Trudeau invokes Emergency Act just like his father


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r


United States:



The sources for Canada and US are government survey data.

For Canada, COVID vaccine hesitancy halves for those with a degree.

For the US, people who had one dose were twice as likely to be university educated compared to the vaccine hesitant.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member


United States:


View attachment 215063

The sources for Canada and US are government survey data.

For Canada, COVID vaccine hesitancy halves for those with a degree.

For the US, people who had one dose were twice as likely to be university educated compared to the vaccine hesitant.
COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy. Not Pre-Covid Vaccine refusals for childhood vaccination which is what I alluded to but I suppose you like selectively reading my posts.

I'm already aware of the groups that are overrepresented among the COVID-19 vaccine-hesitant/low in vaccine confidence (low-income groups/households and certain ethnic minorities i.e. Blacks but this may need to be disaggregated). I think Somalis and perhaps continental SSA probably have higher vaccine confidence relative to say, Afrocaribean/AA groups in Canada and possibly the US. This is just speculation though.

Anyway, my point was anti-vaxxers were traditionally the affluent Americans PRE-COVID. How many times must I emphasize PRE-COVID? For starters, this was such a niche group in the margins a prori. :icon rolleyes:

Omar del Sur

liberals: "you must accept being forced into being a human guinea pig for mystery injections by the government- OR YOU ARE RACIST"

There are only two possibilities here. Either they are really stupid or really evil. And what's been assembled is a coalition of the two.
  • Trudeau has not once bothered to meet with this group.
  • He and many other politicians and even the legacy media have ignored, maligned, or downplayed previous peaceful protests.
  • The only way you make people notice is by making it uncomfortable and hitting their pocketbooks. Anything worth fighting for requires sacrifice.
  • To the Truckers and their 'law-abiding' families and supporters, I applaud the main goal of this initiative. Hold the line. Do not allow agents, i.e., planted racists and emblems, to eclipse or malign your mission. And do not allow your peaceful assembly to be hijacked by militants.
  • Governments (even those in the west) are by no means saints nor above using counterintelligence to dismantle groups.

Cutting people out of work because they were not vaccinated is misnomer, but at the same time blockading the whole downtown Ottawa and parliament hill is also another extreme. Instead of guns, they're using their trucks. That is what negates their would have been a peaceful protest.

For instance, to drive a car, you need a driver license. It is done for safety and identification purposes. The provincial govt requires you to have it.

Similarly, to be on the road, You also need an auto insurance. It is done to ensure that uninsured motorists don't cause havoc and then walk-away because at the end it is the taxpayer that picks up the tab for the damages caused by the uninsured.

So in this instance, the government is overwhelmed by the pandemic, and vaccination has been the only thing the scientific community has recommended to stop the spread of this disease in addition to wearing masks and also maintaining a minimum safe distance of 6 feet. The government has opted for a vaccine mandate. And for the unvaccinated folks, they have two choices: 1) Get vaccinated; 2) or deal with the consequences of their decisions. The folks who don't believe in having licenses in order to drive a car aren't blockading parliament hill nor the uninsured motorists are stopping people from using the highway. I personally don't understand why someone would take their truck to blockade an entire city and cause havoc.By far, they made Trudeau's emergence powers act acceptable to majority of Canadians.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Cutting people out of work because they were not vaccinated is misnomer, but at the same time blockading the whole downtown Ottawa and parliament hill is also another extreme. Instead of guns, they're using their trucks. That is what negates their would have been a peaceful protest.

For instance, to drive a car, you need a driver license. It is done for safety and identification purposes. The provincial govt requires you to have it.

Similarly, to be on the road, You also need an auto insurance. It is done to ensure that uninsured motorists don't cause havoc and then walk-away because at the end it is the taxpayer that picks up the tab for the damages caused by the uninsured.

So in this instance, the government is overwhelmed by the pandemic, and vaccination has been the only thing the scientific community has recommended to stop the spread of this disease in addition to wearing masks and also maintaining a minimum safe distance of 6 feet. The government has opted for a vaccine mandate. And for the unvaccinated folks, they have two choices: 1) Get vaccinated; 2) or deal with the consequences of their decisions. The folks who don't believe in having licenses in order to drive a car aren't blockading parliament hill nor the uninsured motorists are stopping people from using the highway. I personally don't understand why someone would take their truck to blockade an entire city and cause havoc.By far, they made Trudeau's emergence powers act acceptable to majority of Canadians.
You are defending communism and cagojugleyn dawladeed. Why cant he just sit down and speak to these protestors like a human being? Why demonize and vilify them and seize their bank accounts? Why enact extraordinary power? Mr Pierre explains it perfectly

You are defending communism and cagojugleyn dawladeed. Why cant he just sit down and speak to these protestors like a human being? Why demonize and vilify them and seize their bank accounts? Why enact extraordinary power? Mr Pierre explains it perfectly

The Pierre guy is full of hot air and is playing politics. Everything is expensive due to Covid19. In Murica, food, clothes, computers, everything that was shipped from overseas is very expensive. That is because of China and other countries are stockpiling the goods their people need. Ports where shipping and receiving take place are slow because in some countries the pandemic is wrecking havoc and you have less people reporting for work out of concern for their health.

