Types of Somalis on social media


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Glad someone else notice how blatantly hyper progressive this Soros plant is :chrisfreshhah:

Periplus: *is Anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-discrimination*

TekNigis: “LooK hOw ProGrEsSiVe hE iS. wHaT a pLaNT.”

Two braindead N&N meatriders riding each other’s meat, waa yaab.



Veni Vidi Vici
I am centrist, by political affiliation, views and on political compass.

Cope harder lil bro.

Allow me, im lashing out on the start of the end for Conservatives. I might even have to vote L...., no i cannot even say it :francis:

Never thought you was a centrist, always thought you was a leftie, since Labour, Labor and Democrats are..... well left :pachah1:

And before you get into the technicality that left and centre left aint the same thing, it dervives from the same concept. Less extreme?

On a side note, Minister of Finance, Minister of Home Affairs, Minister of Health, Prime Minister, one man. How could that be possible. Maybe Boris could have still been here if he had that powers :mjlol:
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Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Allow me, im lashing out on the start of the end for Conservatives. I might even have to vote L...., no i cannot even say it :francis:

Never thought you was a centrist, always thought you was a leftie, since Labour, Labor and Democrats are..... well left :pachah1:

And before you get into the technicality that left and centre left aint the same thing, it dervives from the same concept. Less extreme?

On a side note, Minister of Finance, Minister of Home Affairs, Minister of Health, Prime Minister, one man. How could that be possible. Maybe Boris could have still been here if he had that powers :mjlol:

Bro was hilariously incompetent. Scomo was PR and vibes, that’s why we called him Scotty from Marketing.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Darn these xalimos, darn and darn them. Who we attacking :kanyehmm:
