Vaccine Chips Are Now Being Introducted, Is This The New Future ?

To all u getting panicked, just remember: this is a private company, with a poorly though out idea.

No democratic gov would mandate this lol. No electorate would accept this.

You're getting your knickers in a twist for nothing lol
To all u getting panicked, just remember: this is a private company, with a poorly though out idea.

No democratic gov would mandate this lol. No electorate would accept this.

You're getting your knickers in a twist for nothing lol
You can't see the threads colliding to the singular point. I'll give you breadcrumbs.

Demiurge and Archons
Hylics vs Psychics
Sons of Belile and the fall of Atlantis
The Great Reset
Saturn worship and the cube
Simulation theory

I see a future that's digital, not material. What's real will be distorted. Escapism will be call paradise, but it'll mentally be hell.
You can't see the threads colliding to the singular point. I'll give you breadcrumbs.

Demiurge and Archons
Hylics vs Psychics
Sons of Belile and the fall of Atlantis
The Great Reset
Saturn worship and the cube
Simulation theory

I see a future that's digital, not material. What's real will be distorted. Escapism will be call paradise, but it'll mentally be hell.
Get some sleep sxb


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I maybe naive but I don't think they can get away with mandating chips in representative democracies. Vaccines are one thing but convincing the public to go along with something out of a dystopian scifi novel is another. Even diehard pro-gov libs will raise eyebrows at the idea of everyone being chipped like a dog.
They can easily be convinced. The notion of sub-dermal RFID chips implanted is far from new. It won't take much to prime the public into acceptance. Of course there will be refuseniks but at what cost. As for Vaccine compulsion. A year or two ago you would not be able to fathom an individual being let go of their job, kicked out of school, fined to the tune of 10,000, removed from an organ donor list or prevented from buying food for denying a medical intervention. A medical intervention with an absolute risk reduction of 0.84, where 1,200 people out of 42,000 died in a 2-month follow up during a Pfizer Pharmocovigilance survey with a significant proportion of participants suffering adverse events. Adverse events seriously downplayed or never mentioned to many of those vaccinated. Under normal conditions these investigative innoculations would have been suspended long ago. 50-100 reported deaths out of tens of millions that received the 1976 Swine Flu vaccine were enough to stop its use. That is not the case to day. The vaccine injured are gas lit by many health professionals, underreported by reporting systems, barely acknowledged by the media and censored online for misinformation.
They can easily be convinced. The notion of sub-dermal RFID chips implanted is far from new. It won't take much to prime the public into acceptance. Of course there will be refuseniks but at what cost. As for Vaccine compulsion. A year or two ago you would not be able to fathom an individual being let go of their job, kicked out of school, fined to the tune of 10,000, removed from an organ donor list or prevented from buying food for denying a medical intervention. A medical intervention with an absolute risk reduction of 0.84, where 1,200 people out of 42,000 died in a 2-month follow up during a Pfizer Pharmocovigilance survey with a significant proportion of participants suffering adverse events. Adverse events seriously downplayed or never mentioned to many of those vaccinated. Under normal conditions these investigative innoculations would have been suspended long ago. 50-100 reported deaths out of tens of millions that received the 1976 Swine Flu vaccine were enough to stop its use. That is not the case to day. The vaccine injured are gas lit by many health professionals, underreported by reporting systems, barely acknowledged by the media and censored online for misinformation.
Nah, I disagree sis.

- Vaccine mandates have been present for hundreds of years. In fact, George Washington required his troops to get vaccinated against smallpox in 1777. There was a mandate in 1850s England for the smallpox (one of the deadliest disease in history).

There were loads of mandates for vaccines against diseases such as Tetanus, Polio, Measles, Rubella. These were horrible disease, which the vaccine mandates have bought under control.

So I'm not really surprised that people who work in healthcare sector are being given ultimatums. Ain't nothing new.

