and tension a while back that brought out the bad in alot. It's over now though thank god


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
I just want somebody to post happy updates from Galmudug/Gaalkacyo/Hobyo:francis: Why he gotta be a crazy like you entail :kanyehmm:

I don't think he is a young person thats why. Post them yourself. GM is planning to construct a port in Hobyo, it seems like it's going to happen.
Serious question is your hooyo reer puntland or not? i want to hear it from you.

Personally I view Puntland as the leading state in Somalia as its the most successful atm, and view it as a model to follow for others. Maakhir Uni and forestation/greening projects some examples. If Diplomacy was to be actually used the fighting in Gaalkacyo between Sacad and MJ would stop and the relationship would turn beneficial for both.

*I'm salebaan (Hobyo) and not Sacad so you know


We star in movies NASA pay to watch

Personally I view Puntland as the leading state in Somalia as its the most successful atm, and view it as a model to follow for others. Maakhir Uni and forestation/greening projects some examples. If Diplomacy was to be actually used the fighting in Gaalkacyo between Sacad and MJ would stop and the relationship would turn beneficial for both.

*I'm salebaan (Hobyo) and not Sacad so you know

Cosying up to Puntland, putting up a dp of Kenadiid, Maakhur Uni, what is going on :wtfdis:

ma Gabar reer bari aa ku caashaqday :lolbron:

Personally I view Puntland as the leading state in Somalia as its the most successful atm, and view it as a model to follow for others. Maakhir Uni and forestation/greening projects some examples. If Diplomacy was to be actually used the fighting in Gaalkacyo between Sacad and MJ would stop and the relationship would turn beneficial for both.

*I'm salebaan (Hobyo) and not Sacad so you know

Adeer, how can you claim reer xaaji saleebaan from Hobyo and praise kenadiid?

That's like praising cabdullahi yusuf and claiming to be from Mogadishu.
Both were despicable men who used foreigners against other Somalis.

I just want somebody to post updates from Galmudug/Gaalkacyo/Hobyo once in a while
Hobyo port is up and running


Gaalkacyo is looking better than ever

Ilaahay baa mahad leh, future looks great for Galmudug


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Kismaayo, is the city I was born in; I have every right to claim it.

"darood exclusive land" kulaha


Don't embarrass yourself.

:ohhh: He didn't claim the whole city as a Hawiye city.


Adeer, how can you claim reer xaaji saleebaan from Hobyo and praise kenadiid?

That's like praising cabdullahi yusuf and claiming to be from Mogadishu.
Both were despicable men who used foreigners against other Somalis.

Hobyo port is up and running


Gaalkacyo is looking better than ever

Ilaahay baa mahad leh, future looks great for Galmudug

:wtf: This nigga posting a pic of Baraxley and talking about Gaalkacyo as if it is a part of Galmudug.

This dude must be one of those crack babies.
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