Trump is forcing Israel to withdraw from Gaza by tomorrow inshallah. Israelis are crying.



People assume I hate jews very much contradictory even quite admire the hustle but what I hate is everyone game plan and yes everyone else's is advertised and demonized but their some what treated with kiddy gloves and holy and untouchable.

Listen everyone is bloody rotten to the core globally especially over tension filled topics like history, social groups, power, greed, status, knowledge, land etc. I'm not promoting anyone is bloody clean here nor did I ever insinuate that, I just think it's more better everyone drops the metaphysical layer hidden for motives n agendas. If they don't well so be it, I don't for one second say Jews don't have a right to survive just like anyone else just don't put them on this pedestal and declare their not as rotten.

If that ended would have no issues with them, just another group like everyone else pursuing their survival and well being which is a human right for all even if it comes at a great expense which fuels global politics not just mid east but every theatre really reports back to it thru indirect means.