Unarmed black man gets shot in Georgia while jogging

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He is supposed to be a burglar according to the rednecks yet he had no tools, weapons not even a bag to stash the loot?
Also to those saying he acted stupid, maybe take the time to read the police report.

He tried to escape them at first and they still cornered him again brandishing weapons at him. He was honestly left with no option.
Daam that makes this story even worse
Turn up the volume, they cocked their shotguns and took aim before he even went around the truck. They were gonna act like animals whether he stopped or not.

Forget guns, no one in London stops when a group of cunts pull out knives. They either fight them or run. Now add in the fact a gun will still kill you at a distance. They were clearly out for blood.
I've had a knives pull on me before sxb, I didn't run nor was I stupid enough to try and fight them. Mistake in identity both times, a quick conversation resolved the whole thing.

If you put your ego aside and have an ounce of self preservation, 9/10 you can talk your way out of those situations.
No really, but charging and then swinging multiple punches at an armed man is beyond fucking retarded.
The two grabbed a shotgun and a pistol and followed Arbery in their truck, police said. Travis McMichael, the driver, followed Arbery and then attempted to cut him off, the report said. Arbery turned around and began running in the opposite direction, the police report said.

They chased Arbery to a nearby intersection, where they caught up to him, the report said

Put yourself in his shoes some people point a gun at you you run away and they chase you down do you expect they are going to kill you.


the fact that those 2 rednecks think that they are cops is crazy who the f*ck tells a guy thats running stop and hops out with a shotgun
The two grabbed a shotgun and a pistol and followed Arbery in their truck, police said. Travis McMichael, the driver, followed Arbery and then attempted to cut him off, the report said. Arbery turned around and began running in the opposite direction, the police report said.

They chased Arbery to a nearby intersection, where they caught up to him, the report said

Put yourself in his shoes some people point a gun at you you run away and they chase you down do you expect they are going to kill you.
f*ck sake, running away or getting into a fist fight aren't the only options in that situation. They had no right to stop him or question him, but if you know the alternative can mean death put your ego to one side and talk to them and wait for the police to resolve the matter. Once that video the guy in the car took resurfaced later, the rednecks would've faced legal action for false imprisonment.
f*ck sake, I wouldn't run that's my whole point. Running away or getting into a fist fight aren't the only options in that situation. They had no right to stop him or question him, but if you know the alternative can mean death put your ego to one side and talk to them and wait for the police resolve the matter. When that video the guy in the car took resurfaced later, the rednecks would've faced legal action for false imprisonment.
It has absolutely nothing to do with ego why the f*ck would i care about ego when I am about to die he percieved that they were gonna kill him right then and there.


f*ck sake, running away or getting into a fist fight aren't the only options in that situation. They had no right to stop him or question him, but if you know the alternative can mean death put your ego to one side and talk to them and wait for the police to resolve the matter. Once that video the guy in the car took resurfaced later, the rednecks would've faced legal action for false imprisonment.
true but i understand him if you see 2 armed guys chasing you. of course you would run and for them to grab guns doesnt make it better if the 2 end up busisng case wallahi the USA is fucked
It has absolutely nothing to do with ego why the f*ck would i care about ego when I am about to die he percieved that they were gonna kill him right then and there.
If that was the case he would've ran past the truck and would've kept running until they physically tackled and pinned him down, not try and hit Billy-Bob with a 1-2 combo.

Georgia's a stand your ground state, they've got the legal right to fucking dome you if you they "perceive" you as a threat, hence why wildly swinging punches at armed men is idiotic.
They'll probably get away with manslaughter. Followed by a nationwide madoow chimp-out.


Ugaas of the supreme gentleman
I've had a knives pull on me before sxb, I didn't run nor was I stupid enough to try and fight them. Mistake in identity both times, a quick conversation resolved the whole thing.

If you put your ego aside and have an ounce of self preservation, 9/10 you can talk your way out of those situations.
I've had knives pulled on me and 100% it was just someone trying to rob me. The only time I stopped was when I had absolutely nothing on me. Other than that stopping is how you get your arms broken by a bunch of 18 year olds or in worst case, stabbed. I'm not dumb enough to carry an ego in a ghetto, I just run or avoid anything that could lead to me getting mugged. The only time I've fought was to get past someone trying to block me and I still ran. Ain't no one having a conversation out in some shitty neighborhood in London.

Though what happened to that guy is vastly different. He was jogging, they loaded and cocked their weapons then took aim. They weren't there to talk and it was clearly premeditated, he was fucked either way.

Expecting armed men stopping you to be reasonable is even stupider than fighting back or running. At least two give you a chance.
I've had knives pulled on me and 100% it was just someone trying to rob me. The only time I stopped was when I had absolutely nothing on me. Other than that stopping is how you get your arms broken by a bunch of 18 year olds or in worst case, stabbed. I'm not dumb enough to carry an ego in a ghetto, I just run or avoid anything that could lead to me getting mugged. The only time I've fought was to get past someone trying to block me and I still ran. Ain't no one having a conversation out in some shitty neighborhood in London.

