Samaalic Era
The gap in the labor force is astounding. We lack in numbers in every field. In a long war, we would suffer horrific losses. We need to engage in short but deadly war. We need to destroy their airfields and destablise the Amhara and Tigray regions while also putting men in the Somali region to protect the Somalis thereWe will rise from the ashes as a phoenix as an powerful Islamic nation.
We will posses nuclear weapons and will be running on nuclear energy, very cheap and we will release no greenhouse gases so nobody can demand us to stop.
We need a larger population because of Active Labor Force, Available Military Manpower and those Fit-for-Military-Service. Typically the higher the base population, the larger the military fighting force.
At the moment we have only 2 mililon available for service.
While Ethiopia has
This is our aircraft power (why we need more manpower for factories etc.)
Ethiopia =
Considering that Ethiopia gets it's aircraft from the U.S and other countries because it's a submissive country.
Our labor force IS TO SMALL.
While Ethiopia has
This is an imminent issue.