University of Michigan's Black Student Union Leaves Anti-Israel Coalition Due to Rampant Racism from Arabs

You have plenty of people on this forum openly racist towards Arabs and insult them on a daily basis, do you think they care about it? Cry over the internet and abandon their principles as a result?

Of course they don't because only people with inferiority complex behave in such a manner and feel this type of nonsensical rage.

I couldn't give an iota of crap if every Arab on this earth despised me for my colour or race, I simply couldn't careless nor would loose a moment of sleep over it, even worse than that waste my time insulting them while abandoning my religion or principles because of their actions.

I simply feel sorry for them for having sold their eternal akhira for a pathetic worldly price, because the ahadith of arrogance will hit them were it hursts most.

I want my people to abandon this disease of inferiority complex.

With regards to those places in Africa you mentioned, the colonial tactics your talking about is driven by those very same Jews that run the West and their Christian lap dogs and Arab puppets, the Palestinians have nothing to do with them, they themselves are victims of that same cabal.

Their fight is ultimately theirs..
Just like Africans the world over who have to to deal with our own internal/external demons that we deal with BY OUR LONESOME. No allies.

I don't see arabs as a collective rallying behind our many issues & woes.
Yet we show them love.
It's deeper than diin & u know it.

From South Africa laying the groundwork for a international alternative narrative To protest of solidarity all throughout Africa & the diaspora.We've been there. Can they say the same?

Given that type of dynamic yea they should feel grateful we still rock with them.

We can't even be respectful & on code with one another. No wonder others pimp us.

Do u know what the opposite of a pimp is?

Doesn't mean I can't relate or feel sympathetic to their plight. Even tho many Palestinians & arabs in general are racist Incels.

Kinda hard being cool with kids being mutilated, or seeing dilapidated buildings off in the distance knowing innocent bodies lay beneath them, or any other atrocity that goes down in that place.

You also have people on this forum that feel superior to other Africans.
That doesn't mean i should look at all Somalis in the same light.I don't .They feel how they feel.
The ones not on that time know wassup & I'd ride for them no different than my own people.

It's a respect thing.
Makes no sense making enemies of people during a time you need them most.
Hustle backward ass logic.

The J's are complicit in alot but let's not act like even they have masters (western europeans).

Whoever get's hoe'd on the world stage is the one in a position of subservience.
The West, (colonial Europe) lil boys Israel all the time.😌 Ain't nobody hoe'in uncle sam & his illegitimate inbred cousins & demand they do ish🀣.
Their is no grand scheme - those are the power dynamics at play.
West being on top with their own motives & J's piggybacking off that legacy.

Pretty simple to understand no need to scapegoat the J's they're nothing without their daddy.


Plotting world domination
They got a big fat check from the Zionist to abandon it, and this is there excuse of course, nothing else to see here.

The same people who destroyed their culture and continue to do so, once again buying them out like the silly goyim cattle that they are.
Nigga Michigan has all the poor ignorant Arabs in America.

I don't know why your dunking on Madows because of this. Why hang out with folks that literally don't f*ck with you.
They got a big fat check from the Zionist to abandon it, and this is there excuse of course, nothing else to see here.

The same people who destroyed their culture and continue to do so, once again buying them out like the silly goyim cattle that they are.

and notice it is the self-professed kafirs on this forum constantly making threads bashing Palestine and all Muslim causes.

Why would some random wayward Somali be obsessed with demonizing Palestinians and other arabs on this forum?

Seems to me its a zionist op. Probably a bunch of jews pretending to be Somali to further their anti-Muslim/Islam cause.

Pathetic, as it hasnt worked for decades and wont work today.
Their fight is ultimately theirs..
Just like Africans the world over who have to to deal with our own internal/external demons that we deal with BY OUR LONESOME. No allies.

I don't see arabs as a collective rallying behind our many issues & woes.
Yet we show them love.
It's deeper than diin & u know it.

From South Africa laying the groundwork for a international alternative narrative To protest of solidarity all throughout Africa & the diaspora.We've been there. Can they say the same?

Given that type of dynamic yea they should feel grateful we still rock with them.

We can't even be respectful & on code with one another. No wonder others pimp us.

Do u know what the opposite of a pimp is?View attachment 342227

Doesn't mean I can't relate or feel sympathetic to their plight. Even tho many Palestinians & arabs in general are racist Incels.

Kinda hard being cool with kids being mutilated, or seeing dilapidated buildings off in the distance knowing innocent bodies lay beneath them, or any other atrocity that goes down in that place.

You also have people on this forum that feel superior to other Africans.
That doesn't mean i should look at all Somalis in the same light.I don't .They feel how they feel.
The ones not on that time know wassup & I'd ride for them no different than my own people.

It's a respect thing.
Makes no sense making enemies of people during a time you need them most.
Hustle backward ass logic.

The J's are complicit in alot but let's not act like even they have masters (western europeans).

Whoever get's hoe'd on the world stage is the one in a position of subservience.
The West, (colonial Europe) lil boys Israel all the time.😌 Ain't nobody hoe'in uncle sam & his illegitimate inbred cousins & demand they do ish🀣.
Their is no grand scheme - those are the power dynamics at play.
West being on top with their own motives & J's piggybacking off that legacy.

