Troubles in SWS and reasons the FGS is more right than wrong.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
If we're being totally honest without any judgement, Rahanweyn seem to have made the calculation that Ethiopian occupation is a lesser evil than Hawiye occupation.

It's in HSMs best interest to assuage those fears if he truly wants to achieve his goal of removing Ethiopian troops, but every action he's taken so far has ironically only added to those fears.

I would say Somalis are literally retarded people, but I honestly think the guy really just wants his clan to permanently annex LS and dominate Bay & Bakool exactly like Laftagereen thinks :icon lol:


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Last week, news was made public that aid to Puntland will resume, likely indicating a behind-the-scenes agreement between the FGS and Puntland. The FGS appears to have conceded, behind close doors, on the issue of constitutional changes, possibly due to its primary focus on reducing Ethiopian influence in SWS and the aggresive Ethiopian movements and avoiding a conflict on two fronts. So It does seem that Ethiopia is now at the for front of the agenda for the FGS.

I don't believe Culusow will release any funds until Puntland agrees to his constitutional changes.
We'll see soon enough when donors send the funds to the ministry of finance if they get through.
Can you prove the people of SWS would prefer Egypt over Ethiopia? Can you prove a disconnect between the elites and the people?

Is the animosity towards Ethiopia as widespread as you say it is or actually more specific to certain tribes?

At the end of the day in a battle between two groups of tribalists (FGS) and FMS. You can't simply say it's a unfounded criticism to call the FGS tribalist at this point. Who is more in the wrong? For the FGS to claim it's legitimacy to act unilaterally it must shed it's tribalism, until it does so it's merely taking advantage of Ethiopia's MoU to further a tribal agenda.

To argue that one should support an FGS at that this point is merely to acquiesce to one tribal agenda over another.
I think you are conflating current qabiil politics with the existence of Somalia as a country. If it was two FMS at odds, your description would be more fitting.
Anyone with any sense of conserving the idea of Somalia will have to yield to the agenda of the FGS/ central government to an extent. So yes, both are somewhat tribalist but not on an equal footing since we have a lot more at stake with the federal government.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
This is the the true intention of Hassan. He wants to install his own leader for next election by having troops control Baraawe. Laftagareen tried to have elections in November, but Hassan is trying to prevent that. He also tried to strong arm madobe into giving him kismayo port and putting xhildhiban from his clan (Hassan's clan) into jubbaland seats as a condition. Always qabyalaad with this guy. If it was niin qabyalaad la socdo eh sharaf laha, jib maad iga maklilaheyn. Ninka la doortay 2022 saas maha. Hassan muu rabo inu iis bedalo. wasarada gashaandhigga Mohamed nur aya heshis difaaca la qoray xabashi. Shaki weyn ba ka jira Hassan iyo dowladiis. Wa jajjus dharcad ah, eh wadaninimo isku qarinaya.

it’s mostly not about Ethiopia, just re-election and his clan having another FMS.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
this is still an elephant in the room, before you call anyone a traitor, show why we shouldn’t believe he is one. He signed a defence agreement with Ethiopia in 2024. He has yet to get rid of this. FMS all know about this which is why they don’t take the president seriously, with LG speaking about his issue with villa Somalia’s “fake wadanimo” he shows.

