i just wanna know where @Bahal found that wall of txt nd if he read it all
chump might actually have a stormfront acct![]()
Not only that in the US their kids emulate black americans and in the UK they emulate Jamaicans. Black Americas and Jamaicans have influence all over the world but say Somali to people around the world and the reaction you might get is where is the feed the world concert going to be...that is if they know what a Somali is. But these phuckers want to do a show-and-tell to boast about their dislike for AAs and Caribbean people. That's just friggin awesome......in a real retarded sort of way.
Do you tell this to your white friends? Of how deprived Somali sare? They're wearing Hijabs just like their hooyosSomali girls are not free to take off the hijab. That's a fact. Somali parents force them to wear it when they're fucking toddlers.
This niggaLol, the inevitable chimpout.
You still haven't answered why a bunch of 1st generation Somali refugees straight out of refugee camps are outscoring native AAs that live in the same environment.
kkkkkkkk how do you feel about getting "dissed" by the "people" you "ape"
Creep no one has any obligation to answer question you pulled out your arse. I have seen your kind on storm front trying to give Nazis a reach-around even as they spit in your face. So your kind have no credibility whatsoever.....and you and yours are more liable to sticking sticks of dynamite up your arses and running into crowds than you are to be making any kind or real contribution.....anywhere.
Why does it matter where the study is from?
Surely AAs in Seattle are better off than AAs in Detroit or Chicago?
Why does it matter where the study is from?
Surely AAs in Seattle are better off than AAs in Detroit or Chicago?
Lol, the inevitable chimpout.
You still haven't answered why a bunch of 1st generation Somali refugees straight out of refugee camps are outscoring native AAs that live in the same environment.
You just don't fukkin get it.
It's there's a larger number of African immigrants in that area than of course there's bound to be some who score higher on tests.
if only I knew them lil niggas in the starving kid commercials would've grown up to talk so much shyt![]()
What part of:
1. Immigrants(except for somalis) tend to be more successful than natives
2. Children who are multilingual tend to do better on standardized test than those who are mono-lingual.
3. Seattle has a very small African-American population to begin with. And the high IQ of the population would be the result of migrant tech employees working for big companies Nintendo, Microsoft, and Amazon. Not some pre-secondary school children.
4. African-Americans as a whole have a much higher income, college graduation rate, and employment rate than your carefully screened and vetted population in America.
......is your tiny mind wrapped in your extra ordinarily large head having trouble grasping?
Now, can you explain to me the reason as to why somalis in America perform worse than refugees from the Former Soviet Union, Vietnam, Former Yugoslavia, Iraq, Myanmar despite having less of a refugee intake than all of those groups or why they all managed to restore peace and rebuild their nations(save for Iraq)?
that was Ethiopiaif only I knew them lil niggas in the starving kid commercials would've grown up to talk so much shyt![]()