The logic for vaccine mandates is that it saves lives, and the data backs this strongly. The science is clear, and the public support that. So democratic govs have the power to order mandates.

The chip doesn't. It doesn't save lives, and not many support it. Do remind me if there's a mandate anytime in a democratic government.
A medical intervention with an absolute risk reduction of 0.84, where 1,200 people out of 42,000 died in a 2-month follow up during a Pfizer Pharmocovigilance survey with a significant proportion of participants suffering adverse events. Adverse events seriously downplayed or never mentioned to many of those vaccinated.
Just a sidetone, but this is incorrect.

So if this were true, the vaccine wouldn't be approved. You underestimate how rigorous medical regulators are. So far, 8.6 billion shots of covid vaccines have been given, the vast majority in the west is Pfizer. Let's say the quote in bold is true, and this pattern followed:
- 1200/42000 = 2.8% death rate from highlighted quote. 284m shots of the Pfizer vaccine has been given to Americans so far. For arguments sake, let's say everyone took two doses, so 142 million americans took the vaccine (284/2). In this case, you'd expect : 2.8% x 144 million = 4.05 million deaths from the vaccine within 2 months. Safe to say, not true.

Billions have now taken the Pfizer vaccine, myself included. If even 0.1% of people who have been vaccinated with Pfizer had serious adverse effect, that would still be a million people. We would have known by now, because this is exactly the data medical regulators track. So again, probably incorrect.

PS - you're a lot more eloquent than I am. I like your writing style.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Nah, I disagree sis.

- Vaccine mandates have been present for hundreds of years. In fact, George Washington required his troops to get vaccinated against smallpox in 1777. There was a mandate in 1850s England for the smallpox (one of the deadliest disease in history).

There were loads of mandates for vaccines against diseases such as Tetanus, Polio, Measles, Rubella. These were horrible disease, which the vaccine mandates have bought under control.

So I'm not really surprised that people who work in healthcare sector are being given ultimatums. Ain't nothing new.

The logic for vaccine mandates is that it saves lives, and the data backs this strongly. The science is clear, and the public support that. So democratic govs have the power to order mandates.

The chip doesn't. It doesn't save lives, and not many support it. Do remind me if there's a mandate anytime in a democratic government.

Just a sidetone, but this is incorrect.

So if this were true, the vaccine wouldn't be approved. You underestimate how rigorous medical regulators are. So far, 8.6 billion shots of covid vaccines have been given, the vast majority in the west is Pfizer. Let's say the quote in bold is true, and this pattern followed:
- 1200/42000 = 2.8% death rate from highlighted quote. 284m shots of the Pfizer vaccine has been given to Americans so far. For arguments sake, let's say everyone took two doses, so 142 million americans took the vaccine (284/2). In this case, you'd expect : 2.8% x 144 million = 4.05 million deaths from the vaccine within 2 months. Safe to say, not true.

Billions have now taken the Pfizer vaccine, myself included. If even 0.1% of people who have been vaccinated with Pfizer had serious adverse effect, that would still be a million people. We would have known by now, because this is exactly the data medical regulators track. So again, probably incorrect.

PS - you're a lot more eloquent than I am. I like your writing style.

