Unmatched and blocked on muzz after 3 messages


peace is the key
@OneTwo everything is a written decree, make dua that Allah will give you a good and kind wife. For all you knew, they could have been horrible people and Allah protected you from them. You shouldn't re-think your decisions about the way you approached them, especially when you were being kind and respectful. When you meet the love of your life that Allah placed infront of you, you'll know
May Allah give you a good wife that makes you happy :))
@pinkyandthebrain , pray tahajjud, pray to Allah SWT that you get what is yours. And in the meantime, take this time to work on yourself, so that you can be the best person for yourself, and your loved ones.

Umar Ibn Khattab said:

"I am not worried about whether my duโ€™a will be responded to, but rather I am worried about whether I will be able to make duโ€™a or not. So if I have been guided (by Allah) to make duโ€™a, then (I know) that the response will come with it."

And I saw this amazing post online, that may help?

Don't be impatient. The day you give up making dua, thinking that Allah hasn't accepted your dua, it's likely that Allah won't accept your dua.

When Moosa alayhi salaam eventually made dua for Allah to destroy Firoun, his dua was only fulfilled 40 years later.

Can you imagine? Such a great Nabi, the likes of Moosa alayhi salaam, and still he had to wait 40 years for the fulfillment of his dua.

Seriously, 6 months is nothing. Even 6 years is nothing.

I guess it also all depends on what you're making dua for. Allah might accede to some duas much quicker than others, and He knows best what's best for us.

We are being tested. Recognise this.

If Allah just gave us everything we wanted, it wouldn't be much of a test now, would it?

This life is a test of Imaan (faith). A test of yaqeen (conviction). A test of tawakkul (trust). A test of sabr (patience/perseverance).

Right now, Allah is testing you. Will My slave have true trust in Me? Does he have true hope in Me? Does he have conviction in his dua? Will he keep turning to Me, with patience and perseverance?

Allah says something to this effect in the holy Quranโ€ฆ

โ€œcall upon Me; I will respond to you.โ€

So this is Allah's promise in Quran. Guaranteed, if we make dua to Allah, He will respond. But don't be impatient, and don't lose hope, for none lose hope except the losers.

And even if Allah doesn't give you what you asked for, that doesn't mean your dua was rejected.

Duas are accepted in different ways.

Sometimes Allah will give us exactly what we asked Him for. Other times, He might keep us waiting, but give us something even better. Dua is also a means of Allah averting calamities from us. We might not always see the fruits of our duas, but we don't know how those duas are protecting us.

And if Allah doesn't grant our dua in this life, then He will undoubtedly compensate us in the Aakhirah. In fact, when people see what Allah gives them, in lieu of their duas, they will wish that none of their duas were granted in the dunya. What Allah will give us in the Aakhirah, will be far greater than our minds can comprehend.

So don't give up. Keep making dua to Allah, and know, without doubt, that Allah hears you. Have yaqeen that He has accepted your dua.

Allah will never lie, and if Allah says something in Quran, then guaranteed, it is haq (truth), beyond doubt!

Always rememberโ€ฆ

You are being tested.

You are being tested.

You are being tested.

And Allah tests those He loves, even more than others.

Let me tell you somethingโ€ฆ

Allah readily grants the supplications of some people, but that's not necessarily a sign of Allah's love for them. In fact, it's often quite the contrary.

Sometimes Allah dislikes when certain people make dua to Him, so He just gives them what they want, as if to say: โ€œhere, take what you asked for, now shut up.โ€

Allah dislikes the voices of some people.

And conversely, Allah might not readily grant the duas of some of His slaves, because He loves it when they call upon Him. Allah knows that if He grants their request, they'll stop making so much dua, so He keeps them in that condition.

Allah loves listening to their voices :)

So take comfort in everything I've said. Have high hopes in Allah. Have sabr, have tawakkul, and never lose hope. InShaAllah (if Allah wills), it's a sign that Allah loves you.

I know this would have made a perfect ending, lol, but something pretty important occurred to me, which I feel I must say..

Sometimes our duas are rejected by Allah, due to certain sins in our life.

