Twitter Xaliimo gets shutdown with facts

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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Lol...and this is exactly the type of Somali guys the twitter girls are talking about. Take your double standards else where. I refuse to live my life based on your expectations of how a "good" girl should behave to get a "Somali" guy. If he's anything like you I wouldn't want him anyways. To be frank with you...I have hope that you don't represent all Somali males... if your masculinity is wavering or threatened because Somali girls choose to have have a lot of work to do.
It's not 'your''s my daqan as much as anyone else's so go try to control, manipulate or slander someone else because you can't try me..
No Somali guy wants the neighborhood bicycle
I would rape any judge who takes my kids. Including the shariah courts that deny women custody after divorce.
Don't talk about things you don't about, just trying to villify the religion to suit your agenda.

In Islamic law the woman has more rights over the kids as long as she doesn't remarry.

Beware sspot muslims, there's folks nowadays who use the wahabi word to attack Islam!

In Tunisia they have brothels. A sheikh stands outside and issues a temp nikax. In, out, and off you go to the bar for a cold one. Look it up mate

Sunnis love their prossies.
Lol...and this is exactly the type of Somali guys the twitter girls are talking about. Take your double standards else where. I refuse to live my life based on your expectations of how a "good" girl should behave to get a "Somali" guy. If he's anything like you I wouldn't want him anyways. To be frank with you...I have hope that you don't represent all Somali males... if your masculinity is wavering or threatened because Somali girls choose to have have a lot of work to do.
It's not 'your''s my daqan as much as anyone else's so go try to control, manipulate or slander someone else because you can't try me..
Last I remember that double standards (it's not really but) exist in every walk of life, even in the most progressive Western countries. Remember walk?

I don't see why you're trying to turn this into a Somali guy thing, it's a universal phenomenon. There are reasons beyond "men are shit" for why this so called double standard exists and it's lame to blame your own specifically.
Don't talk about things you don't about, just trying to villify the religion to suit your agenda.

In Islamic law the woman has more rights over the kids as long as she doesn't remarry.

Beware sspot muslims, there's folks nowadays who use the wahabi word to attack Islam!

Islam gives women full rights. But Saudi influenced sharia courts don't. They abuse women and deprive them of their rights. They will be punished severely by Allah.

Salafism will be destroyed.

Garaad Darawiish

Astra incliant sed non obligant
Actually I know, what forks and knives
To use according to the course being

Childless, don't blame you tbh

Most somali females dont. Their is nothing more embarrassing than your date chewing on one end of her chicken with grease all over her hands and bare cadaans staring at you bewildered.

'Childless, don't blame you tbh'- expand on this
Most somali females dont. Their is nothing more embarrassing than your date chewing on one end of her chicken with grease all over her hands and bare cadaans staring at you bewildered.

'Childless, don't blame you tbh'- expand on this

That's so embarrassing wallahi!

I've been thinking about it lately,
And kids are a burden financially
And emotionally (life long
commitment) but than some may
Not have children because they
Simply just don't want them.

I can see why ppl wouldn't have
Them, but than I could see why
They would want them too.

Garaad Darawiish

Astra incliant sed non obligant
That's so embarrassing wallahi!

I've been thinking about it lately,
And kids are a burden financially
And emotionally (life long

I can see why ppl wouldn't have
Them, but than I could see why
They would want them too.
I aspire to retire before i reach 45. Having kids would mean more mouths to feed and less money in the bank. Lose-Lose. Thats just my opinion anyway and i wouldn't want to super-impose it on others.


:mjlol: Not worth it

As if you have any choice in that matter. I will be waiting.



Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Most somali females dont. Their is nothing more embarrassing than your date chewing on one end of her chicken with grease all over her hands and bare cadaans staring at you bewildered.

'Childless, don't blame you tbh'- expand on this

kkk Did that really happen to you, no wonder somali men are going their own way :farmajoyaab:
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