US Median Household Income 2023


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
Old syrians were educated because they had a decent government that took care of its citizens before the civil war.

You should be angry at the Somali government and all the older elders back home.
Keep making excuse so you can sleep at night I seen these syrians first hands when they came here half them had no education grown ass nighas redoing high school even if they did it’s irrelevant there’s bare uptis that used to be engineers and all types of shit back home but instead of pursuing that they settle for their taxi and welfare like I said no ambition.

I don’t support said barre but school was free pre-91 don’t try to defend them they aren’t stupid they’re just lazy and don’t wanna redo their shit. Most the uptis that ik finished high school at the very least b4 they left.


“If freedom dont ring imma let the choppa sing”
@bluebird is right tbh. Most 18-25 year olds aren't making that much money.

When I was in my early 20s most guys I met that weren't in college, military, or trade school were just working full time security and other shitty low wage jobs.

Trade school and military niggas were usually making around 30-40k during those 3-4 years.

I only started seeing my peers start earning decent incomes around 22-23. These were folks were the ones that graduated with useful degrees at 22.
Trust me bro if us Somalis realized that there were shyt tons of ways to make money from multiple different sources and we had that ambition inside us wallahi we would have been up by now mark my words

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
The people on here really think a Somali can get away with scamming the IRS😂😂

College educated (degree that’s useful)people and folks in trade jobs make well over 60k

I know Hispanic kids who used to get a 2.5 gpa in high school that are now making well over 80k being an electrician

Somalis need to start getting into investments American treasury’s bonds are a certified pay day

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Our household income is about to be 80k+ probably within the next 20 years :pachah1: . All the oldheads will be retired by then. The only niggas that will hold us back will be the dumb ass niggas that didn't go to college or trade school.
That’s only true for Asians even whites don’t make that much on average

With the way Somalis behaving nowadays I’d put the number at around 45k with our community having a large wealth gap as is the norm in America
Most Somalis do not report their full income, they refuse to pay tax.
So true Wllhi 😂 every uncle I know is a truck driver or does Uber which means they are self employed I’ve personally witnessed uncles lying their ass off and saying they made 30k in a year when they made 100k+ they write most of the money off


Forza Somalia!
I'm 27 born in America. Majority of the somalis I've met that were younger than me were born in America. I'm not talking about teenagers either. Like most of the 20+ year old somalis I've met were born in America.
US born Somali nearing 30. What you do for living?

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Motherfucker 30yrs is enough time to learn English save money and get an education just admit it the older generation are fucking bums having raw sex and making babies is higher priority to them vs attaining success. Syrians came to my city in 2014 fleeing war and no English just like us it’s only 10yrs and they got fluent English and are becoming fuckn doctors now.
Asians come to America and are obsessed with achieving the “American dream ”while Somalis emulate Americas permanent underclass and wonder why we have similar income
If you live in California you earn more to keep up with living expenses, if you live in Appalachia you earn less. This says nothing about who is living more comfortably.


Plotting world domination
That’s only true for Asians even whites don’t make that much on average

With the way Somalis behaving nowadays I’d put the number at around 45k with our community having a large wealth gap as is the norm in America
45k is disappointing to have within 20 years. Do you really think the bums within our community will actually hold us back this much???
You replied to Kisame who replied to something i said. You cut in to agree with him.

He was saying that the greater portion of Somalis who work in the diverse sectors i mentioned and who do not take benefits are young millienials who graduated from school.

I am explaining that is not the case , its the immigrants/refugees that have the greater share of employment 85% and who also moved off welfare quickly when they arrived and where they now receive less.

I am not saying Somali immigrants are employed as doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers or other educated professions in high numbers etc And i am just stressing accurate representation just because they are not employed in highly skilled professions doesn't meant most are automatically all uber drivers lmaao

But you are right though , most Somalis are young and the labor profile and income levels will change substantially in the next few years as they move into the work force and especially into more skilled higher paying jobs.
My bad then, I wasn’t following the back-and-forth between you guys. I just quickly skimmed the comments without reading into details before I commented. And the post of his I replied to was a standalone comment without a quoted reply so it looked to me like it was separate from your conversation at first glance. Nonetheless, now that I’ve read them, the points he was making that you were arguing against were clearly wrong on his end.


🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
How are household incomes identified? Two parents only? Or does it include all adults? If it's the latter, I don't buy it, even if many Somali adults living with their parents are unemployed. It's probably aroud the median. There are many Somali homes with household incomes exceeding $250K due to working adult kids. But many Somali homes have unproductive kids. Most second generation ones don't even make the median income from my experience.
Stop makin excuses those other groups are above us because when they came here they took out loans or saved up so they can go to school and get an actual job while Somalis came just to drive taxis drink shah make 10 kids and collect welfare for their whole life. Other groups came here with ambition we just came here to barely hang on.

The only difference between us and the other groups is they know what a fuckin condom is maybe if the adeers used those and learnt real skills right away we would be higher up on the list. No excuse for an upti that came here 30yrs ago to be still driving taxi for min wage.
All of ur comments have been hilarious 😂😂😂
I came as an adult immigrant. My income went from 3k first year and gradually hit 140k last year. This year that amount went up by 20k. I am a FOB and represent 90% somalis who came to this country. I make more money than US-Born kids who went to college and graduated with top degrees.