Nabi sallAllahu alayhi wasallam mentioned something to this effectโ€ฆ

โ€œA man, after an arduous journey, dishevelled and dusty, raises his hands and calls upon Allah, saying โ€˜ya Rabb, ya Rabbโ€™, but his food is haraam, his drink is haraam, his clothing is haraam, and he is nourished by haraam, so how can his duas be answered?โ€

Once Anas radiAllahu anhu (Allah be pleased with him) asked Nabi sallAllahu alayhi wasallam, something to this effectโ€ฆ

โ€œYa Rasoolullah, supplicate to Allah for me, to make my dua acceptableโ€, and Nabi sallAllahu alayhi wasallam said something to this effectโ€ฆ

โ€œya Anas, if you want your duas to be accepted, then eat only halaal, because a person might have his duas rejected for forty days, due to eating a mouthful of haraam.โ€

The consumption of haraam is a very broad topic if I really delve into it, but just to elaborate a little bit on thisโ€ฆ

Make sure your earning is halaal, and never usurp the wealth of others, unjustly. Be very particular about what you eat and where you buy your food. Even if you consume haraam accidentally, the effect thereof will still remain, even if you aren't necessarily sinful.

If you're punctual with your five times salah, consume only halaal, avoid major sins, like disobedience to your parents, breaking family ties, backbiting, etc, and do your best to fulfill all the commandments of Allah, in the way shown to us by Nabi sallAllahu alayhi wasallam, I see no reason why Allah would reject your dua.

Make dua with full yaqeen, knowing that Allah has most certainly heard you, and that He will, inShaAllah, accept your dua. Don't ever become despondent. Inculcate sabr, for patience and perseverance, is key, and always have positive thoughts of Allah.

Indeed, Allah treats His slaves according to their expectations of Him, so always think well of Allah, and know that He loves you. If Allah didn't love you, He wouldn't have given you Imaan, so always remember this.

Apologies for this answer turning out so long. May Allah forgive any inaccuracies and errors in what I've said, and may He make these words beneficial for all.

Aameen ya Rabbal aalameen (Amen, oh Lord of the worlds).

Wa sallAllahu ala sayyidina Muhammad wa ala Aalihi wa Sahbihi ajma'een.

Walhamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen.


Frรผher of the Djibouti Ugaasate ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฏ
Somali guys from what I see don't typically approach girls. I feel like a lot are shy of rejection which I don't blame them. Or the girl just isn't his type. I honestly starting to believe marriage apps, parents setting you up or mosque requests are the only way for those who has heart of a tweety bird aka extremely shy dudes.
Somali man at my uni are from a different stock then


ใ€ŒImmortal Sageใ€| Qabil-fluid
I also had 20 somali women view my profile. None of them liked me. I can assure you am not even ugly and many women have commented on my looks. Those who I send likes all ignore me.

The only girl who liked me unmatched and blocked me after 3 messages. I did not send her any bad messages and was as respectful as possible. I also tried other dating apps but no Somali girl matches with me.
Trying to date in the 2020s sounds like he'll from all side from both men or women. Muslim or the rest. Why? I'm happy I am far past this issue
Donโ€™t listen to these comments. A lot women and men are in that app to waste time I have horror stories lol never feel bad about anyone rejecting or blocking you theyโ€™re doing you a favor do not let them circle back to you though keep going until you meet the one that wonโ€™t be back and forth with you if thereโ€™s games early on it will continue forever. It has to feel natural process no games no bs. Thatโ€™s if youโ€™re also ready for marriage.
Me: Salaam alaykum

Her: wac alaykum salaam, how are you doing?

Me: I am doing good, what about you?

Her: Good

Me: Whatโ€™s your interests? I enjoy reading and gaining knowledge. Along with running and gym.

I hate to break it to you walaal but your convo skills are dead.

I've used muzz too but unlike you, I got a good amount of matches, and it's because I know how to carry a convo. You need to learn how to flirt, tease and make jokes with girls. Otherwise you're going to bore them to death.

This interview style of talking you've used in your example message, isn't going to cut it.
Just meet someone in real life (through family, friends, Masjid, hobbies etc). Online dating is a waste of time and potentially dangerous.

Seems like meeting someone in the modern dating pool is a thing of nightmares. Good luck
Somali guys from what I see don't typically approach girls. I feel like a lot are shy of rejection which I don't blame them. Or the girl just isn't his type. I honestly starting to believe marriage apps, parents setting you up or mosque requests are the only way for those who has heart of a tweety bird aka extremely shy dudes.
Those types donโ€™t approach in real life. Very rare to see that happen, thereโ€™s no shame to say you are looking either. Donโ€™t waste time waiting for something to come to you, be proactive! If thereโ€™s someone that catches your eye, message first. It isnโ€™t the end of the world if they donโ€™t respond, I can assure you the majority of men will however you look.


โ™šSargon of Adalโ™š
I also had 20 somali women view my profile. None of them liked me. I can assure you am not even ugly and many women have commented on my looks. Those who I send likes all ignore me.

The only girl who liked me unmatched and blocked me after 3 messages. I did not send her any bad messages and was as respectful as possible. I also tried other dating apps but no Somali girl matches with me.
You need to take more L's, you'll eventually find the one.