On Issues with Vaccine Mandates
  • The US Federal Government has never enacted an overarching vaccine mandate, adversely impacting the livelihood of individuals (Conklin, 2021).
  • In considering a state-wide smallpox vaccination law in 1905, a fine of $5 was imposed, which was challenged in a supreme court case (Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 1905). However, that is very little compared to a 7,200 EUR = 8100 USD fine the Austrian government intends on imposing upon the unvaccinated (EURACTIV, 2021).
  • Pandemic measures such as lockdown carry steep social, economic, health, and psychological costs with marginal benefits (Allen, 2021). Furthermore, vaccine mandates threaten a segment of the population with social ostracism, employment loss, and blocked access to higher education, contributing to greater human suffering.
  • How can vaccine mandates uphold principles of social justice, bodily autonomy, and equity when unjustly discriminating against individuals, some with natural immunity posing no excess risk to the public relative to their fully vaccinated counterparts (Wheelock & Ives, 2021)?
  • Do governments wish to alienate groups from marginalized communities where vaccine uptake is lower with a history of medical mistrust due to unethical human experimentation (i.e., African Americans and Native Americans)?
On Vaccine Injuries and Deaths
  • VAERS accounts for 1% of vaccine-induced injuries, according to a Harvard Pilgrim Health Care study (Lazarus and Klompas, 2010).
  • Pantazatos & Seligmann (2021) state that VARES data is underreported by a factor of 20 which means that of the nearly 20,000 deaths, one could estimate 400,000 possible COVID-19 post-vaccination deaths.
  • This is an anecdotal reporting system, but there is gross underreporting even then. Its telling that even with this low number of deaths (20,000), they amount to more fatalities than an aggregate of all US vaccine deaths reported in the past 30 years (OpenVAERS, 2021).

  • That makes the 1976 case of Swine Flu deaths negligible in comparison, but officials suspended its use even then.
  • Perhaps it is a matter of the money being too good (now) and the regulatory oversight less than stellar, especially since conflicts of interest are widespread in biomedical research and difficult to limit, especially with industry-sponsored vaccine studies (Wheelock & Ives, 2021).

Please tell me why 520 individuals recovered from their adverse event but had a long-term disability. There were 11,361 not recovered at the time of the report. About 27% of individuals have not recovered from their adverse event, while 1223 died. If we take these figures together, 31% of individuals either died or had a long-term or permanent side effect from this injection within the first 3-months this vaccine was rolled out (in the report). Of course, we could always blame that on COVID, climate change, pollution, too many freedoms, or whatever other excuses they can come up with.

It is not like anyone will care, though, especially if they are personally not harmed (and do not know anyone who is). If you would like, I have added the pdf to this post.

On a side note, I can name ten people (friends, family, and acquaintances) on the top of my head, which I know with heart issues and at least three suspected deaths. They claimed they did not have pre-existing heart issues despite prior COVID infection pre-vaccine. My intuition certainly tells me something is not right. I cannot claim causation, but I can respectfully decline.

  1. Allen, D. W. (2021). Covid Lockdown Cost/Benefits: A Critical Assessment of the Literature.
  2. Conklin, M. (2021). Subsidizing the Unvaccinated: Considering the Legality and Practicality of Vaccine Mandates for Those on Public Assistance. Available at SSRN 3979133.
  3. EURACTIV, 2021. Austria considers €7,200 fine for unvaccinated. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 19 December 2021].
  4. Lazarus, R., Klompas, M., & Bernstein, S. (2010). Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP: VAERS). Grant. Final Report, Grant ID: R18 HS, 17045.
  5. OpenVAERS. (2021). Mortality. Retrieved 19 December 2021, from
  6. Pantazatos, S. P., & Seligmann, H. (2021). COVID vaccination and age-stratified all-cause mortality risk.
  7. v Massachusetts, J. 197 US 11 (1905). Google Scholar.
  8. Wheelock, A., & Ives, J. (2021). Vaccine confidence, public understanding and probity: time for a shift in focus? Journal of Medical Ethics.
Here is an easily accessible video of the harms of the COVID-19 vaccines. I know one of the physicians that is a part of the organization that helped create it.

So, long.


  • PfizerConfidential2021.pdf
    987.5 KB · Views: 179
@Sophisticate, thanks for the detailed response, and for the link to the PDF. It took some time to read the doc and to assess the claims in detail.

I responded to your previous message, not because I think I'll convince you, but to address claims that seemed misleading. To that end, I'll address just two things:
1) briefly show vaccine mandates w/ fines are not a new thing (minor point really)
2) Explain why your statements w/ regards to the pfizer report are incorrect or misleading.

Alright, I'll get on with it.