Pretty simple to understand no need to scapegoat the J's they're nothing without their daddy.

Why would you assume we Somalis view ourselves as part of an "African" collective?

We do not, it is many times Africans who have been attacking us over the centuries, that is a meaningless category.

We view ourselves in the category of Muslims, the collective is the ummah.

We condemn oppression everywhere against innocent people but it is the Muslims who are our people and not a kafir ethiopian or congolese. As mentioned already in the thread, those africans themselves are being victimized by the same zionist and their patrons.

Muslims have spoken about Somalia over the years way more over some random "african" collective.

It is Muslims and kuffar. You are delusional to think Somalis care more about a continent over our deen.
Arabs will never beat the allegations. They always ruin it for themselves.

Separately you might be the most anti-arab person I’ve ever seen. Those lebs must have really annoyed you lmfaoooo


β™šSargon of Adalβ™š
Or they got tired of the rampant anti-Blackness from Arabs. Michigan is full of racist Shia lebs who terrorize Black Americans. Not everything you disagree with is some 'Zionist agenda.' It's ironic how you're being anti-Black while defending Arabs. Pathetic yet expected
I've never been mistreated by Gulf/Yemeni Arabs, but have been by West/Central Africans due to my features, the same can be said for the Arabs, people like those who look similar to them or have similar culture.

edit: I didn't really fit in with my fellow Africans until I started adopting their mannerism etc.. I later found Nigerian Muslims that were of the same ilk as me.
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and notice it is the self-professed kafirs on this forum constantly making threads bashing Palestine and all Muslim causes.

Why would some random wayward Somali be obsessed with demonizing Palestinians and other arabs on this forum?

Seems to me its a zionist op. Probably a bunch of jews pretending to be Somali to further their anti-Muslim/Islam cause.

Pathetic, as it hasnt worked for decades and wont work today.
Did I not just state that I’m pro Palestine f*ck face???? Hell breaks loose when anyone dares call out your beloved Arabs racism foh
Why would you assume we Somalis view ourselves as part of an "African" collective?

We do not, it is many times Africans who have been attacking us over the centuries, that is a meaningless category.

We view ourselves in the category of Muslims, the collective is the ummah.

We condemn oppression everywhere against innocent people but it is the Muslims who are our people and not a kafir ethiopian or congolese. As mentioned already in the thread, those africans themselves are being victimized by the same zionist and their patrons.

Muslims have spoken about Somalia over the years way more over some random "african" collective.

It is Muslims and kuffar. You are delusional to think Somalis care more about a continent over our deen.
@Kisame i can’t with these niggas.. thinking of leaving this forum tbh :tacky:
Why would you assume we Somalis view ourselves as part of an "African" collective?

We do not, it is many times Africans who have been attacking us over the centuries, that is a meaningless category.

We view ourselves in the category of Muslims, the collective is the ummah.

We condemn oppression everywhere against innocent people but it is the Muslims who are our people and not a kafir ethiopian or congolese. As mentioned already in the thread, those africans themselves are being victimized by the same zionist and their patrons.

Muslims have spoken about Somalia over the years way more over some random "african" collective.

It is Muslims and kuffar. You are delusional to think Somalis care more about a continent over our deen.

I don't.
I even made it a point to differentiate the 2 because I understand not all Somali share that sentiment.

That doesn't mean none do, just a segment like any population.

That logic works both ways - Not all Africans see ur plight as their own & not all muslims embrace unifying solidarity with other Muslims.
No matter what the Quran demands of them & u know that's the truth.

You can do both u know.. Unify with people who are seen in the same social light as you (Africans) & advocate for a more perfect Ummah.

You act like Ethiopia or even Congo is 100% Kufr. What about the people who do amplify your cries because they see themselves in u?

You may not see the world in that regard but many people do & feel just as unapologetic as u.

Not all Africans are out to get u & not all muslims are just. A middle ground definitely seems healthier.

Non Africans look at u as a collective whether u like it or not.
Just as europeans or south americans are seen as collectives.

Irrespective of their vast cultural & historical differences.

It's even worse for us because we're the most visibly exotic people on earth.

Many think Africa is a country 😌
With mindsets like that how could u expect non Africans to highlight our regional differences?
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Did anyone bother to read the statement? Their position on the genocide and support for a free Palestine has not changed. They are still calling for a boycott on companies who support Israel. All they are simply doing is leaving the Tahrir Coalition, probably another student body that they collaborated with.

Why are the murtads on this forum making it out as if they’re stopping all support for Palestine and twisting their words? If you want to be a Zionist genocide supporter just because you left islam, i don’t give a shit, just don’t lie and twist other peoples words.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
These arabs are shooting themselves in the foot at this point


γ€ŒImmortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
I’ve seen so many stories from black people about how racist Palestinians are, there was even a serial killer who was Palestinian and would murder only black victims. Also on the Palestinian subreddit they’ve banned people from speaking about Uyghur genocide because china is supporting Palestian.
First time hearing about murder only black victims. They really got something against black people
I heard this more than once. Do you live around them?
I heard this more than once. Do you live around them?
It’s a hit or miss you’ll come across either the most welcoming or the most racist,there is a sizable amount of them in South Africa where I used to live with them although most of them were either Shias or Maronite Christian

