US election

Don't see any enthusiasim for kamala on the internet... It might actually be gg for her. Polls are saying it's close but against somone like trump, where a lot of his base don't like talking to pollsters...

Or did I interpret this wrong?


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Don't see any enthusiasim for kamala on the internet... It might actually be gg for her. Polls are saying it's close but against somone like trump, where a lot of his base don't like talking to pollsters...

Or did I interpret this wrong?

its neck to neck now. I think her enthusiasm as peaked. CNN poll 47% - 47%


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
Trump just went on Joe Rogan. Thats gonna drive enthusiasm for him and maybe turnout too
It's a toss up.

The election won't be based on who wins the most votes (always the dem candidate), but rather on the electoral college.

For some reason, US polls have underestimated Trump in the key states for the past 2 elections. Unless the polling firms have updated their models, the fact trump is level with Kamala is possibly good news for him.
Poll experts are predicting she wins. Everyone knows this.
This pollster actually came out and said they fabricated numbers for kamala because it would get more people to vote for her due to having larger numbers. Later these pollster fab numbers were used on news station. Now this pollster is actually get sued by trump due to miss informing the public and also those news stating are get sued also due to miss information about trump poll numbers. Its a shit show and trump is gone get is get back

The truth seeker

Get Rich or Die Tryin'
they needa be fired 😂
I don’t know where they getting there data from Biden was deeply unpopular Because of the gas prices , inflation and his weak leadership turns out electing a guy with dementia isn’t a good idea

Kamala Harris failed to win a single state in the 2020 primary and can’t answer basic questions don’t understand why peopele on here seriously thought she was gonna win
I don’t know where they getting there data from Biden was deeply unpopular Because of the gas prices , inflation and his weak leadership turns out electing a guy with dementia isn’t a good idea

Kamala Harris failed to win a single state in the 2020 primary and can’t answer basic questions don’t understand why peopele on here seriously thought she was gonna win
Dems need to go back to clean cut white boys if they want to get back to winning elections

The truth seeker

Get Rich or Die Tryin'
Dems need to go back to clean cut white boys if they want to get back to winning elections
The demonization of males turned young men against the party that won’t hurt him now it will hurt them in 10 years when those boys are full grown adults who vote

They lost the crucial Hispanic vote in the growing sun belt these democrats needs to start campaigning on policy rather than identity politics the data has shown that more Americans are moving to Texas ,Arizona ,Florida etc democrat states will lose electoral college points and congressional seats