Though what happened to that guy is vastly different. He was jogging, they loaded and cocked their weapons then took aim. They weren't there to talk and it was clearly premeditated, he was fucked either way.

Expecting armed men stopping you to be reasonable is even stupider than fighting back or running. At least two give you a chance.
They weren't two good ol'boys just "coon huntin" they accused him of burglary :mindblown:
Granted it's a flimsy justification to pull a loaded gun on someone, but I doubt they would've put him on his knees and shot him in the back of the head, execution style, if he didn't run before chimping the f*ck out and swinging punches.

Let's all hold off on the "he dindu nuffin" till all the facts come out.


Ugaas of the supreme gentleman
They weren't two good ol'boys just "coon huntin" they accused him of burglary :mindblown:
Granted it's a flimsy justification to pull a loaded gun on someone, but I doubt they would've put him on his knees and shot him in the back of the head, execution style, if he didn't run before chimping the f*ck out and swinging punches.

Let's all hold off on the "he dindu nuffin" till all the facts come out.
They thought he matched the description of a burglar in the neighborhood, the description was "he was black". I've seen Chinese Saran wrap more sturdy than that shit excuse.
He went around the long side of the truck because the guy who got out first took aim. It's a damn gun, you're not gonna outrun that. Th best you can do is dodge and tackle. I would've probably done the same in that situation.

Gotta love this site. Even when the black guy is clearly innocent you'll still have people trying to blame him. The facts came it out in the form of a video after the local police said those were just two good ol' boys.
They thought he matched the description of a burglar in the neighborhood, the description was "he was black". I've seen Chinese Saran wrap more sturdy than that shit excuse.
He went around the long side of the truck because the guy who got out first took aim. It's a damn gun, you're not gonna outrun that. Th best you can do is dodge and tackle. I would've probably done the same in that situation.

Gotta love this site. Even when the black guy is clearly innocent you'll still have people trying to blame him. The facts came it out in the form of a video after the local police said those were just two good ol' boys.
I'm just being contrarian, I honestly don't care :lolbron:


Inaba Caadi Maaha
Georgia is one of the most racist states and with all of these rising racial tensions in the US, I doubt any black person would be thinking logically if they had 2 white dudes in pick up trucks chasing them with guns. The man was in shorts and a t-shirt, does that sound like something a burglar would wear? Even if he stole shit, where would he be holding it? The only thing he could thing of doing in that moment is probably either running or defending himself. Fight or flight.

There ain't no negotiating with two inbred rednecks that have a burning desire to go hunting for some negros like the good ol' times. A normal person would call the cops in the suspected a burglar. These rednecks were out for blood.


America is a cursed land not only do you have to watch your back from feds but also racist red necks that would lynch you for entertainment not to mention human trafficking is rife overthere. America truly is a third world country with a gucci belt


Make Dhulos Great Again
the family of that man need to go hunt and kill, reason why this keeps happening to black people in murica is because they donโ€™t do nothing back they just expect the law to be on there side when itโ€™s clearly not.

Omar del Sur

There is a coming civil war in America soon. Once Trump gets elected. Those Redneck scum are pure evil.

and why should cities be having riots and civil war and such nonsense?

because some people shot a person?

this I think is nonsense. because some people in a different part of the country shot someone we should have a race war?

if the people did something wrong, they should be dealt with in the right way in accordance with the shariah. but why should random business for example be attacked, why should buildings and such be burned, why should innocents be harmed?

so there is such-and-such grievance so we're going to attack innocent people? that is terrorist methodology.

if they want to go after the guilty, if the people are guilty (I don't really know about the situation), fine but they should not step on the toes of innocent people over something they had nothing to do with.

a lot of AAs run around terrorizing the larger society and commmitting crimes and boasting about it. the negative image doesn't appear just for no reason.

furthermore, how many more situations are there were AAs kill people of other races without justification? if this was a situation of AAs killing someone of another race then there would be no talk of riots or race war. but because the person killed was AA there is such talk and the people at large are pressued to feel a need to feel guilty and join the leftist cult of AA worship. if I am guilty because I am not a leftist and don't worship AAs then I suppose every person who has used the term "Madow" is guilty as well. it is a double standard. if it was AAs killing another race, the media would bury it and you'd be accused of racism for discussing it, much less would there talk of riots or race war. but since an AA was killed there is talk of riot, race war. Al Shabaab are considered bad guys because they kill innocents- and rightly so. so if khawarij engage in terrorism, it's considered so horrible- and rightly so- but if AA's or leftists such as Antifa engage in terrorism it's treated with kid gloves. I am disgusted with the double standard. We shouldn't accept terrorism whether it's supposedly by Muslims or whether it's by leftists or black nationalists. encouaging black nationalist or leftist terrorism in my eyes is not really any different than encouraging that of the khawarij.