In this crisis in Canada, you have a group of citizens who took the law into their own hands. And they did it by blocking the seat of the federal government of Canada. And this is not a civil disobedience; this is a group of people using weapons (i.e., trucks) in order to blockade cities and force their way of thinking to others.
liberals: "you must accept being forced into being a human guinea pig for mystery injections by the government- OR YOU ARE RACIST"

There are only two possibilities here. Either they are really stupid or really evil. And what's been assembled is a coalition of the two.

One doesn't need to get vaccine if that is how they feel; however, shutting down cities and blockading highways are unacceptable, in my view. There is a reason why we have law and order, and emergency powers are in place. The unvaccinated can't force their lack of vaccination on the vaccinated.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
The Pierre guy is full of hot air and is playing politics. Everything is expensive due to Covid19. In Murica, food, clothes, computers, everything that was shipped from overseas is very expensive. That is because of China and other countries are stockpiling the goods their people need. Ports where shipping and receiving take place are slow because in some countries the pandemic is wrecking havoc and you have less people reporting for work out of concern for their health.

In this crisis in Canada, you have a group of citizens who took the law into their own hands. And they did it by blocking the seat of the federal government of Canada. And this is not a civil disobedience; this is a group of people using weapons (i.e., trucks) in order to blockade cities and force their way of thinking to others.
Trucks are weapons now? Its called a sit in and is perfectly legal. Now what is not legal is looting and burning stores and wreacking havoc in the city which is what BLM did in Summer of 2020, something Trudeau fully supported
Trucks are weapons now? Its called a sit in and is perfectly legal. Now what is not legal is looting and burning stores and wreacking havoc in the city which is what BLM did in Summer of 2020, something Trudeau fully supported

BLM riots were happening in US. Did it take place in Canada as well?

Omar del Sur

And this is not a civil disobedience; this is a group of people using weapons (i.e., trucks) in order to blockade cities and force their way of thinking to others.

and force their way of thinking to others.

They should put a screenshot of this in the dictionary next to "irony. One side wants to force everyone into getting injected with some sort of mystery juice, the other wants people to be able to make their own decisions and its the latter that are out to "force their way of thinking to others". Let's just leave people alone and let people make their own decisions on what goes into their bodies.

Omar del Sur

One doesn't need to get vaccine if that is how they feel; however, shutting down cities and blockading highways are unacceptable, in my view. There is a reason why we have law and order, and emergency powers are in place. The unvaccinated can't force their lack of vaccination on the vaccinated.

well I mean... I agree with this concept that it shouldn't be forced. but they are responding to people trying to force this injection against peoples' will. they're just standing up for their natural right. they were the ones who were backed into the corner, not the other way around. someone defending himself isn't the same as the one who was the aggressor. if everyone had just agreed on letting everyone make their own decision on what goes into their body, there would be no issue.
and force their way of thinking to others.

They should put a screenshot of this in the dictionary next to "irony. One side wants to force everyone into getting injected with some sort of mystery juice, the other wants people to be able to make their own decisions and its the latter that are out to "force their way of thinking to others". Let's just leave people alone and let people make their own decisions on what goes into their bodies.

Don't project the "juicy" into yourself; but as soon as you feel cold or fever, don't call 911 and overwhelm the emergency services. Stay home, quarantine yourself, and don't spread Covid19 to others; don't take hospital beds from real patients suffering with other illness; and lastly quit blockading cities and towns because ever since the vaccination was instituted, the majority of people reporting Covid19 cases were the unvaccinated.
well I mean... I agree with this concept that it shouldn't be forced. but they are responding to people trying to force this injection against peoples' will. they're just standing up for their natural right. they were the ones who were backed into the corner, not the other way around. someone defending himself isn't the same as the one who was the aggressor. if everyone had just agreed on letting everyone make their own decision on what goes into their body, there would be no issue.

I had to carry driver's insurance. That is because in my state, that is the law. When I drive my car, I have to have my driver license, because that is the law of the land. I can't get on a highway from an exit ramp, because it is only for motorists who want to exit the highway.

One can't go around and cough on people's faces because 1) that is gross; 2) it is dangerous, especially if one is a disease carrier.