1) The earliest compulsory vaccination law I can find is the 1853 Vaccination act (against smallpox), passed in the UK. All parents had to vaccinate their infants, or else expect a fine or imprisonment (source).

This shows that although current vaccination laws around the world may seem draconian, it's not the first time people have been fined for not following vaccination laws.

There's nothing to suggest democratic govs are planning on putting chips in their people. Our phones are much more convenient way of tracking people lol.

2) On VAERS:

On Vaccine Injuries and Deaths
  • Pantazatos & Seligmann (2021) state that VARES data is underreported by a factor of 20 which means that of the nearly 20,000 deaths, one could estimate 400,000 possible COVID-19 post-vaccination deaths.
  • This is an anecdotal reporting system, but there is gross underreporting even then. Its telling that even with this low number of deaths (20,000), they amount to more fatalities than an aggregate of all US vaccine deaths reported in the past 30 years (OpenVAERS, 2021).
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- I couldn't access the paper you're quoting (Pantazatos & Seligmann), but it hasn't been peer reviewed, so I wouldn't make any conclusions from this yet.

- You're right, VAERS is useful, however, it is anecdotal. As you know, anyone can submit a report, even if it is incorrect. Until the reports are verified, you can't make any conclusions. Here's a quote from the VAERS website:

"When evaluating data from VAERS, it is important to note that for any reported event, no cause-and-effect relationship has been established. Reports of all possible associations between vaccines and adverse events (possible side effects) are filed in VAERS. Therefore, VAERS collects data on any adverse event following vaccination, be it coincidental or truly caused by a vaccine. The report of an adverse event to VAERS is not documentation that a vaccine caused the event." (Source)

- The FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccinations to VAERS. (source, source). This has surely contributed to this high figure. Especially considering the illest and most vulnerable people have been vaccinated. Covid vaccines don't prevent deaths from natural causes.

- There have been reports that anti-vaxxers have been submitting false reports (source).

- It's likely minor side effects of vaccinations (such as soreness on injection site) are underreported on VAERS. However, serious and unexpected medical events are more likely to be reported than minor side effects. (source)


View attachment 209524
Please tell me why 520 individuals recovered from their adverse event but had a long-term disability. There were 11,361 not recovered at the time of the report. About 27% of individuals have not recovered from their adverse event, while 1223 died. If we take these figures together, 31% of individuals either died or had a long-term or permanent side effect from this injection within the first 3-months this vaccine was rolled out (in the report). Of course, we could always blame that on COVID, climate change, pollution, too many freedoms, or whatever other excuses they can come up with.

It is not like anyone will care, though, especially if they are personally not harmed (and do not know anyone who is). If you would like, I have added the pdf to this post.
Alright, so I've actually read this, and you've misunderstood it.

This is a quote from the top of page 6: "An accumulation of adverse event reports (AERs) does not necessarily indicate that a particular AE was caused by the drug; rather, the event may be due to an underlying disease or some other factor(s) such as past medical history or concomitant medication."

-None of those 1223 deaths can be attributed to the vaccine. A causal link cannot be established from this data. Why? because you'd need a control group as well. This happened for the clinical trials!! Same story for the disabilities.

-You've also gotta remember, the first people to be given the vaccines were the most vulnerable. So I imagine they had a higher risk of death than general population.

-Regarding Pfizer covid-19 jab safety, it is very safe. The most serious known side effect is myocarditis.
The rate of myocarditis occurs at is 1.4 per 100,000 vaccinated individuals with Pfizer. (Source)

- It's important to note, most people recover well from myocarditis (source).

-In fact, the first probable death from the Pfizer vaccine was reported in August 2021 (source), after almost 400 million doses have been administered worldwide.

- The World Health Organisation and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) estimate covid-19 vaccines have saved 470,000 lives in Europe alone (Source).

Fwiw, I'm not judging your decision on whether you choose to get vaccinated or not, just disputing the claims.

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