Very dissapointed in Somali Regions

My ancestors should have went to either ethiopias or kenyas highlands, instead my awoowes choosed to stay in the dry Somalia. This is why I say oromos are the most succesful cushitic group, guys abandoned their dry place in Northern Kenya and invaded the lush, green mountains of Ethiopia.
Your ancestors went for diversification. Just like a good fund manager they got you a lot of everything. An ocean so you can fish in, rivers so you can drink and water your gardens, dry mountains so you can gain your stones, emeralds, cement and limestones to build, tropical landscape so you can grow your bananas and tomatos, lots of land so you can graze your lifestock, and far borders. Its akin the diversification of terrain the U.S responsible for its success. But like ungrateful children of the wealthy forever spolit, lazy and entitled we chose to squander instead of build on their success.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Your ancestors went for diversification. Just like a good fund manager they got you a lot of everything. An ocean so you can fish in, rivers so you can drink and water your gardens, dry mountains so you can gain your stones, emeralds, cement and limestones to build, tropical landscape so you can grow your bananas and tomatos, lots of land so you can graze your lifestock, and far borders. Its akin the diversification of terrain the U.S responsible for its success. But like ungrateful children of the wealthy forever spolit, lazy and entitled we chose to squander instead of build on their success.

This just cope walaal, Somaliweyn is 90% arid and we don’t even fish except for small minority due to majorities idiotic attitudes.

All hope is not lost, with a bit of irrigation, planting trees and whole lot of other shit can we turn our country green.