When I came to America, I had a green card that allowed me to work. I've then became an American citizen. I had to go through all of that because there are immigration laws that I had to follow. If I didn't follow, I would've been arrested and then deported.

Coming back to Covid19, we've been hit by a pandemic. The countries, such as China, that defeated it carried out extra-ordinary measures in order to save their people and economies. They've instituted vaccinations, isolation, and educated their citizenry on how to stay safe and help control the spread of the disease.

Having misinformed group of people who believe in conspiracy theories and who would overwhelm the emergency and hospital services as soon as they get sick are the root cause of the problem in North America.

It is fine if one doesn't want to get vaccinated; but for goodness sake, stop blockading cities and highways, and stop overwhelming the emergency and hospital services.

Trudeau and other responsible governments are justified to carry out extra-ordinary measures in order to get the 'unvaccinated' people understand that they're taking the health of entire nations as hostages.
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No but he supported them.

As a leader of Canada, he was setting a good example. He wanted his countrymen and women to be tolerating one another. He wanted to ally himself with those who were struggling against racial injustice in the US and the rest of world. In that photo where he was taking the knee, Trudeau was demonstrating he was on the side of justice and tolerance.

Omar del Sur

I had to carry driver's insurance. That is because in my state, that is the law. When I drive my car, I have to have my driver license, because that is the law of the land. I can't get on a highway from an exit ramp, because it is only for motorists who want to exit the highway.

One can't go around and cough on people's faces because 1) that is gross; 2) it is dangerous, especially if one is a disease carrier.

When I came to America, I had a green card that allowed me to work. I've then became an American citizen. I had to go through all of that because there are immigration laws that I had to follow. If I didn't follow, I would've been arrested and then deported.

Coming back to Covid19, we've been hit by a pandemic. The countries, such as China, that defeated it carried out extra-ordinary measures in order to save their people and economies. They've instituted vaccinations, isolation, and educated their citizenry on how to stay safe and help control the spread of the disease.

Having misinformed group of people who believe in conspiracy theories and who would overwhelm the emergency and hospital services as soon as they get sick are the root cause of the problem in North America.

It is fine if one doesn't want to get vaccinated; but for goodness sake, stop blockading cities and highways, and stop overwhelming the emergency and hospital services.

Trudeau and other responsible governments are justified to carry out extra-ordinary measures in order to get the 'unvaccinated' people understand that they're taking the health of entire nations as hostages.

How is a forced injection the same as a driver's license?? A forced injection is a bit different than a card you carry in your wallet.

Less than two years ago, vaccine mandates and vaccine passports were "conspiracy theories".

Questioning the official 9/11 story is "conspiracy theory". Even the official 9/11 story is a conspiracy theory- according to the official story, there was a conspiracy to hijack the planes and all that.

People do plot and they do have sinister plots at times. It's crazy to think they don't. And I think it's crazy to trust the elites and think they have our interests at heart.

You have your way of seeing it, I have my way. You're free to get the vax but you're not free to force it on others. People are dealing with those who want to force it and they simply are defending their right to their own bodies. Their bodies do not belong to the government.

Another thing is you flip flop. One minute you say it shouldn't be forced, another moment you defend the dictator of Canada. If people want to try to force these vaccines... if they try that, they try that. I hope the Canadian dictator gets the same as what Gaddafi got. He deserves it more than Gaddafi did.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Don't project the "juicy" into yourself; but as soon as you feel cold or fever, don't call 911 and overwhelm the emergency services. Stay home, quarantine yourself, and don't spread Covid19 to others; don't take hospital beds from real patients suffering with other illness; and lastly quit blockading cities and towns because ever since the vaccination was instituted, the majority of people reporting Covid19 cases were the unvaccinated.
Vaccines are not effective a fully vaxxdd person can also be infected despite being triple vaxxed. Truckers are demanding that all mandates end and life goes back to normal. They will leave when their demands are met, very simple.
Vaccines are not effective a fully vaxxdd person can also be infected despite being triple vaxxed. Truckers are demanding that all mandates end and life goes back to normal. They will leave when their demands are met, very simple.

"COLUMBIA, S.C. – The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control’s (DHEC) most recent data analysis shows that the majority of recent COVID-19 cases, including severe cases, remain among individuals who are not fully vaccinated. "


Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Vaccines are not effective a fully vaxxdd person can also be infected despite being triple vaxxed. Truckers are demanding that all mandates end and life goes back to normal. They will leave when their demands are met, very simple.

Bulletproof vests are not entirely effective. A person wearing a bullet proof vest can also be shot and killed despite wearing protection.

The truckers are free to not get vaccinated but the issue is when they don’t have a vaccine and travel across the border. We’re still in a global pandemic so both nations can issue mandates to protect their citizens