UK Election 2024


Veni Vidi Vici
Realistically, unless they get over 50 seats, their impact in parliament will be minimal.

I'm predicting around 10 seats for reform. We'll find out in an hour or so.
For a party that was just made relatively recently, 10 seats is very decent. Green Party ain't even getting that and they've been around for cat years. 1 or 2 election cycles and they easily could get opposition if not fully in power.
I'll be blunt, I'll be voting Reform just because I want less immigration, less money for the mass, more taxes and more racism. Segregation now, Segregation tommorow and segregation forever :diddyass:
Reform UK (formally named Brexit Party) is the whole reason for this current never seen before mass migration, Brexit caused it because they wanted to stop the free flow of Eastern Europeans and when that happened economy/markets/Sterling started tanking because of shortage of workers in critical sectors like international logistics and agriculture, then as a remedy the government let the floodgates open wider for migration from Asia and Africa to keep the economy afloat. The racist White Supremacist nativists shot themselves on the foot they wanted rid of EE's now they have hordes of browns and blacks here in the last couple years.
For a party that was just made relatively recently, 10 seats is very decent. Green Party ain't even getting that and they've been around for cat years. 1 or 2 election cycles and they easily could get opposition if not fully in power.
Reform isn't really new. It's just the UKIP rebranded because brexit happened. They have the same talking points, the same leader, and similarly batshit crazy candidates. UKIP got 15% of the national vote in 2015 - but no seats. Reform is gonna get a similar % in the popularity vote, but more seats.

Also - reform is the only alternative for disgruntled right-wing conservative voters.
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Huge labour win as expected. The lib dems have done well to get around 60 seats. SNP vote has collapsed

Reform glazers are gonna be dissapointed if this is correct.


Resident Eritrean | Ye's strongest soldier
For a party that was just made relatively recently, 10 seats is very decent. Green Party ain't even getting that and they've been around for cat years. 1 or 2 election cycles and they easily could get opposition if not fully in power.
The only reason Reform does poorly is because of the first-past-the-post electoral system. It was the same situation for UKIP.

Reform gets about 20% of the overall vote (same as the Tories) but struggles to win individual constituencies. UKIP used to get 15% of the overall vote and only had 1 MP to show for it

Reform will probably never take off as a party but that was never their aim. They want to basically take over the Tories with their style of right wing populism. Farage continues to say that his ultimate goal is to be leader of the Conservative Party
Idk anything about UK politics but what happened to reform ? On tiktok every white British was talking about saving the country and voting for them what happened 😂 ?
Social media doesn't reflect real life. All the polls suggested reform would get 2-3% of the seats in parliament. That's exactly what they're getting.
A new era dawning on Britain. A super majority for Labour to usher in the next era of global politics. Leftist socialist leaning progressive and more people oriented brand of politics. A more equitable and considerable world but at the complete sacrifice of all your moral Conservative values .a fairer society economically and socially but religiously amoral
The only reason Reform does poorly is because of the first-past-the-post electoral system. It was the same situation for UKIP.

Reform gets about 20% of the overall vote (same as the Tories) but struggles to win individual constituencies. UKIP used to get 15% of the overall vote and only had 1 MP to show for it

Reform will probably never take off as a party but that was never their aim. They want to basically take over the Tories with their style of right wing populism. Farage continues to say that his ultimate goal is to be leader of the Conservative Party
Reform didn't get anywhere near 20%.

What a cope :mjlol:
British electoral system is quite weird. It's called first across the post wins all. For example while Labour might only win probably 30something percent of the vote they get nearly 60 percent of seats while reform with nearly 20 percent of the total votes gets about less than 5 percent of the seats.

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