Venezuela elections/my predictions

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

I really like this map because I think it shows you which countries in Latin America are left and which ones are super mega extreme left- but you have to know already which ones are leftist.

Mexico (AMLO), Brazil (Lula)- left
Nicaragua (Ortega), Bolivia (Luis Arces I think), Cuba (Miguel Díaz-Canal)- super mega extreme left

I propose the test of whether Latin countries are left or super mega extreme left is whether they pretend they believe in Venezuelan elections.

This also illustrates how out of touch all those people of other regions are who are pro-Maduro are. I'm not pro the opposition, I'm not pro the Juan Guaído type elements. But people actually supporting Maduro and presenting him as a hero... what they are doing is like someone who says "I stand with the Arab world" and supports Bashar al-Assad. It's very similar. The person either is sinister (communist, shia, etc.) or they just don't know very much about the region. Venezuelans are in terror of their government, Maduro is not some Nayyib Bukele figure where international imperialism hates them but is backed by massive popular support.

AMLO (who openly praised Fidel Castro) and Lula haven't even recognized the election. But there are people of other regions who are pro Maduro.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

communist parties of the above mentioned countries disavow the fake election. I don't believe in or care about democracy but the election fakery shows that the dictatorship isn't popular


Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I actually just ran into a Venezuelan like an hour ago. he had left Venezuela like four years ago so he's lived under Maduro.

one thing he told me- and this is consistent with what I believe and what I've read and heard- is nobody in Venezuela actually believes in the official ideology.

the people inside Venezuela who support the gov- they do so because they are getting some kind of personal benefit. no one in Venezuela actually supports the government for ideological reasons, out of actually believing in the ideology. they are in some way receiving some sort of benefit from the gov and they support the gov in exchange. this is according to what he told me.

I think they are like how I think some of the Eastern European countries were before they abandoned communism. these countries were officially communist but it may have been that no one actually believed in communism. you just had a system in place and you had certain people who were tied in with the system- but without people actually believing in communism.

the people that you see from other regions- and I say other regions because generally they are not Latin Americans- who push the narrative that Maduro is some kind of hero, I think they are either sinister or they are clueless people, similar to people who support Bashar Al-Assad.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
It will be interesting to see whether Venezuelans try to coup him or another 6 years of more poverty

well let's say for sake of argument that someone was to say "Omar del Sur is a pro-US shill! Maduro is supported by the people! If Maduro was really so unpopular- how does he stay in power?"

how do we answer that?

well... to my understanding, things are like this-

in Venezuela, the ordinary people are unarmed. Venezuela is not like the US with the second amendment- the people are not allowed to have guns.

the criminals and the pro-government forces are armed. the pro-government forces btw not only include army and police forces but also the armed progov paramilitaries called colectivos.

so these groups are armed and the ordinary people are unarmed.

only a minority is pro-government (and for reasons of personal gain), the vast majority is anti-government. but that antigov majority is unarmed while the progov minority is armed to the teeth.

this is why the ordinary people cannot get rid of Maduro.
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