Two ministers clash: with whom will Farmaajo/Kheyre side?

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Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
I am with Juxa on this one and also why is a random minister interfering.

If i was in goverment i would see the reason why Juxa wants to fire the guy if legitimate i would enforce if not i would reject

PLUS i would shout at this random minister in both cases !! why reverse if you have nothing to do with this situation.

Every minister has the right to appoint a secretary general for his ministry, it's quite normal for a new minister to bring in his own people at the ministry. Juxa is changing the course of the ministry and is making it more inclusive, it was dominated by one clan for the last 10 years. That is why that random minister is shouting from the sidelines, he hails from the clan that dominates that important ministry.
Ciise Mohamud were never siad barre foot soldiers.

And I am cisman maxamud besides it was ahmed saleeban dafle who was married to siad barre daughter he was taliyaha nabad sugida isla markana muxu aha golaha sare gacanka u ka mid aha he made a speech to the army saying "Majeerteen xoolahooda daca dumaarkoodana kufsada" in English "Rob Majeerteen wealth and rape Majeerteen women" today he can't set foot in Somalia he's iliving in eriteria the bastar he knows he will be killed if he steps foot in Somalia.

Siad barre foot soldier were mainly dhulbhante & he targeted all maxamud saleeban including ciise moxamud:nahgirl:
Wrong it would be stupid for him to use dhulos foot soldiers when the closest dhulos sub clan and omar Mahmoud come in contact is Ethiopia if anything all the dhulos groups siyaad barre gave weapons to bordered isaaq he purposely never gave weapons to eastern dhulos who bordered mj
Bah Ararsame(the only dhulos who border omar Mahmoud) were never given weapons by siyaad
No need to lie isse mohamoud killed omar Mahmoud while osman mohamoud were known to be quite and didn't cause trouble which ironic part is they scream and cry the loudest today about siyaad barre today but never did shit against siyaad barre back then there is another so called mod here who I said this before to am not surprised your from her group the only exception to this rule is @Reiko ironically
I personally can't complain siyaad barre gave my family free shit:manny:
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Wrong it would be stupid for him to use dhulos foot soldiers when the closest dhulos sub clan and omar Mahmoud come in contact is Ethiopia if anything all the dhulos groups siyaad barre gave weapons to bordered isaaq he purposely never gave weapons to eastern dhulos who bordered mj
Bah Ararsame(the only dhulos who border omar Mahmoud) were never given weapons by siyaad
No need to lie isse mohamoud killed omar Mahmoud while osman mohamoud were known to be quite and didn't cause trouble which ironic part is they scream and cry the loudest today about siyaad barre today but never did shit against siyaad barre back then there is another so called mod here who I said this before to am not surprised your from her group the only exception to this rule is @Reiko ironically
I personally can't complain siyaad barre gave my family free shit:manny:
You're a slave of Isaac a condom and you have the audacity to talk dhulbhante is the only tribe today who are enslaved by another tribe. Tell us there can you even go to taleex or las canood? Let's face it you people were used like a condom by the sayiidka the terrorist then siad barre the gaal now you're being used by Isaac.

How you have audacity to even speak is beyond me you're like a junky who doesn't even control his own land Faisal Cali waraabe has more clout in your own land.

Dhulbhante have always been slaves of anyone who pays them that's why they're currently being used as cannon fodder by Isaac.

Siad barre targeted all Mohamud saleeban and you kind have always been used just look at las canood today your people are slaves my g.

Where is your God siyad barre today? Where is his legacy? Can he protect you from Isaac?
You're a slave of Isaac a condom and you have the audacity to talk dhulbhante is the only tribe today who are enslaved by another tribe. Tell us there can you even go to taleex or las canood? Let's face it you people were used like a condom by the sayiidka the terrorist then siad barre the gaal now you're being used by Isaac.

How you have audacity to even speak is beyond me you're like a junky who doesn't even control his own land Faisal Cali waraabe has more clout in your own land.

Dhulbhante have always been slaves of anyone who pays them that's why they're currently being used as cannon fodder by Isaac.

Siad barre targeted all Mohamud saleeban and you kind have always been used just look at las canood today your people are slaves my g.

Where is your God siyad barre today? Where is his legacy? Can he protect you from Isaac?
And now here the emotional crying why would I go to taleh or las anod when my sub clan lives in caroole even thoe we have the capability of evicting the trash living in taleh:dead1:
Me needing protection:mjlol:

nikka last I checked wacays abdille are the reason why sl try to create whole new militia take combat them last group who ass fucked them and also punked your trash government :russ:
Also last I checked it was Mahmoud garad(me) who made your last king trash eating bum in iskushuban :heh:
Osman were quite es when siyaad barre was around:manny:
The only note worthy thing your kind ever did was us chasing you into the sea and merahan making you homeless in kismayo :russ:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
And now here the emotional crying why would I go to taleh or las anod when my sub clan lives in caroole even thoe we have the capability of evicting the trash living in taleh:dead1:
Me needing protection:mjlol:

nikka last I checked wacays abdille are the reason why sl try to create whole new militia take combat them last group who ass fucked them and also punked your trash government :russ:
Also last I checked it was Mahmoud garad(me) who made your last king trash eating bum in iskushuban :heh:
Osman were quite es when siyaad barre was around:manny:
The only note worthy thing your kind ever did was us chasing you into the sea and merahan making you homeless in kismayo :russ:
It's true many mj lost their lives at the hands of the sayiidka the mad mullah & his foot soldiers were mostly dhulbhante its true at one point some mj soldiers fled the Ogaden, mareexan, dhulbhante foot soldiers by sea cause they don't know how to swim kkk

But what became of the sayiidka when he was requested to see boqor cisman and boqor cisman accepted but half way through his journey in the desert he got news that boqor cisman granted him persona none grata so he perished wuu baqtiyey in the desert eating horse meat.

Let's face it your tribe dhulbhante have always been send out lackeys foot soldiers cannon fodder for others.

Today you're saying that you're not dhulbhante you're Mohamud Garad but what will you say tomorrow when somaliland buys Mohamud Garad? Are you going to go by your first name and your fathers name only? Will you disown the rest of your abtiris? A real man accepts responsibility whereas a coward always blames others.
It's true many mj lost their lives at the hands of the sayiidka the mad mullah & his foot soldiers were mostly dhulbhante its true at one point some mj soldiers fled the Ogaden, mareexan, dhulbhante foot soldiers by sea cause they don't know how to swim kkk

But what became of the sayiidka when he was requested to see boqor cisman and boqor cisman accepted but half way through his journey in the desert he got news that boqor cisman granted him persona none grata so he perished wuu baqtiyey in the desert eating horse meat.

Let's face it your tribe dhulbhante have always been send out lackeys foot soldiers cannon fodder for others.

Today you're saying that you're not dhulbhante you're Mohamud Garad but what will you say tomorrow when somaliland buys Mohamud Garad? Are you going to go by your first name and your fathers name only? Will you disown the rest of your abtiris? A real man accepts responsibility whereas a coward always blames others.
Osman mohamoud fleeing comment had nothing to do with the dervish my comment was an incident that happened in 1800s way before dervish thoe the dervish mainly were Mahmoud garad ugaadhyahan hence why all hq were in there territory :lolbron:
Yes mohamoud garad were also the siyaad barre foot soldiers :mjpls:
Now a days thoe not such thing as mohamoud garad I only claim them when it comes history. :kanyeshrug:
In the battlefield today wacays abdille fight mohamoud garad sub clans who call themselves sl/pl:kanyeshrug:
somaliland/puntland/khaatumo are variation of Mahmoud garad sub clans militia

Ex in xudun and taleh districts you have the conquered prostitutes called nuur/nalaye ahmed(pl/sl) Mohamud Garad fighting wacay abdille/omar wacays mohamoud garad(Khatumo)
Apparently am a coward for not taking the blame for the prostituted nature of my enemy this is while my own sub clan is fighting them :dead:
No such thing as mohamoud garad,ugaadhyahan,dhulos is just fake names now a days in the past yes :dead1:


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
PM Sharqabe appointed the sacked secretary general as his special adviser on interior affairs. What a weak move by Sharqabe, he didn't have the guts to reinstate him so he chooses to give him a lucrative position

MOGADISHU, Somalia- The Prime Minister of Somali Federal government was reported to have appointed ex-Permanent Secretary of the Interior Ministry as an advisor, Garowe Online reports.

Yahye Ali Ibrahim who was recently sacked from his previous post at the Interior Ministry by the Minister, Abdi Farah Saed “Juha", was appointed as special advisor on the Interior Affairs and reconciliation at the Prime Minister office.

At the previous post, Ibrahim was accused of defying his superiors, power abuse, lack of cooperation and sabotaging the Ministry’s day to day activities, and was replaced by new Permanent Secretary Abdullahi Mohamoud Hassan.

Previously, Ibrahim refused the decision of the Interior Minister, but following mounting political pressure, he accepted the decision. Sources said Ibrahim refusal to the decision comes in relation to the clan association he shares with the Prime Minister Hasan Ali Khayre.

Appointing Ibrahim to the new post caused rift between the Prime Minister office and Minister of Interior, added the source.

“The new appointment is similar to transferring the duties of the Interior Ministry to the Prime Minister office,” said an official within the Ministry to GO.

It is not clear the reason for the PM Khayre to appoint Ibrahim for the post, but reliable sources indicated that relation between PM and Minister Juha got worsen following his visit to Puntland.

“This comes due to PM Khayre’s fears towards Minister Juha’s view on Federalism, national reconciliation and election,” said the source.

