UK Election 2024

''Civilized the entire world''

🤣🤡He must be gutted

reform are basically a bunch of low iq educationless illiterate langaabs who chimp out when they see a non white person live and breath in the uk.
Even so, the conservatives got desperate when they realised reform had potential, they started chimping out and calling reform racists lol.
Rishi absolutly destroyed the conservatives lol, he will resign today or tomorrow,
it is unbelievable how this is The Lowest they have ever had in the parties formation centuries ago lol. This nigga lost the conservatives nearly all their seats :mjlol: :pachah1:
Rishi is going back to the India in a rubber dingy
SNP collapsed lol, they've lost about 45 seats since 2019. I always thought scottish ppl were more liberal
their entire economic system went to shambles and continued to get worse, the education system was so bad they had to change it so it was similar to that of the uk but the snp were too busy focusing about leaving the union while scotland was basically drowning
their entire economic system went to shambles and continued to get worse, the education system was so bad they had to change it so it was similar to that of the uk but the snp were too busy focusing about leaving the union while scotland was basically drowning
Yeah, sturgeon fked it for them, but their economy will be better once they gain independence and snp are the only party that want scottish independence.


You need people like me
Labour in government will be a failure as expected and a moderate to far right party will be in government in 2029. It's the same pattern as Brexit. Dominic Cummings is also starting a party so it'll be interesting.
The exit poll stats have always been consistent with the outcomes.
Nigel got cooked like always
How? They have gone from having 0-13 mps. Farage is an MP for the first time. He was already one of the most influential politicians without ever setting foot in parliament. They will most likely come second in many areas. Their intended outcome was to pick up as many mps as possible and disrupt the conservative vote. Farage was never targeting to become the majority party.

his biggest achievement will be to drive a wedge between centre and far right conservatives. Don’t look @ this as a zero sum game. This isn’t American politics.
How? They have gone from having 0-13 mps. Farage is an MP for the first time. He was already one of the most influential politicians without ever setting foot in parliament. They will most likely come second in many areas. Their intended outcome was to pick up as many mps as possible and disrupt the conservative vote. Farage was never targeting to become the majority party.

his biggest achievement will be to drive a wedge between centre and far right conservatives. Don’t look @ this as a zero sum game. This isn’t American politics.
Percentage points is the most important thing here. Difference between the two will probably be like 6-7%, which is insane.
The Africans need to win the euros for England. Come on engerland🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

It’s going to be 5 years of immigrant bashing from here. Even Labour will jump on it 😬
Ngl it’s defo worse being Muslim compared to being black/African rn.

They genuinely see Muslims as a threat. So much of the Reform manifesto is just shade towards Muslims