Twitter (Yahuuditter + Elon Musk) Ban Lucas Gage.

koofid yaar have done it again lol. I remember when yahuuds called for the deleting of all palestinians but this nigga did nothing :deadpeter:

Its Understandable Elon wants to be "aspirationally jewish" and is a "Philosemite"
Makes you wonder what adolf knew that we didnt.
you cant tell me these niggas dont own the world
I recommend you watch

History of central banking and the enslavement of mankind by stephen goodson - peacedozer edition.

Although it dosent explain everything, it provides a good basis and has some very good history too.

Funny how it can also directly explain the actions of dojakhat and pinky and every other 'alternative' thinker on this forum.
i can already smell whos behind it


Djiboutian 🇩🇯 | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 🇸🇴
Didn’t he burn the Torah on video and upload it?

Yeah, no sympathy from me, that’s a holy book dawg.
The talmud says Isa pbuh is in hell burning in a sea of of own semen and xaar. Nothing holy about koofiyar
[MEDIA unfurl="true"]
Didn’t he burn the Torah on video and upload it?

Yeah, no sympathy from me, that’s a holy book dawg.

A holy book according to who?

Yet they promote people burning the Quran all over X and the western world.

You are a shill and that is all you do, shilling for zionists and their plots.

You are despicable.
Didn’t he burn the Torah on video and upload it?

Yeah, no sympathy from me, that’s a holy book dawg.
yahuud are langaab. Who cares. Their hooked nose asses are the ones pushing for a holy war with christains. They promote these sub humans to burn our books and teach our kids khanisnimo


Chief of Madow Rights Movement, E-Y18629 Cushite
Didn’t he burn the Torah on video and upload it?

Yeah, no sympathy from me, that’s a holy book dawg.
That Swedish Iraqi dude who burned the Quran got to keep his account. Seems very hypocritical from Rabbi Elon
Lucas Gage is the one of the only white dude who exposes these people. He risks his and his families lives so we can see their subversion
That Swedish Iraqi dude who burned the Quran got to keep his account. Seems very hypocritical from Rabbi Elon
he didnt get banned from burning the talmuud, he got banned for saying he wants to kill those demons. Elon though he was reffering to all yahuuds.


Chief of Madow Rights Movement, E-Y18629 Cushite
he didnt get banned from burning the talmuud, he got banned for saying he wants to kill those demons. Elon though he was reffering to all yahuuds.
Oh he was a dumbass for not specifying then :heh:
Oh he was a dumbass for not specifying then :heh:
you cant blame him icl. This nigga got his address leaked years back but now that he critisises yahuuds he gets swatted every single day. Just yesterday, he got swatted 5 times lol. He gets sent packages of raw meat, charcoal and bird/cat food.
These yahuuds are creative asf. Feel sorry for his kid.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
A holy book according to who?

A Holy Book according to Allah SWT you absolute nacas.

Go find me the Hadith that condones that action of burning the Talmud. If you can’t, I expect an apology for calling me a “Zionist shill”.
A Holy Book according to Allah SWT you absolute nacas.

Go find me the Hadith that condones that action of burning the Talmud. If you can’t, I expect an apology for calling me a “Zionist shill”.

Don't mind that clown, he just regurgitates direct and paraphrased quotes from Daniel Haqiqatjou's articles on this forum, not realising that he's merely an American right-wing grifter with Islamic terminology lightly sprinkled on top.

He seriously tried to argue the other day that the majority of this Somali forum are hypocritical for supporting drag queens but not Aisha being nine years old according to a hadith, calling us "brainwashed kuffar" for understandably being concerned about child exploitation.


There are good articles on Muslim Skeptic about this group.

“Non-Jews Have Satanic Souls”: The Spiritual Mentor of Ben Shapiro​

You may have come across a recent article of mine, which discussed how, according to Kabbalah—the mystical approach to religion that has shaped much of modern Judaism—, the soul of a Jew is significantly more superior and more valuable than the soul of a non-Jew. In fact, the former is deemed to be divine in some sense, while the latter is considered plainly to be animalistic in nature.

Within this context, one figure who came up was Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994), also known simply as “the Rebbe.” In the precise context of Hasidic Judaism (Hasidism being a “popularization” of Kabbalah for the masses), Rebbe is a unique term used for an almost deified spiritual leader.

The My Jewish Learning site notes:

Schneerson was the Rebbe of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement within Hasidic Judaism. As we had mentioned in our earlier article:

The movement itself focuses on “outreach” (bringing Jews back to their religion) through community-building, educational institutions, and so on. The Muslim Brotherhood in (some of) the Arab world could be considered a close comparison in terms of the amount of influence it has. mentions:

The Chabad-Lubavitch hasn’t found a successor to the Rebbe because many, if not most, consider him to be the Jewish Messiah. And since this would mean he’s not really dead, it is plausible that he could return at any given moment.

Also in our earlier article, we had shown that both Benjamin Netanyahu (Prime Minister of Israel) and Ben Shapiro (the most prominent American conservative influencer and most famous Jewish ethnonationalist in the country) are unapologetic admirers of the Rebbe.

But, being a Chabad-Lubavitch leader (and thus a Hasidic and Kabbalist), it was inevitable that the Rebbe too would subscribe to the idea of non-Jews being inferior. However, in his worldview, this is actually to the extent that non-Jews are in fact deemed to be Satanic.

RELATED: Red Cows & 40 Decapitated Babies: Israel Trying to Start the Apocalypse?

We can read, for example, the book, Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel, originally published in 1999. It was authored by Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky, both Jews. The former was a Holocaust survivor (present in the Warsaw ghetto) who eventually became a professor of chemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, while the latter, who passed away just last September (2022), was an American academic.

It is also worth noting that this was Shahak’s last major book before his death in 2001. His most famous work was Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years (1994).

They highlight the hypocrisy of the scholars of Kabbalah, such as Gershom Scholem, who give the impression that Kabbalah promises salvation for all, including non-Jews, while also distorting the terminology in the process.

RELATED: Sabbatean-Frankism: The Obscure Jewish Sect That Shaped Modernity

They then mention how Lurianic Kabbalah, the most influential subgroup of Kabbalah, considers non-Jewish souls to be Satanic in nature and how it influenced Hasidism.

We read, on p.58:

And who do you think is mentioned as a relevant example of someone who personified this Kabbalistic and Hasidic idea of non-Jewish souls being Satanic?

You guessed it:

The beloved spiritual mentor of Benjamin Netanyahu and Ben Shapiro, the Rebbe!