I stumbled upon this post on a certain website and I agreed with all the points. Does everyone share a similar opinion on this issue?
somalia under al shabaab rule had many benefits that the current govt cannot fulfill. even though icu era was much better, al shabaab's rule was decent. inshallah more corrupt mp's will be taken care of by xarakat shabaab al mujaahidiin. walaaga soo mantajin doona hantida dadweynaha soomaaliyeed.
1. somalia was ruled under the Law of Allah
2. under al shabaab, qabyaalad was at an all-time low since kacaan era
3. because of the lack of tribal wars under al-shabaab, areas under their rule were stable
4. they didn't bring fufus to the country
5. they are the only group fighting against fufu neo-colonizers, uganda, kenya, ethiopia, and co.
6. business was fair
7. somali women weren't exposed to abuse by fufu soldiers
8. al-shabaab wasn't used to fight for the interests of a clan such as the somali national army/didn't take sides during clan wars but mediated them
9. al-shabaab fighters don't rape scores of somali women, even in idps, like somali national army soldiers
10. everyone was equal before the law so justice was ensured
somalia under al shabaab rule had many benefits that the current govt cannot fulfill. even though icu era was much better, al shabaab's rule was decent. inshallah more corrupt mp's will be taken care of by xarakat shabaab al mujaahidiin. walaaga soo mantajin doona hantida dadweynaha soomaaliyeed.
1. somalia was ruled under the Law of Allah
2. under al shabaab, qabyaalad was at an all-time low since kacaan era
3. because of the lack of tribal wars under al-shabaab, areas under their rule were stable
4. they didn't bring fufus to the country
5. they are the only group fighting against fufu neo-colonizers, uganda, kenya, ethiopia, and co.
6. business was fair
7. somali women weren't exposed to abuse by fufu soldiers
8. al-shabaab wasn't used to fight for the interests of a clan such as the somali national army/didn't take sides during clan wars but mediated them
9. al-shabaab fighters don't rape scores of somali women, even in idps, like somali national army soldiers
10. everyone was equal before the law so justice was ensured