Another source revealed that Somali President Mohamed Abdulahi Mohamed “Farmajo”, has opposed Prime Minister’s proposal to do minor reshuffle on his cabinet ministers.

Prime Minister’s decision to reshuffle his cabinet is believed to be aimed to persuade Federal lawmakers against tabling a motion to withdraw confidence from his government.


Yuusuf direed Founding Father of Ahlu-naar
After appointing the sacked secretary general as his personal adviser on interior affairs, PM Kheyre changed his mind and fired him within a week. Kheyre seems like he is easily influenced and changes his mind too often :farmajoyaab:

What do you expect, when you have a minority clan that has no influence or the backbone support of his Majority Clan as PM, he is easily influenced because his alone in this one!


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
After appointing the sacked secretary general as his personal adviser on interior affairs, PM Kheyre changed his mind and fired him within a week. Kheyre seems like he is easily influenced and changes his mind too often :farmajoyaab:
He's a human being like you and I, yes he made a mistake by reinstating him but eventually he did the right thing by sacking him so let's give him credit for that atleast.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
What do you expect, when you have a minority clan that has no influence or the backbone support of his Majority Clan as PM, he is easily influenced because his alone in this one!
He's not alone he has the support of the Somali people even if Puntland & galmudug go against him he still has the support of the rest of Somalia.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Osman mohamoud fleeing comment had nothing to do with the dervish my comment was an incident that happened in 1800s way before dervish thoe the dervish mainly were Mahmoud garad ugaadhyahan hence why all hq were in there territory :lolbron:
Yes mohamoud garad were also the siyaad barre foot soldiers :mjpls:
Now a days thoe not such thing as mohamoud garad I only claim them when it comes history. :kanyeshrug:
In the battlefield today wacays abdille fight mohamoud garad sub clans who call themselves sl/pl:kanyeshrug:
somaliland/puntland/khaatumo are variation of Mahmoud garad sub clans militia

Ex in xudun and taleh districts you have the conquered prostitutes called nuur/nalaye ahmed(pl/sl) Mohamud Garad fighting wacay abdille/omar wacays mohamoud garad(Khatumo)
Apparently am a coward for not taking the blame for the prostituted nature of my enemy this is while my own sub clan is fighting them :dead:
No such thing as mohamoud garad,ugaadhyahan,dhulos is just fake names now a days in the past yes :dead1:
Prostitute of my enemies? Is you enemies the rest of dhulbhante now you laangaab kkkk baharsame runs dhulbhante affairs who the f*ck are you:drakekidding:

Agent 47

21st Divsion of Somali National Army
A little background of this new political development. Since the days of Abdullahi Yusuf AUN, the ministry of interior was given to a HG minister. Farmaajo and Kheyre broke that tradition by giving it to Juxa, a former minister of education in PL. Today Juxa fired the secretary general of the ministry of interior. Immediately another minister, who coincidentally happens to be HG but has nothing to do with interior ministry, wrote a statement saying that the sacking of the SG is unconstitutional. Today marks the first day that the Kheyre cabinet has two ministers openly defying each other. Will he approve the sacking of the SG or will he reinstate him and therefore give Juxa reasons to resign. If he sides with Juxa, the already marginalised HG will be even further.marginalised. The resignation of Juxa might jeopardise the good relationship between Puntland and the SFG.
the guy juxa fired is kheyre's clan member and kheyre is appointing him an adviser of interior BS which juxa doesn't welcome.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
What do you expect, when you have a minority clan that has no influence or the backbone support of his Majority Clan as PM, he is easily influenced because his alone in this one!

Do I dare to say that my post influenced his decision again?:pachah1:

the guy juxa fired is kheyre's clan member and kheyre is appointing him an adviser of interior BS which juxa doesn't welcome.

He appointed him and now reversed his decision. Of course Juxa shouldn't welcome that the guy he fired would be whispering into the PM ears

Agent 47

21st Divsion of Somali National Army
Do I dare to say that my post influenced his decision again?:pachah1:

He appointed him and now reversed his decision. Of course Juxa shouldn't welcome that the guy he fired would be whispering into the PM ears
Not only him but he actually made a "Gudi" too and putnland will cut ties if juxa leaves:siilaanyolaugh:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Not only him but he actually made a "Gudi" too and putnland will cut ties if juxa leaves:siilaanyolaugh:
I don't see that ever happening Puntland supports this government infact it's the backbone of the government.

In sha Allah things work out so we could get out of our current sorry state we sitting on riches but without a government in place we'll continue in this miserable state crabs in a barrel.

Agent 47

21st Divsion of Somali National Army
I don't see that ever happening Puntland supports this government infact it's the backbone of the government.

In sha Allah things work out so we could get out of our current sorry state we sitting on riches but without a government in place we'll continue in this miserable state crabs in a barrel.
You never saw Puntland cutting ties with the federal government? :farmajoyaab:
Backbone of the government kulaha, Puntland refused everything farmaajo government asked them.
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