Unpopular Opinions


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
here we go mfs!

View attachment 139391


most rap today is degenerate and black people wonder why their community is dysfunctional when it promotes promiscuity and denial of parental responsibility. people also underestimate the effect of music on people, vionet music definitely leads to violent gang crime

somali women are queens (idc if this is popular already, it aint on this forum)

the best location for somali diaspora is ............ BACK HOME. white people didnt wait for others to make their homelands what they are now, most of us feel non-somali just cause we were raised abroad, but we are somali through and through, and every excuse for not returning home is bs, unless its medical reasons e.g needing regular lifesaving dialysis treatment not found home

tbh somaliland doesnt even need to become independent right now, i want us to remain and be 10x better than the south just to show them we dont need their approval and will persevere amidst their xaasidnimo. you can think whatever you want from us, but we are legit just trying to succeed in the most tumultuous surroundings. independence is still the goal, but at least if were uber-developed it will be clearer to others this is the way forward, but if down south gets their ish together then unity is not that bad, but objectively speaking, do u think down south has much to offer us? Somali unity is still always there, regardless of nationhood. somalinimo is more improtant than somalilandnimo to a certain extent, especially abroad.

uk people are gaajo and they should take their skills abroad to get more bang for your buck. you are educated in the most educated place in the world, but ur nation is smaller than half the states in US, with over 70 mil people. You will not recieve life satisfaction there trust me. You will be treated well abroad everyone loves u people and ur accents, u can posh talk your way into unqualified jobs wllhi.

somalis back home are crazy and not what most diaspora think they are. the teens are crazy

marrying out of our community is not the issue some people treat it as. u focus on the minority that seems like a lot, cause it is actually very rare so each deal is a big deal

somali women xaar on out men too much, especially in the midst of other ajnabis. say what you want about faarax, but naaya ceebteena astur in front of others. others dont air each other out like we do. but we still hold you down so dont get it twisted.

agree to disagree!
I disagree with the last part. Somali women always alwayysss love our men. We only make fun of our somali men as a joke but we always the first to defend. This one black girl was like somali men are skinny and ugly and the comments cussed her out and was like nah we the only ones that can say that, leave our somali kings etc.. everything else you said its spot on

Marshall D Abdi

Know you’re place peasant
here we go mfs!

View attachment 139391


most rap today is degenerate and black people wonder why their community is dysfunctional when it promotes promiscuity and denial of parental responsibility. people also underestimate the effect of music on people, vionet music definitely leads to violent gang crime

somali women are queens (idc if this is popular already, it aint on this forum)

the best location for somali diaspora is ............ BACK HOME. white people didnt wait for others to make their homelands what they are now, most of us feel non-somali just cause we were raised abroad, but we are somali through and through, and every excuse for not returning home is bs, unless its medical reasons e.g needing regular lifesaving dialysis treatment not found home

tbh somaliland doesnt even need to become independent right now, i want us to remain and be 10x better than the south just to show them we dont need their approval and will persevere amidst their xaasidnimo. you can think whatever you want from us, but we are legit just trying to succeed in the most tumultuous surroundings. independence is still the goal, but at least if were uber-developed it will be clearer to others this is the way forward, but if down south gets their ish together then unity is not that bad, but objectively speaking, do u think down south has much to offer us? Somali unity is still always there, regardless of nationhood. somalinimo is more improtant than somalilandnimo to a certain extent, especially abroad.

uk people are gaajo and they should take their skills abroad to get more bang for your buck. you are educated in the most educated place in the world, but ur nation is smaller than half the states in US, with over 70 mil people. You will not recieve life satisfaction there trust me. You will be treated well abroad everyone loves u people and ur accents, u can posh talk your way into unqualified jobs wllhi.

somalis back home are crazy and not what most diaspora think they are. the teens are crazy

marrying out of our community is not the issue some people treat it as. u focus on the minority that seems like a lot, cause it is actually very rare so each deal is a big deal

somali women xaar on out men too much, especially in the midst of other ajnabis. say what you want about faarax, but naaya ceebteena astur in front of others. others dont air each other out like we do. but we still hold you down so dont get it twisted.

agree to disagree!

