Update: 34 people killed at bomb blast in Brussel Airport.

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It's coming to a point where I can't fault non-Muslims for stereotyping us. If the shoe was on the other foot, wouldn't we be doing the same?
I can't really blame them for stereotyping muslims, it is the natural response in this type of situations I guess.

These incidents will only create and give relevance to radicals/extremists among the Westerners to justify their views regarding muslims to the broad public, as their Eastern counterparts use the conflicts in muslim countries to justify and further their agenda; which I think basically is to provoke a clash of civilizations of biblical proportions.

Illahay ha naga qabto dadkaan diinta meel uga dhacayaa.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
AJ, what should we do about this? I'm out of ideas. I don't know what can be done. We can stop immigration from the Middle East tomorrow but what about the huge Arab population that's already here?
AJ, what should we do about this? I'm out of ideas. I don't know what can be done. We can stop immigration from the Middle East tomorrow but what about the huge Arab population that's already here?

iis diyaarii fam I have a feeling there is going to be a mass tahriib from europe soon, either that or get caught in the onslaught that is coming to us foreigners smfh, time to pick out some unknown undisclosed island and live like Tom Hanks in the cast away movie and ride out the storm for a couple years untill it settles down :snoop:

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
And why should I care when my own country is in complete disaster adeer...nin tiisa daryeela ba tu kale ku dara


Your superior
I said a little long fucking time ago that France and Belgium must get rid of their huge arab populations. Absolutely no they are blowing themselves up
And why should I care when my own country is in complete disaster adeer...nin tiisa daryeela ba tu kale ku dara
This was allegedly done in your name as a Muslim, therefore it can have some direct or indirect ramifications on you as a Muslim
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AJ, what should we do about this? I'm out of ideas. I don't know what can be done. We can stop immigration from the Middle East tomorrow but what about the huge Arab population that's already here?

Spy on all the African and Middle Eastern people and deport them if they say anything wrong. If they show sympathy to terrorists, if they don't approve of gay marriage, if they hate the kufaar, deport them.

Don't ask any questions. Just deport. We had enough
The Arabs need to start policing themselves and control their own people.

Who even thinks about committing genocide in a country that offered you peace and a place to live in.
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