Turkey will now chemically castrate sex offenders

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Chemically castrating someone only reduces the libido aka sexual activity. After giving it a thought I disagree. Rape has nothing do to with sex or sexual urges but power, male behavior and male entitlement.

Chemically castrating them is like saying it's "in you're nature to rape so we will reduce your libido". It's indirectly giving men a reason for their behavior. How about we target their mindset? There's nothing wrong with human sexuality.

i think you women give some rapists an incredible amount of credit. a lot of them are simply horny, disturbing men who are otherwise undesirable and this is their only outlet to fulfilling their sexual fantasies. some are definitely just in it for the sex.

the few that aren't still have a sexualized component to their deluded mindset. without a libido to act on, their moods would invariably change as well. not saying they won't still harm women to some degree, but the actual climax (i.e. sexual pleasure) it's entirely removed and they are left with minimal options to carry on their twisted ideals. most will likely sit there frustrated.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Chemically castrating them is like saying it's "in you're nature to rape so we will reduce your libido". It's indirectly giving men a reason for their behavior. How about we target their mindset? There's nothing wrong with human sexuality.
Now that I can agree with.


Why would Turkey join EU, now of all times. It's becoming more and more of a crumbling project. That's why it's increasing it's influence outside of it, by buddying up with Putin again after last autumns fiasco and looking east, kinda like Modi. It's quite funny though as Erdogan, Putin and Modi are kinda the same but in different stages of control of the state.

Turkey has been trying to join for almost 30 years now.

Poor countries benefit from the EU. They get access to the world's largest market, reduce unemployment rates through emigration, and attract a lot of foreign investment. None of the Eastern European countries are complaining because so far they have only seen benefits from it unlike the Western countries.


Suicidal men adore me.
i think you women give some rapists an incredible amount of credit. a lot of them are simply horny, disturbing men who are otherwise undesirable and this is their only outlet to fulfilling their sexual fantasies. some are definitely just in it for the sex.

the few that aren't still have a sexualized component to their deluded mindset. without a libido to act on, their moods would invariably change as well. not saying they won't still harm women to some degree, but the actual climax (i.e. sexual pleasure) it's entirely removed and they are left with minimal options to carry on their twisted ideals. most will likely sit their frustrated.

Rape has nothing to with sex. That's a myth used to shame women for their bodies, clothes, appearances. I.e it's your fault you got raped, it's in our male nature.
Most women that get raped are not raped outside of clubs but raped by men they know, trust etc.

It's simply about power and control. Look at India. Men in India justify raping women by saying they shouldn't be outside a certain hour.

Rape is all about power and control and no wonder, boys have been told since birth that it is their right to control women and when they can't that's when they start violently acting out.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
not seeing the correlation between rape not being solely about power and shaming women

if anything the concept shames men. that we're so incapable of controlling our urges, we'd ditch our morality to satisfy them. it being about power or sex doesn't place blame on the victim here. like... it's still NOT their fault.

like that dude who spikes a girl's drink and rapes her? the power is hardly an underlying motif as a good chunk of those victims wouldn't have known what happened to them. they are simply treating her as an object and doing what they please. which kind of points to it being a centralized act and not some complex, nuanced event with different outliers and underlying reasons. some niggas are just scum who do what they please. and some quite honestly couldn't care less for how their victims feel during and after the act.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Turkey has been trying to join for almost 30 years now.

Poor countries benefit from the EU. They get access to the world's largest market, reduce unemployment rates through emigration, and attract a lot of foreign investment. None of the Eastern European countries are complaining because so far they have only seen benefits from it unlike the Western countries.
They had interests in the past but after the Greece debt debacle, the countries(Spain, Portugal, Italy etc) drowning in debt and the refugee crisis(which Turkey had a hand in), they would probably just want a deal like Norway or Switzerland but it isn't much of a priority as EU would never accept Erdogan. Anyway lets not derail this thread.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Turkey has been trying to join for almost 30 years now.

Poor countries benefit from the EU. They get access to the world's largest market, reduce unemployment rates through emigration, and attract a lot of foreign investment. None of the Eastern European countries are complaining because so far they have only seen benefits from it unlike the Western countries.

they also distance themselves from the undesirables that sit beneath them :reallymaury:

or at least... beneath the niggas beneath them


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
halyeey oucheaaaaaaa :ohhhdamn::ohhhdamn:

but i think using the udunfdup emote was to make it sarcastic


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
still shocked that simian, mouth-breathing, ogre-fiona looking ass down-syndrome having ass woman lives in my city smfh :wow:


Suicidal men adore me.
not seeing the correlation between rape not being solely about power and shaming women

if anything the concept shames men. that we're so incapable of controlling our urges, we'd ditch our morality to satisfy them. it being about power or sex doesn't place blame on the victim here. like... it's still NOT their fault.

like that dude who spikes a girl's drink and rapes her? the power is hardly an underlying motif as a good chunk of those victims wouldn't have known what happened to them. they are simply treating her as an object and doing what they please. which kind of points to it being a centralized act and not some complex, nuanced event with different outliers and underlying reasons. some niggas are just scum who do what they please. and some quite honestly couldn't care less for how their victims feel during and after the act.

Rape = a man taking control over a woman's body, giving her no right no consent and no agency. Surely there can't be something sexual about this?

Treating her as an object you said, I agree men treat women as object that they own, objects that are disposable something that they have been told for centuries is their right.

And yes some men can't control themselves. It's a fact and we have society and especially they way we raise boys compared to girls to blame.

Who views sex as something that belongs to them? Something that they have a right to get. Well the vast majority that think that way are men. It's not such a surprise considering men are told women are their belongings, their property.

Saying rape is connected to natural sexual urges that men can't control is abhorrent and perhaps we should all together surgically castrate men since they can't act like rational humans and it's in their DNA?

Saying rape is about sex is vile and disgusting and should be insulting to all humans. So rapists are just horny men who want to get laid and violently do so? Rape is assault I think you're forgetting that when you're trying create a correlation between physical assault (where the victim is almost always a woman or a child) and sexuality...

Rape is and will always be about control. Women have sexual urges you don't see the shocking statistic that say we rape in such sick numbers as men.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Too bad there's no laws to chemically castrate crazy feminists.
We shouldn't chemically castrate people we don't like, stupid shit like that is taught. No child is ever born with such hatred in their hearts.
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