Somali Hannibal

I stay solo cruising
Kanye West is a musical genius like Mozart and Beethoven

The west is far better place than back home, back home,people don’t even view as fully “Somali”

Your identity can be multilayered, it just doesn’t have to be a “Muslim” or a “Somali”

Camel meat > any other meat on the planet
Humanitarian issues arent going to get better they will get worse.

Suicide will become the leading cause of death due to improvements in medicine and lack of fulfillment in the future.

Everyone who dreams of going back to Somalia in the next 70 years is being idealistic at best.


Taxation is theft
Sega was better than Nintendo. If Sega didn’t make all those useless and overly complicated systems back to back, they would still be around . Dreamcast had a lot of very good games.
Sonic has better music than Mario. Tell me these aren’t bangers.


Taxation is theft
I think the Somali language is perfect for metal. I would image it sounding like Rammstein. A Somali version of Du Hast would be awesome. Check out this Berber metal band. . But I know that it’s considered devil music. I had to sneak listen to my Marilyn Manson cds because my dad thought rap and metal was Satan


Taxation is theft
1. Women sisterhood and solidarity is a myth. It’s usually the mean girls that push this narrative. Don’t believe them.

2. If you’re Somali who is different in any way, shape or form, you will be deemed to be an outsider. So if you dress, behave or act differently from the norm, doesn’t matter what you do or how hard you try to fit in, you’ll be seen as an outcast. There’s a lot of groupthink in our community, doesn’t matter the age or generation.

3. You are your own best friend and advocate. Behave as such.

4. Always be kind and gracious, it will get you very far in life.

5. People don’t like those oo dantooda og. They’d rather have you work towards their own agenda instead of your own.

6. Most people don’t even like themselves, so why do you care if they like you?

7. It sometimes pays off to be selfish and put your needs first. This doesn’t mean step on anyone, but don’t waste time on people and things that don’t benefit you.

8. If you’re a beautiful (Somali) girl, you will always get hated on. PERIODT. If you’re a beautiful girl who seemingly has a good life, read your ayatul kursi for ayn is real and people are plotting for your downfall acuthubillah.

9. Most ‘friends’ you see on IG don’t even like each other, so ignore them and their fakeness.

10. It’s better to surround yourself with ambitious, likeminded people who have goals. Network is net worth and don’t hold yourself back to be successful. Who cares if people call you a sellout? They wish they could be in your shoes.

11. People will always talk about you, up until the day you die. You wanna have people stop talking about you? Dhimo (literally) and they’ll stop.

12. If you’re a thin girl, never befriend girls who are chubby/obese/overweight. They secretly envy you and wish they could look like you but will never tell you.

13. Same with upbringing: If you grew up in the suburbs, never befriend those who grew up in the hood/public housing. A lot of them have cuuqdo and resentment and will take it out on you because according to them you’ve “had it good.” Keep a far distance from them.

14. Masjid girls are cliquey and are made up of mean girls.
Number 13 is so true. I lost a lot of friends when I lost weight. One of them said I was a self hating fat person and preferring thin bodies is racism. I guess fat is an ethnic group now. Also, when I tried to hang about hood folks, it was very draining.
Number 13 is so true. I lost a lot of friends when I lost weight. One of them said I was a self hating fat person and preferring thin bodies is racism. I guess fat is an ethnic group now. Also, when I tried to hang about hood folks, it was very draining.
Keep them away from your life. I hope you find better friends iA. :it0tdo8:


Taxation is theft
Somalis and any type of statism is completely incompatible. Centralism, crony capitalism and negative foreign influences are the main things holding the country back. I hate when American statists claim Somalia is an anarchy but the people there have no/limited freedom and equal opportunities.
I’m biased because Tuaregs when also screwed over by statism. After independence and the establishment of nation-states in the region in the early 1960s, the Tuareg continued to lose economic strength and political power. They had resisted, first, French, and later, central-state schools and taxes, suspicious of them as strategies to forcibly sedentarize them and gain control over their destiny.
As a result, Tuareg tend to be underrepresented today in jobs in the new infrastructure of the towns, as well as in central governments in the region. These governments imposed restrictions on trade with neighboring countries, in order to protect national economic interests


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