I am sure people will try to use that I have right-wing views to attack me on an ad hominem basis. regardless of myself as a person and who I am or am not, what I am saying should not be measured on its own merits. nor do I need to prove anything or pay tribute to a ridiculous cult of AA worship. random people are not pressured to prove loyalty to Palestinians or whatever other group but people want to interrogate me and try to get me prove some sort of loyalty to some sort of AA cause. I owe those people nothing but their rights as human beings and not any sort of special rights because they are AAs.

now furthermore, not only is there the dangerous defense made in rhetoric of black nationalist or leftist violence ........ but the media pours gasoline onto the fire........ if AAs do something, the media covers and buries it..... something happens to an AA and the media promotes racial terrorism

the media therefore is in on such terrorism and the violence is used in fact as part of an agenda to destabilize the society as well push Communist agenda.... the black nationalists are in fact pawns of a larger agenda........

there is on one hand, a push to promote white nationalism (yes, I agree with white nationalists on certain things such as Jews but regardless of politically motivated lies about me I'm not even white much less a white nationalist and I think such slander is eurocentric and acts as though only white people are capable of thinking in a particular way about Jews and that brown people are basically property of the left) and demonization of immigations and brown people, for example

then on the other hand there is the push to promote black nationalism and incite people against whites

so there is a push to set the various ethnicities against each other and create chaos for the sake of a Communist agenda

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It's all so tiresome
Wonder what option AA's have left.

If you're just unarmed in your own neighborhood you get shot by armed red necks.

If you arm yourself for self defence and just mind your own business in your own neighborhood then SWAT will come and shoot your ass down.

If I was them I'd just move to Africa and live like a king.


Ugaas of the supreme gentleman
and why should cities be having riots and civil war and such nonsense?

because some people shot a person?

this I think is nonsense. because some people in a different part of the country shot someone we should have a race war?

if the people did something wrong, they should be dealt with in the right way in accordance with the shariah. but why should random business for example be attacked, why should buildings and such be burned, why should innocents be harmed?

so there is such-and-such grievance so we're going to attack innocent people? that is terrorist methodology.

if they want to go after the guilty, if the people are guilty (I don't really know about the situation), fine but they should not step on the toes of innocent people over something they had nothing to do with.

a lot of AAs run around terrorizing the larger society and commmitting crimes and boasting about it. the negative image doesn't appear just for no reason.

furthermore, how many more situations are there were AAs kill people of other races without justification? if this was a situation of AAs killing someone of another race then there would be no talk of riots or race war. but because the person killed was AA there is such talk and the people at large are pressued to feel a need to feel guilty and join the leftist cult of AA worship. if I am guilty because I am not a leftist and don't worship AAs then I suppose every person who has used the term "Madow" is guilty as well. it is a double standard. if it was AAs killing another race, the media would bury it and you'd be accused of racism for discussing it, much less would there talk of riots or race war. but since an AA was killed there is talk of riot, race war. Al Shabaab are considered bad guys because they kill innocents- and rightly so. so if khawarij engage in terrorism, it's considered so horrible- and rightly so- but if AA's or leftists such as Antifa engage in terrorism it's treated with kid gloves. I am disgusted with the double standard. We shouldn't accept terrorism whether it's supposedly by Muslims or whether it's by leftists or black nationalists. encouaging black nationalist or leftist terrorism in my eyes is not really any different than encouraging that of the khawarij.

I am sure people will try to use that I have right-wing views to attack me on an ad hominem basis. regardless of myself as a person and who I am or am not, what I am saying should not be measured on its own merits. nor do I need to prove anything or pay tribute to a ridiculous cult of AA worship. random people are not pressured to prove loyalty to Palestinians or whatever other group but people want to interrogate me and try to get me prove some sort of loyalty to some sort of AA cause. I owe those people nothing but their rights as human beings and not any sort of special rights because they are AAs.

now furthermore, not only is there the dangerous defense made in rhetoric of black nationalist or leftist violence ........ but the media pours gasoline onto the fire........ if AAs do something, the media covers and buries it..... something happens to an AA and the media promotes racial terrorism

the media therefore is in on such terrorism and the violence is used in fact as part of an agenda to destabilize the society as well push Communist agenda.... the black nationalists are in fact pawns of a larger agenda........

there is on one hand, a push to promote white nationalism (yes, I agree with white nationalists on certain things such as Jews but regardless of politically motivated lies about me I'm not even white much less a white nationalist and I think such slander is eurocentric and acts as though only white people are capable of thinking in a particular way about Jews and that brown people are basically property of the left) and demonization of immigations and brown people, for example

then on the other hand there is the push to promote black nationalism and incite people against whites

so there is a push to set the various ethnicities against each other and create chaos for the sake of a Communist agenda

Ninkaan fiyo muu yahay


Yo @Gibiin-Udug how is this allowed?
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